General information

Subject type: Mandatory

Coordinator: Monica Juliana Oviedo León

Trimester: Second term

Credits: 6

Teaching staff: 

Raimon Sastre Boquet

Teaching languages

  • Catalan
  • Spanish

The classes will take place in Catalan.

Els materials complementaris poden ser en català, castellà o anglès. 


Basic skills
  • B4. That students can convey information, ideas, problems and solutions to both specialized and non-specialized audiences.

Specific skills
  • E10. Analyze and evaluate the role of digital communities and social media in business.

  • E11. Apply the knowledge to undertake business projects that allow the creation of new companies or the improvement of existing ones, applying innovative and creative ideas.

  • E14. Apply the knowledge acquired to the management of digital communities.

  • E1. Recognize the environment in which the organization operates, the operation of the company and its functional areas and the instruments of analysis.

  • E5. Recognize the particularities of marketing activity in sectors of activity with specific characteristics.

  • E7. Manage in a timely and convenient manner the resources available in the work environments in which it is to be directed.

  • E9. Apply technological tools for the use of business resources through Marketing.

General competencies
  • G1. Be able to work in a team, actively participate in tasks and negotiate in the face of dissenting opinions until reaching consensus positions, thus acquiring the ability to learn together with other team members and create new knowledge.

  • G2. Be able to innovate by developing an open attitude to change and be willing to re-evaluate old mental models that limit thinking.

Transversal competences
  • T5. Develop tasks applying the knowledge acquired with flexibility and creativity and adapting them to new contexts and situations.


The objective of this subject is for students to learn a create a content marketing strategy adapted to objectives that come marked by a business, institutional or personal brand strategy, making the main focus on the wider part of the sales funnel (TOFU) focused on making the brand known and generating trust towards the potential customer . Content marketing avoids push marketing where the purchase is proposed to the potential customer, but the ground is prepared for the same consumer to approach the brand voluntarily and also make the purchase without any type of pressure or request The mark. 

The subject enables the student to understand the different contents generated for any company in the digital environment, so that it can be related to the main stakeholders (employees, customers, shareholders, media, digital media, bloggers, communities, etc.).

During the subject of content marketing we will talk aboutstorytelling, copywriting techniques to attract the user and more attractive content formats, as well as other strategies to generate content such as content curation.

We will also enter the world of transmedia culture and what it means to create transmedia content. 

La artificial intelligence will have a constant presence throughout the course to analyze content creation tools through AI tools.


Topic 1. Introduction to content marketing

1.1 Definition of the concept.

1.2 Phases of inbound marketing.

1.3 Inbound marketing vs. Outbound marketing.

1.4 Content creation. Classifications and types of digital content.

Topic 2. Non-intrusive marketing tools.

  • Corporate web.
  • Block.
  • Newsletter.
  • e-books.
  • guides
  • white books
  • Press releases. Press room 2.0.

Topic 3. Elaboration of contents and writing

3.1 Journalistic writing techniques: inverted pyramid, 6W, KISS...

3.2 Creative writing techniques and writing 2.0: hyperlinks, highlights, F pattern...

3.3 Curation of contents. Authors and models. 

Topic 4. Multimedia contents

  • Video.
  • Audio: podcasting. 
  • Infographics.
  • Memes
  • Digital tools.

Topic 5. The communicative context of marketing.

  • Marketing in the connected society. 
  • Communication 2.0, prosumers and infoxication. 
  • Personal brand vs. corporate brand.

Topic 6. Transmedia in content marketing.

Topic 7. Storytelling.

  • Narrative companies.
  • Creating motivational messages. 

Topic 8. New trends: what are the next steps in content creation?



Evaluation system

The final assessment of the Content Marketing subject will consist of a final exam, a Strategic Content Plan (PEC) and a group presentation of the PEC, with the following weightings: 

50% exam
Strategic Communication Plan 40%
Presentation 10%  

• The subject is face-to-face and must be followed from the beginning of the course.

• If a student is expelled from class, the subject is suspended with no possibility of recovery.

• To pass the subject it is necessary to pass the final exam, regardless of whether the overall average of the subject is passed (not so in the case of group work)



Freire Sánchez, Alfonso (2017). How to create brand storytelling? Barcelona: Editorial UOC.


Guallar, Javier and Leiva-Aguilera, Javier (2013). The happy curator. Barcelona: Editorial UOC.

Izuzquiza, Francisco (2019). The Great Podcasting Notebook. Madrid: Kailas Editorial.


Salmon, Christian (2001). Storytelling. Barcelona: Ediciones Península


Sanagustin, Eva (2020). Content marketing. Own edition.


Sanagustin, Eva (2016). Content strategy. Own edition.


Scolari, Carlos A. (2013). Transmedia narratives. Barcelona: Deusto.