What are you looking for?
B4_That students can convey information, ideas, problems and solutions to both specialized and non-specialized audiences
B5_That students have developed those learning skills necessary to undertake further studies with a high degree of autonomy
V12. Apply entrepreneurial initiative and innovation for the creation of new video games and business lines.
T1_That students know a third language, which will be preferably English, with an adequate level of oral and written form, according to the needs of the graduates in each degree
T2_That students have the ability to work as members of an interdisciplinary team either as one more member, or performing management tasks in order to contribute to developing projects with pragmatism and a sense of responsibility, making commitments taking into account the available resources
This course introduces the student to the world of video games and their terminology in English. The student prepares for future professional development in English: both with written and oral communication. Students will be required to write texts related to video games, develop their own video game concept and present it to the rest of the class and record a Let 's Play Video with comments. They will be free to choose the video game they want to work on.
There will also be additional activities to assimilate new vocabulary, videos and documentaries about the sector will be viewed and commented on, and grammar exercises such as fill the gaps, rephrasing, concordance, etc. will be carried out. The system of continuous evaluation will be used, that is to say, the final note of the student will depend to a large extent of the exercises and activities realized during the asignatura. It is not possible to pass this subject only by taking the final exam.
1. Game analysis (Game Reviews) - Reading comprehension - Written expression
2. Presentation of a video game project (Game Concept Presentation) - Oral expression
3. Interviews / Documentaries of the sector - Oral comprehension
4. Let’s Play (LP) and other audiovisual material - Oral comprehension - Oral expression
The final grade of the course will be obtained from the following weighting:
A1. Exercise in class: Reading and analysis of reviews real 5%
A2. Work at home: Delivery of an original (critical) analysis 10%
A3. Work at home: Presentation of a video game project (Game Concept Presentation) 10%
A4. Exercise in class: Visualization and commentary of interviews / documentaries on referents of the sector 5%
A5. Exercise in class: Additional comprehension and oral expression activities 5%
A6. Exercise in class: Visualization of Let's Plays 5%
A7. Work at home: Creating a Let's play original 10%
A8. Final exam 50%
Final Note = A1 x 0.05 + A2 x 0.10 + A3 x 0.10 + A4 x 0.05 + A5 x 0.05 + A6 x 0.05 + A7 x 0.10 + A8 x 0.50
It is necessary to obtain a mark higher than 5 in the final exam / equivalent test to pass the subject.
An activity not delivered or delivered late and without justification (court summons or medical matter) counts as a 0.
It is the responsibility of the student to prevent plagiarism in all its forms. In the case of detecting a plagiarism, regardless of its scope, in some activity it will correspond to have a note of 0. In addition, the professor will communicate to the Head of Studies the situation so that measures applicable in matter of sanctioning regime are taken. .
It is necessary to obtain a mark higher than 5 in the final exam / equivalent test of recovery to pass the subject. The activities carried out in class will not be able to recover, will only allow the delivery of works realized in house no presented, the works presented will not be able to realize again and the note of the examination of recovery will do average with all of them with the same percentages.
Rules for carrying out the activities
Hewings, M. (2005). Advanced grammar in use: a self-study reference and practice book for advanced learners of English; with answers. Ernst Klett Sprachen.
Skolnick, Evan (2014). Video Game Storytelling. Berkeley: Watson-Guptill Publications.
Anthropy, Anna and Clark, Naomi (2014). Exploring the Foundational Principles Behind Good Game Design. Addison-Wesley Professional