What are you looking for?
CB5_That students have developed those learning skills necessary to undertake further studies with a high degree of autonomy.
CB1_That students have demonstrated knowledge and understanding of an area of study that is based on general education, and is usually found at a level that, while supported by advanced textbooks. Also includes some aspects that involve knowledge from the forefront of their field of study
CE1_Know and identify the structure and function of the human body. Understand the molecular and physiological basis of cells and tissues
CG6_Basing nursing interventions on scientific evidence and available media
CT 1 Develop the ability to assess inequalities based on sex and gender, to design solutions
The subject Structure and Function of the Human Body I is taught during the first year.
In the first part of the subject, the basic concepts, the organization of the human body and the tissues that make it up are discussed and then these concepts are integrated into the body's devices or systems.
Its fundamental mission and objective is the knowledge of the human body from a structural (anatomy) and functional (physiology) perspective.
Both concepts, presented in an integrated way, promote understanding and place students in an ideal situation for understanding the disease (physiopathology).
It is therefore a subject that analyzes the human organism as an integrated whole of organs and functions, which in a coordinated way maintain its balance and its adaptation to its environment (homeostasis).
It is a basic concept in the work of the nursing professional, ensuring that the person's balance is maintained and/or restored, both physically and psychologically. For this, it is an indispensable condition to know the anatomical and physiological normality, and, based on the same, its dysfunction, the disease.
The gender perspective will be an aspect that the teaching staff will take into account by making an inclusive and non-sexist use of language and promoting the equal participation of everyone in a respectful and inclusive environment both in lectures and in seminar sessions. Female bibliographic references will be provided in the classroom to the extent that the subject allows it and the full first name of the authors will be used. Regarding the images of the content in the teaching material, the non-perpetuation of stereotypes will be encouraged. The different responses in women and men will become visible in terms of the exposure of risk factors underlying the onset of disease, the differences due to sex and gender in the manifestations and experience of the disease. Epidemiological studies have identified differences in the frequency of diseases between sexes, as well as differences in life expectancy; key concepts that will be integrated into the teaching syllabus.
Basic General Concepts: Basic levels of organization of the human body. Basic life processes
Organization of the Human Body. Atoms, molecules. Organic and inorganic compounds. Chemical reactions. Forms of energy
homeostasis concept Feedback systems
Levels of cellular organization. Cell structure and physiology. Protein synthesis. Cell division: phases
genetics Nucleic acids. Genotype and phenotype. Chromosomal structure
Classification of tissues
Epithelial tissue. classification Structure and functions
Integumentary System classification Structure and functions
Connective tissue. classification Structure and functions. Concept of Extracellular Matrix (ECM)
Bone fabric classification Structure and functions. osteogenesis
Muscle tissue. classification Structure and functions
Metabolism. Metabolic reactions. Energy transfer. Energy balance
Nervous Tissue classification Structure and functions
Nervous system. Neurons, synapses, neurotransmitters
Central Nervous System (CNS)
Peripheral Nervous System (SNP)
Autonomic Nervous System (ANS): Sympathetic and Parasympathetic Nervous System
Physiology of sleep
Shoulder girdle
Upper extremity
Head and neck
Chest and abdomen
Pelvic girdle
Lower extremity
Diencephalic - Pituitary axis
Thyroid and parathyroid gland
Pancreas (endocrine), thymus and pineal gland
Adrenal gland, ovary and testicle
Hearing and balance
Touch and pain
Seminar 1. Palpatory anatomy (musculoskeletal) of skull, shoulder girdle and upper extremity
Seminar 2. Palpatory anatomy (musculoskeletal) of the thorax, abdomen, spine, pelvic girdle and lower extremity
Seminar 3. Neuro-endocrine system. Integrated study of the nervous system and the endocrine system
The assessment system for the skills and learning outcomes of this subject includes different assessment activities for Subject 1 - Anatomo-physiopathology:
Evaluation system |
Minimum weighting |
Maximum weighting |
SE1. Exam |
30% |
60% |
SE2. Individual works |
5% |
40% |
SE3. Teamwork |
5% |
40% |
SE4. Classroom participation |
5% |
20% |
A system of quantitative (from 0 to 10) and qualitative (suspended, approved, notable, excellent, honorary registration) is used according to RD 1125/2003.
The total or partial copy in any of the learning activities means a "Not Presented" in the subject, without option to present in the proof of recovery and without prejudice of the opening of a file for this reason.
According to UPF regulations, students who have the option of retrieving the subject are those who have obtained a “suspended” grade, which are the only ones that can be modified in the recovery process.
The evaluation system and recovery period are detailed in the Learning Plan available in the virtual classroom at the beginning of the subject.
Principles of Anatomy and Physiology. 15 Ed. Gerard J. Tortora and Bryan H. Derrikson. Edit Med Panamericana. Madrid 2018
Treatise on Medical Physiology. 14 Ed. John E. Hall and Arthur C. Guyton. Edit Elsevier. Barcelona 2021
Anatomy and Physiology. 8th Ed. Kevin T. Patton and Gary A. Thibodeau. Madrid 2013
Atlas of Human Anatomy. 7 Ed. Frank H. Netter. Edited by Elsevier Masson. Barcelona 2019