What are you looking for?
B5. That students have developed those learning skills necessary to undertake further studies with a high degree of autonomy.
E10. Analyze and evaluate the role of digital communities and social media in business.
E13. Identify the basic tools of e-Marketing.
E14. Apply the knowledge acquired to the management of digital communities.
E9. Apply technological tools for the use of business resources through Marketing.
G1. Be able to work in a team, actively participate in tasks and negotiate in the face of dissenting opinions until reaching consensus positions, thus acquiring the ability to learn together with other team members and create new knowledge.
G2. Be able to innovate by developing an open attitude to change and be willing to re-evaluate old mental models that limit thinking.
T4. Master computer tools and their main applications for ordinary academic and professional activity.
T5. Develop tasks applying the knowledge acquired with flexibility and creativity and adapting them to new contexts and situations.
The course aims to take a tour of different aspects of the audience of media and / or products, from the main theories on the effects of the media on audiences, to its measurement and new ways of relating between senders and receivers of communication through narratives.
At the end of the course the student will be able to design a strategic communication plan aimed at thecommitment with the audience based on an active audience model.
Topic 1. Theories of media effects
Item 2. The reception of the media
Topic 3. New Media
Topic 4. Narratives
Item 5. Active audiences
The final grade of the course will be obtained from various activities of continuous assessment and a final face-to-face exam. Part of the continuous assessment activities will be individual and another will be group work activities.
Summary of the evaluation of the subject:
Continuous assessment activities they are not recoverable, however they do not require a minimum grade. The final exam requires a minimum grade of 4 to choose to take the average and pass the subject.
Humanes, Maria Luisa; Igartua, Juan José. (2004). Theory and research in social communication. Madrid: Synthesis.
Fry, Hanna; (2019). Hello world !. Barcelona: Blackie Books.
Jenkins, Henry (2006). Fans, bloggers and videogames. Exploring Participatory Culture. New York: NYU Press.
Neira, Helena. (2015). The other screen. Barcelona: Editorial UOC.
Scolari, Carlos (2013). Transmedia narratives. When all the media count. Bilbao: Deusto.
Jenkins, Henry. (2008). Convergence Culture. The culture of convergence in the media. Barcelona: Paidós.
Prada, Juan Martin (2018). Watching and imaging in internet time. Madrid: AKAL Editions.
Salmon, Christian (2008). Storytelling. The machine for making stories and formatting minds. Barcelona: Watchtower.