General information

Subject type: Mandatory

Coordinator: Carolina Chabrera Sanz

Trimester: Second term

Credits: 5

Teaching staff: 

Alba Sanvicente Prados
Isabel Navarri Ramos 

Teaching languages

  • Catalan
  • Spanish


Basic skills
  • CB5_That students have developed those learning skills necessary to undertake further studies with a high degree of autonomy.

  • CB1_That students have demonstrated knowledge and understanding of an area of ​​study that is based on general education, and is usually found at a level that, while supported by advanced textbooks. Also includes some aspects that involve knowledge from the forefront of their field of study

  • CB3_That students have the ability to gather or interpret relevant data (usually within their area of ​​study), to make judgments that include reflection on relevant social, scientific or ethical issues

Specific skills
  • CE13_Apply the nursing process to provide and guarantee the well-being, quality and safety of the people being cared for

  • CE14_Know and apply the principles that underpin comprehensive nursing care

  • CE15_Direct, evaluate and perform comprehensive nursing care, to the individual, the family and the community

  • CE18_Identify the characteristics of women in the different stages of the reproductive cycle and in menopause and in the alterations that may occur by providing the necessary care at each stage. Apply general care during the maternity process to facilitate the adaptation of women and newborns to new demands and anticipate complications

  • CE19_Know the specific aspects of newborn care. Identify the characteristics of the different stages of childhood and adolescence and the factors that make up the normal pattern of growth and development. Know the most common health problems in childhood and identify their manifestations. Analyze the child's assessment data, identifying nursing problems and complications that may arise. Apply techniques that integrate nursing care, establishing a therapeutic relationship with children and their caregivers. Select interventions aimed at the healthy child and the patient, as well as those derived from the methods of diagnosis and treatment. Be able to provide health education to parents or primary caregivers.

General competencies
  • CG3_Know and apply the foundations and theoretical and methodological principles of nursing

  • CG4_Understand the interactive behavior of the person according to gender, group or community, within their social and multicultural context

  • CG6_Basing nursing interventions on scientific evidence and available media

  • CG1_To be able, in the field of nursing, to give adequate technical and professional attention to the health needs of the people they care for, in accordance with their state of development of the scientific knowledge of each moment and with the levels of quality and safety that are established in the applicable legal and deontological norms

  • CG2_Planning and providing nursing care aimed at individuals, families or groups, oriented to health outcomes, assessing its impact, through clinical practice and care guidelines, which describe the processes by which a patient is diagnosed, treated or treated health problem

Transversal competences
  • CT 1 Develop the ability to assess inequalities based on sex and gender, to design solutions


The subject Nursing and Maternal Nursing is part of the compulsory training in the basic curriculum of the Degree in Nursing. In the curriculum approved by the School of Health Sciences, the subject is located in the second year of the degree.

The subject includes the study of the development of the fetus, the healthy newborn and its growth and normal development from the neonatal period to adolescence. It also addresses the different health problems, which appear more frequently at this stage of life.

The development of the subject allows the student to know the main situations that may arise during these stages, which are essential to be able to plan nursing interventions that help children, adolescents and families to deal in the most appropriate way the different problems of health, as the child by being so, has specific characteristics and age-related limitations, from which derive specific nursing care in both health and disease.


BLOCK1: Maternal Nursing

SUBJECT 1: Nursing care during pregnancy, childbirth, puerperium and menopause.

  •   1.1. Female genital couple anatomy.
  •   1.2. Female Genital Cycle.
  •   1.3. Menstrual cycle variations
  •   1.4. Stages of life.
  •   1.5. Gynecological examinations.
  •   1.6. Family planning.

SUBJECT 2: Gestation.

  • 2.1. Physiology of pregnancy: Fertilization, Nesting, Placement, Embryogensi

         2.1.1. Avantport hemorrhages

            1st trimester: Implantation metrorrhagia, miscarriage, ectopic pregnancy, MOLA

            3rd Trimester: Previous placenta, Premature detachment of normoinserted placenta

         2.1.2. Threat of premature birth

  • 2.2. Hypertensive states of pregnancy: Pre-eclampsia, Eclampsia

TOPIC 3: Part.

  • 3.1. Type of birth: eutocic birth, dystocic birth.
  • 3.2. Concept of normal birth
  • 3.3. Attention to normal childbirth according to scientific evidence: Clinical practice guidelines

3.3.1. Care during childbirth mother and baby

  • 3.4. Dystocic birth and / or perinatal risk

3.4.1. Cardiotocographic record

3.4.2. Cesarean section


SUBJECT 4: Puerperi.

  • 4.1. Definition of Puerperi
  • 4.2. Anatomical and functional changes of the puerperium
  • 4.3. Care for the puerperium: care based on scientific evidence
  • 4.4. Breastfeeding

      4.4.1. Mammary gland anatomy

4.4.2.Physiology of breastfeeding

4.4.3. LM support

4.4.4.Valuation taken LM

4.4.5.Problems during LM

4.4.6. Kidneys, Mastitis

  • 4.5. Encourage emotional bonding mother / newborn / partner
  • 4.6. Health problems during the puerperium: Postpartum hemorrhage


BLOCK 2: Pediatric and adolescent nursing

SUBJECT 1: Introduction to the infirmary of the childhood and the adolescence.

  • 1.1. Conceptual basis of child and adolescent nursing. Historical framework of pediatric nursing care. Evolution of maternal and child care. Concept and limits of pediatrics. Stages in which childhood is subdivided.
  • 1.2. Healthcare demographics. Mortality and morbidity in the field of pediatric nursing. Main indicators of infant mortality. Health demography: causes of morbidity and infant mortality. Factors affecting children's health. School nursing.

TOPIC 2: Neonatology.

2.1. The healthy baby.

The baby. Classification of the baby according to weight and gestational age. Adaptation of the newborn to extrauterine life. Respiratory and circulatory changes. Mechanisms of fetal circulation. Newborn assessment. Assessment of the vitality of the newborn. Apgar test. Morphological characteristics and criteria of normality. Neurological examination of the baby. Archaic reflections.

2.2. Main Neonatal Procedures.

Material needed for use in any birth mind for baby care.

Birth room: Weight, aspiration of secretions: collection of the cord sample (group and Rh). Vitamin K administration and ocular prophylaxis. Cord care. Identification.

Nursery: Check identification. Temperature control and level. H ª of the newborn. Weight, length. Ranialc perimeter. Cord care. Control of urination and deposition. Early diagnosis of metabolopathies.

2.3. Nursing care in the newborn at risk.

High-risk newborn. Premature newborn. Physical characteristics. The low birth weight baby and the postterm baby. Newborn with respiratory problems: hyaline membrane. Respiratory distress. Causes and types. Newborn with jaundice: concept, bilirubin metabolism and classification of jaundice. Newborns at risk related to maternal situations: diabetes, preclampsia, drug addiction and infectious processes.

2.4. Congenital malformations of high incidence and / or special interest.

Transient benign cutaneous manifestations. Neonatal pathology associated with childbirth (Caput sucedáneum, cephalo-hematoma, bone fractures, nerve injuries). Most common genetic malformations (Sd. Edwards, Sd. Down, Sd. Turner, Sd. Klinefelter). Most common congenital malformations by organs:

  • From the digestive tract: Hare lip. Crack or palatal fissure, sublingual brake.
  • Of the nervous system:  Spina bifida. Myelomeningocele. Hydrocephalus.
  • From the urinary tract: Hypospadias. Epispadia. Hydrocele. Cryptorchidism.
  • Of the osteomuscular apparatus: Zambos feet. Hip dysplasia

SUBJECT 3: Nursing in the different evolutionary stages of the healthy child.

3.1. Growth characteristics.

Growth concepts. Pattern of growth and maturation in the different stages of childhood (Infant, preschool, school and adolescent). Methods and techniques for measuring and assessing growth and development. Percentile tables and their interpretation. Factors influencing growth. Pathological deviations of growth.

3.2. Characteristics of development.

Development concepts. Psychomotor development of children from 0 to 3 years. Qualitative Indicators, Denver Scale and East Table. Bone development. Development of the sense organs. Psychosocial development. Language development. Sphincter control. Development in adolescence: Sexuality. You were Tanner. Disorders of puberty.

3.3. Food in the different periods of childhood.

Characteristics of infant feeding.

  • Breastfeeding: Main characteristics of breastfeeding. Advantages of breastfeeding for the child and the mother. Breastfeeding technique. Most common problems in breastfeeding. Contraindications to breastfeeding. Conservation of breast milk.
  • Artificial breastfeeding: Formulas for healthy infants: start formulas and continuation formulas. Techniques and guidelines for the administration of breastfeeding.

Special formulas and related pathologies: Formulas to present term. Intolerance Formulas for healthy infants: start formulas and continuation formulas. Techniques and guidelines for the administration of breastfeeding

lactose. Lactose-free formulas. Allergies and intolerance to cow's milk proteins. Hydrolyzed formulas. Vegetable formulas. Elementary diets. Functional foods: pre and probiotics. Formulas with minor modifications: Anticolic, anti-reflux and anti-constipation.

Complementary food (beikost), in the infant. Food in preschool, school and adolescent. Nutritional needs of the infant. Food in preschool, school and adolescent. Food pyramid. Needs and caloric distribution for children and adolescents.

3.4. Immunizations.

Concept of immunity. Vaccines for systematic administration in childhood. General rules for the administration of vaccines, indications, specific contraindications, routes of administration and adverse reactions. Vaccine calendars. Vaccinations in special situations in childhood. Vaccinations in the immigrant child.


SUBJECT 4: Problems of health in the childhood and the adolescence.

4.1. Sudden infant death.

Definition of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome. Risk factors that have been associated with an increased incidence of sudden death. Current recommendations for the prevention of sudden death.

    4.2. Child's respiratory problems.

Upper respiratory tract: Acute otitis media. Acute stridulous or obstructive laryngitis (croup).

Lower respiratory tract: Bronchiolitis / Bronchitis. Pneumonia. bronchial asthma.

    4.3. Exanthematous diseases.

Generalities: Definition of exanthematous disease. Classification of rashes. Signs and symptoms of major exanthematous diseases. Nursing Care in Measles, Rubella, Infectious Megaerythema, Chickenpox, Scarlet Fever and Sudden Rash.

4.4. Infectious diseases of childhood.

Definition of infectious disease. General care for childhood infectious diseases: Whooping cough. Bacterial meningitis, Mumps, gastroenteritis (viral and bacterial).

4.5. Dermatological problems of the child.

Dermatological problems: eczema, impetigo, dermatitis, urticaria and sudamine.

4.6. Digestive problems of the child.

Infant colic. Vomiting. Diarrhea. Constipation. Recurrent abdominal pain.

Celiac disease. Gastrophageal reflux. intestinal parasites.

4.7. Problems of the child's renal and genitourinary system.

Urinary tract infection in the child. Urinary disorders in childhood. Enuresis. Primary vesicouretal reflux. nephrotic syndrome.

4.8. Most common signs and symptoms in pediatrics.

The fever. the cough.


TOPIC 5: The sick child.

5.1. Neurological problems of the child.

Seizures and epileptic seizures. Cure the child in a coma. neurological examination.

5.2. The oncological child and adolescent.

Evolution of pediatric cancer in recent years. Most common tumors in childhood. Emotional impact of the disease on the child and his family. Nursing care during the process. Support and assistance to the child and family. Nursing care. Treatments: Chemotherapy. Radiotherapy. Surgery. Side effects of treatment.

5.3. Pain in pediatrics.

Characteristics of childhood pain. Pain assessment methods. Nursing interventions related to pain relief.

5.4. The hospitalized child and adolescent.

Effects of hospitalization on the child and family at different stages of development. Psychological aspects of hospitalization. Sources of anxiety and stress in the hospitalization process. Dysfunctional behaviors in the hospitalized child. Interventions and strategies to reduce stress by hospitalization and performing nursing techniques and procedures. Joint mother / father-son hospitalization.

5.5. Procedures and techniques in the hospitalized child and adolescent.

Measurement and assessment of vital signs (T ª, TA, RF and FC). Collection of samples. Types of peripheral venous accesses most used in pediatrics. Drug administration, calculation of dose in pediatrics and type of route: Rectal, oral, intravenous, intramuscular route.

SUBJECT 6: Emergencies in the boy and the adolescent. 6.1. Accidents in childhood.

Introduction. Accident prevention: epidemiology, most common forms, nursing action. Risk assessment according to the evolutionary stage. Nursing interventions in burns. Drowning and extraction of foreign bodies. Poisonings. Tips for safety and accident prevention. Insect bites and stings.


Evaluation system

The assessment system for the skills and learning outcomes of this subject includes different assessment activities for Subject 5 - Advanced Nursing Sciences:


Evaluation system

Minimum weighting

Maximum weighting

SE1. Exam


Present in several = 20%

Present in several = 60%

SE2. Individual works



Present in several = 40%

SE3. Teamwork



Present in several = 40%

SE4. Classroom participation


Present in several = 10%

Present in several = 40%

SE5. Seminars



Present in several = 40%

SE7. Practical test


Present in several = 20%

Present in several = 50%

SE8. Individual follow-up



Present in several = 20%


A system of quantitative (from 0 to 10) and qualitative (suspended, approved, notable, excellent, honorary registration) is used according to RD 1125/2003.

The total or partial copy in any of the learning activities means a "Not Presented" in the subject, without option to present in the proof of recovery and without prejudice of the opening of a file for this reason.

According to UPF regulations, students who have the option of retrieving the subject are those who have obtained a “suspended” grade, which are the only ones that can be modified in the recovery process.

The evaluation system and recovery period are detailed in the Learning Plan available in the virtual classroom at the beginning of the subject.




Aguilar Cordero, Mª J. Breastfeeding. Elsevier. Madrid 2005.

Chaure, I. Inarejos M. Pediatric nursing. Ed. Masson; Barcelona: 2001.

Crespo C. Nursing Care in Neonatology. Ed. Synthesis; Madrid 2000

Díaz, NM Gómez García C and Ruiz García MªJ. Treatment of nursing in childhood and adolescence. McGraw-Hill Inter-American; Madrid 2006

Hernández M., Gómez S. Child and adolescent nursing I, II, III; Healthy Newborn Nursing; Fundamentals of Child and Adolescent Nursing. ENFO Editions for FUDEN. 2007.

Kübler-Ross E. Children and death. Ed: Luciérnaga; Barcelona, ​​2003.

Protocol for preventive and health promotion activities in pediatric age. Generalitat de Catalunya, 2008.

Schulte EB, Price DL, Gwin JE. Thompson's Pediatric Nursing. 8th edition. Ed. McGraw-Hill Inter-American. Mexico 2002.

Wale, LF, Wong, DL Pediatric Nursing. 4th edition. Ed. Mosby-Doyma 1995.

Aguilar Cordero, MJ Treatise on infant and adolescent nursing. Ed. Elsevier Science. Madrid, 2003.

MORALES IM, GARCÍA, JM. Guide to rapid intervention in Pediatric Nursing. Ed. DAE Madrid, 2003.

Morales, IM, García, JM. Guide to rapid intervention in Pediatric Nursing. Ed. DAE Madrid; 2003.