General information

Subject type: Mandatory

Coordinator: Monica Juliana Oviedo León

Trimester: Second term

Credits: 4

Teaching staff: 

Roberto Dopeso Fernandez
David Puertas Graell 
Jose Ignacio Monreal Galán 

Teaching languages

  • Spanish


Specific skills
  • E13. Identify the basic tools of e-Marketing.


  • E15. Gather and interpret meaningful data to make judgments that include reflection on relevant business issues and be able to prepare a document that allows for the transmission of information or an innovative business proposal.

  • E3. Identify the qualitative and quantitative tools of analysis and diagnosis for market research.

General competencies
  • G1. Be able to work in a team, actively participate in tasks and negotiate in the face of dissenting opinions until reaching consensus positions, thus acquiring the ability to learn together with other team members and create new knowledge.

Transversal competences
  • T4. Master computer tools and their main applications for ordinary academic and professional activity.

  • T5. Develop tasks applying the knowledge acquired with flexibility and creativity and adapting them to new contexts and situations.


Fundamental analysis tools within the scope of a Strategic Marketing Plan, through the application of metrics that serve as support in the company's decision-making and in the application of management indicators. Study of the instruments of descriptive statistics to organize, summarize, deepen and present the information coming from secondary or own sources and to make inference by means of the same.


Topic 1

  • Introduction
    • What are and why are marketing metrics important?
    • What is statistical inference.

Topic 2

  • Metrics in marketing.
    • Basic metrics.
    • Web and social media metrics.

Topic 3

  • Estimation of population parameters
    • Distribution of the mean of random variables: Central Limit Theorem.
    • Punctual estimation of the population average.
    • Punctual estimation of the population proportion.
  • Confidence intervals of population parameters
    • Standard error. Estimation by intervals. Confidence level. Estimation error.
    • Confidence intervals of the population average.
    • Confidence intervals of population proportion.
    • Confidence intervals of the difference in population averages.
    • Confidence intervals of the difference in population proportions
  • The sample size
    • Relationship between sample size and estimation error.
    • Calculation of sample size to estimate the mean or population proportion.

Topic 4

  • Contrast of statistical hypotheses
    • Concepts of null hypothesis and alternative hypothesis. Significance level, Type I error (alpha), Type II error (beta). P-value. Critical value. Zone of rejection of the null hypothesis.
    • Contrast of the population average.
    • Contrast of the population proportion.
    • Contrast the difference in population means for independent samples.
    • Contrast the difference in population proportions for independent samples

Topic 5

  • Analysis of variance to a factor
    • Comparison of more than two population averages.
    • Analysis of variance (ANOVA).
  • Contingency Tables
    • Attribute independence test.
    • The Ji-Square distribution.

Topic 6

  • Multivariate analysis (I)
    • Regression Analysis
    • Factor analysis
    • Cluster analysis

Evaluation system

- SE2. Individual and Group Work 30% (Theoretical Exercises within each topic)

- SE5. (Portfolio), SE3 (Presentations and Exhibitions) 10% (Case Studies, Reading Control, Presentation of the results of the Group Exercises, Discussion of Articles and Class Participation)

- SE4. 60% Final Exam

To pass the course you must obtain a grade equal to or higher than 4/10 in the final exam, and that the average of the continuous assessment and the exam is higher than 5/10.

There will be a recovery at the end of the quarter. Only the Final Exam grade will be recovered, so 40% of the grade is unrecoverable.



Kohler, U. and Kreuter, F. (2012) Data Analysis Using State, Third Edition, State Press

Farris, Paul W., Neil T. Bendle, Phillip E. Pfeifer, and David J. Reibstein (2015). Marketing Metrics: The Definitive Guide to Measuring Marketing Performance. 3rd ed. Pearson Education.

Backhaus, K., Erichson, B., Gensler, S., Weiber, R., & Weiber, T. (2021). Multivariate Analysis. Wiesbaden: Springer Gabler. in Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden GmbH.


Lind, DA; Marchal, WG; Wathen, SA, et. at the. (2012) Statistics applied to business and the economy, 15ª ed. Mc Graw Hill.

Doncel, Alejandro Domínguez, and Gemma Muñoz Vera (2010). Marketing Metrics. Pozuelo De Alarcón (Madrid): ESIC.

J., Arriaza Gómez A. et. At the. (2008) Basic Statistics With RY R-Commander. Cádiz: Universidad De Cádiz, Servicio De Publicaciones.