General information

Subject type: Mandatory

Coordinator: Jorge Oter Gonzalez

Trimester: Second term

Credits: 6

Teaching staff: 

Jaume Teodoro Sadurní
Miguel Guillén Burguillos 

Teaching languages

  • Spanish
  • Catalan

Teaching in Catalan and materials in Spanish and English.

Presentations of the subject's work in English are especially valued.


Specific skills
  • E10_Apply processes, methods and techniques to develop creativity and innovation in audiovisual production, multimedia development and video game programming

  • E12_Planning business strategies related to the economic and social phenomena typical of the welfare society and the digital entertainment industry. Turn ideas into actions in a creative and innovative way

  • E19_Creation, administration and management of audiovisual companies in their industrial structure of production, distribution and exhibition

Transversal competences
  • T2_That students have the ability to work as members of an interdisciplinary team either as one more member, or performing management tasks in order to contribute to developing projects with pragmatism and a sense of responsibility, making commitments taking into account the available resources


The subject of Entrepreneurship and Innovation, together with that of Economics and Business Administration, form a compact subject that aims to enable students to work in the current business environment characterized by a high competitive level, a strong innovation and a need for professionals with initiative and drive.

It is an eminently practical training subject that focuses on the central competencies of entrepreneurship / innovation according to what current research and practice in this field includes.

Upon completion, the student must have achieved a good level in skills such as: i) alertness (ability to detect and identify opportunities), ii) creativity (ability to respond to opportunities in an original way) iii) initiative personal (ability to carry out the solution autonomously by mobilizing the necessary resources to achieve it).

Entrepreneurial / innovative competence is essential in the training of higher graduate students in accordance with the current European University Framework (Entrecomp Framework / EU) and the one that regulates the MECES2 level (Ministry of Universities). In this sense, graduates are expected to have the initiative, creativity and autonomy to develop either from within an already established organization (as an intrapreneur) or by creating their own initiative (as entrepreneurs). conventional or as social entrepreneurs).

1 ECTS = 10 hours of guided learning + 15 hours of autonomous learning = 25 hours of dedication

  GMA Planning (6 ECTS)
# Theory 1 (Wednesday) Theory 2 (Thursday) Internships deliveries
1 Subject presentation  Concepts I Introduction to ToolBoard Canvas A1: Individual Activity Presentation card
2 Concepts II Team work Scene 0: Team (work with A1) A2: Individual activity: text comment
3 Design thinking  Design Thinking workshop Scene 1: Identification of the challenge  1st free practice (scene 0 and 1)
4 Design research methods  Research methods in design (observations and opportunity) Scene 2: Observations A3: Design Thinking video
5 Creativity methods (no class/ recoveries) Scene 3: Opportunity  
6 Partial test 1 Business models Scene 4: Ideation 2on free practice (scene 2 and 3)
7 Business models Business model workshop-2 Scene 5: Business Model A4: Individual activity: business models
8 Ideation methods (offer prototype) Validation methods Scene 6: Offer  3rd free practice (scenes 4, 5 and 6)
9 Finance for Entrepreneurs Workshop on how to open a company Scene 7,8 and 9: Validation  
10 Visit of an entrepreneur Public team presentations  4 art. practice free (Final Pitch)
Exam.   Final exam (test 2)    


Block A: Fundamentals of entrepreneurship and innovation (30%)

Concepts in entrepreneurship and innovation. Research and state of the art in the field. Success stories in the sector. Incremental innovation and disruptive innovation. Open innovation. Cultural industries and creative industries (value chain) and market. Innovation management. Financing and investment in entrepreneurship. Seed capital and risk capital. Entrepreneurial skills. creativity Design Thinking. Person-centered design. Design of Services. Agile methodologies. Lean Startup. Tools in entrepreneurship and innovation. Entrepreneurial team. Motivation, attitude and talent in entrepreneurship and innovation. Eclectic team.


Block B: Design of the entrepreneurship and innovation project (70%)

In entrepreneurship and innovation, the main theme of the project is value creation. Value creation is based on the search for the problem-solution fit and the supply-demand fit. Based on this assumption, the entrepreneurial / innovative person is the one who turns a problem or need into demand (not covered, poorly solved or that can be solved better with new technologies or new knowledge).

To carry out an innovative project from the Agile philosophy, three phases can be distinguished: research (problem to be solved), ideation (solution) and validation/implementation (market initiative). In each phase, the entrepreneurship/innovation skills of the curriculum are developed in learning by action: in research the skill of identifying opportunities, in ideation the skill of creativity and in validation the skill of initiative / move to the action


1. Research Phase (of the problem / need to identify the opportunity)

1.1. Starting challenge.

Concepts: Trends. Technologies. Environment. Value chain. Stakeholders Analysis

Methods: Data analysis. DAFO.PESTEL. 5 forces.

Tool: Mind map of the challenge

2.2. Research in problem area

Concept: Problem. Need.

Methods: Qualitative interview. Ethnography.

Development tool: Observation mural.

2.3. Definition and framework of opportunity

Concept: Empathy. Insight. Innovation.

Methods: Problem synthesis. Person.

Development tool: Synthesis map by empathy


2. Ideation Phase in E&I (of the opportunity identified in the solution from the ideation)

2.1. Value proposition

Concept: Value. Idea.

Methods: Brainstorming. Co-creation. Selection / evaluation of ideas

Development tool: Map of ideas

2.2. Business Idea

Concept: Business model. Business variables

Methods: Value generation.

Development tool: Canvas of business model

2.3. Unique offer of value

Concept: Customer experience. Minimum viable product.

Methods. Conceptual prototype. Functional prototype.

Development tool: Customer travel map (service blueprint)


3. Validation Phase in E&I (from the solution delimited in a first iteration to a competitive market offer and able to capture demand)

3.1. Customer generation

Concept: Customer Generation. Market. Scalability.

Methods: Lean Startup. MVP.

Development tool: Canvas validation

3.2. Financial roadmap.

Concepts. Income statement. Stock. Treasury. Investment

Methods: Metrics. Experiments. Economic and financial plan.

Development tool: Financial roadmap

3.3. Launch of the Initiative / demand

Concept: Seed capital. Investment forum. StartUp

Methods: Business case.

Development tool: Mind map of the pitch

Evaluation system

Concept Weighting observation
Individual activities 20% Free from ecampus
Internships 40% 3 frees of equal weight and different rubric (see rubric on ecampus). Compulsory attendance (only one absence without official justification is allowed). 
Theory 40%  Test 1: (40% theory mark)
 Test 2: (60% theory grade)
Final note 100% To pass, an average grade of 5 or higher is required, and in addition, both the theory and practical grades must be at least 5. In extraordinary evaluation (recovery of the theory part only), the maximum possible final grade is of 5. In the event that the practice grade is less than 5, the subject is automatically suspended with no recovery option,



Identification of plagiarism is considered a serious circumstance that may lead to a failing grade in the subject. In case of detection of plagiarism, the coordination of the degree will be informed so that the corresponding disciplinary measures can be taken.



Osterwalder, Alexander et al. (2010). Business model generation: A handbook for visionaries, game changers, and challengers.

Teodoro, Jaume. 2017. Collection of class notes 


Blank, Steve (2012). The startup owner's manual: The step-by-step guide for building a great company. Pescadero, Calif: K & S Ranch, Inc.

Laugh, Eric. (2011). The lean startup: How today's entrepreneurs use continuous innovation to create radically successful businesses. New York: Crown Business.