What are you looking for?
Check the schedules of the different groups to know the language of teaching classes. Although the material can be in any of the three languages.
B4. That students can convey information, ideas, problems and solutions to both specialized and non-specialized audiences.
B5. That students have developed those learning skills necessary to undertake further studies with a high degree of autonomy.
E1. Recognize the environment in which the organization operates, the operation of the company and its functional areas and the instruments of analysis.
E2. Apply the basics of marketing and market research.
E3. Identify the qualitative and quantitative tools of analysis and diagnosis for market research.
E4. Analyze and evaluate strategies for developing, launching and positioning new products, as well as making decisions regarding the variable of the product, price, distribution and communication.
E5. Recognize the particularities of marketing activity in sectors of activity with specific characteristics.
E8. Synthesize ideas to make them feasible and profitable business understanding the current market.
G1. Be able to work in a team, actively participate in tasks and negotiate in the face of dissenting opinions until reaching consensus positions, thus acquiring the ability to learn together with other team members and create new knowledge.
G2. Be able to innovate by developing an open attitude to change and be willing to re-evaluate old mental models that limit thinking.
T3. Demonstrate entrepreneurial leadership and leadership skills that build personal confidence and reduce risk aversion.
T5. Develop tasks applying the knowledge acquired with flexibility and creativity and adapting them to new contexts and situations.
This subject is intended to train students to make a marketing plan, with special emphasis on the strategic planning of the discipline. Students will analyze the strategy of different successful companies, make case studies and develop their own marketing plan.
The classroom (physical or virtual) is a safe space, free of sexist, racist, homophobic, transphobic and discriminatory attitudes, either towards students or teachers. We trust that together we can create a safe space where we can make mistakes and learn without having to suffer the prejudices of others.
0. Introduction Marketing Plan
1. Analytical phase
2. Strategic phase
3. Operational phase
- 20% Continuous assessment.
- 50% Subject group project (University – Company):
- 30% Formal project described
- 15% Project exhibition
- 5% of the project grade corresponds to the company assessment
- In the event that the company is owned by some of the students, the percentage will be the same grade as the final grade of the written project.
- In the event that the University Company Project company does not submit an assessment, the percentage will be the same grade as the final grade of the written project.
- 30% Final exam.
In order to be able to make an average with the activities of the continuous assessment, the minimum grade for the subject's group project must be a minimum of 5.
To pass the subject, you need an overall average grade, a weighted summation of the continuous assessment and the grade of the group project, minimum of 5 out of 10.
To be able to appear at the first call:
Having delivered the formal written project.
Realization of the exhibition of the group project.
Minimum group project grade of 5 out of 10.
Take the final exam.
If you do not achieve a minimum grade of 5 out of 10 in the first call, you can take the make-up exam, which weighs 30% of the final grade, averaging the work and continuous assessment.
Sainz de Vicuña, JM (2007). "The Marketing Plan in practice." Madrid: ESIC Editorial.
Kotler, P. & Keller, K. (2011). Marketing Management 14th Edition, Upper Saddle River, NJ, Prentice Hall.
Lieb, Rebbeca; (2016) Content, the atomic particle of marketing: the definitive guide to content marketing strategy¿
Lamb, C., McDaniel, C. & Hair, F. (2015). MKTG: Marketing. 7th ed. Cengage Learning Publishers.
Sainz de Vicuña, JM (2007). "Marketing Strategies". Madrid: ESIC Editorial.
Munuera, JL, Rodríguez, AI (2009). "The Marketing Plan in SMEs". Madrid: ESIC Editorial.