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The subject will be taught in the Catalan language by default. This criterion may be modified from time to time in response to general or specific situations that require it. La llengua d'expressió de l'alumnat en el context de l'aula, així com en el desenvolupament de les diferents activitats d'avaluació, podrà ser català o castellà indistintament.
CB4_That students can convey information, ideas, problems and solutions to an audience, both specialized and non-specialized
CB2_That students know how to apply their knowledge to their job or vocation in a professional way and have the skills that need to be demonstrated through the elaboration and defense of arguments and the resolution of problems within their area of study
CE8_Identify the psychosocial responses of people to different health situations (in particular, illness and suffering), selecting the appropriate actions to provide help in them. Establish an empathetic and respectful relationship with the patient and family, depending on the person's situation, health problem and stage of development. Use strategies and skills that allow effective communication with patients, families and social groups, as well as the expression of their concerns and interests
CE11_Identify, integrate and relate the concept of health and care, from a historical perspective, to understand the evolution of nursing care
CG4_Understand the interactive behavior of the person according to gender, group or community, within their social and multicultural context
CG5_Design care systems aimed at individuals, families or groups, evaluating their impact and establishing the appropriate modifications
CG6_Basing nursing interventions on scientific evidence and available media
CG16_Know the health information systems
CG19_Enjoy autonomy and critical ability to use ICT
CT 1 Develop the ability to assess inequalities based on sex and gender, to design solutions
Anthropology is first and foremost a human science, and as we saw in the first year, from this field it has much to offer to reflection and nursing practice.
Anthropology is also but a social science, highly applicable in the professional field, and a transformative science.
It is in this sense that the integration of anthropological concepts and methodologies in health professional sectors is a constantly expanding reality: teams of anthropologists and anthropologists today design projects of international cooperation and community development in the socio-health field, advising public health policies , coordinate and evaluate programs for the adaptation of national health care systems to the growing cultural diversity, advise on health promotion and education campaigns, develop epidemiological studies from qualitative methodologies, are involved in the cultural adequacy of the clinical relationship (such as in the field of cross-cultural psychiatry), in therapeutic prescriptions, in the management of care, etc.
Starting from this premise, and with a vocation to complete the more theoretical or reflective aspect worked on in the first year, the subject "Health and multiculturalism" is presented to third-year students with the ambition of making known the more applied side , practical and professional in the Anthropology of Health. To open a space in which - in short - you can "see" and "touch" the most operational dimension of anthropology within the field of health, paying particular attention to how this helps to focus and manage challenges at a practical level posed by cultural diversity.
At a practical level, this orientation will be based on a thematic approach to the fields of international cooperation, mental health, maternal-child health and social epidemiology, emphasizing how Medical Anthropology allows identifying problems, designing interventions, evaluating results and generate critical awareness in each of these fields.
LO1. Identify the diversity of health practices in relation to the diversity of cultural contexts
LO2. Assess culturally appropriate strategies in the health care planning process
LO3. Incorporate culturally appropriate strategies into the health care process (culturally competent nursing interventions
LO4. Describe and analyze health-illness-care problems in an anthropological key.
LO6. Identify the socio-cultural factors that influence a person's behavior
MD1. Sessions of expository classes: aimed at the presentation and discussion of the central contents of the syllabus.
MD2. Seminars: Specialized presentations, cooperative learning activities, analysis and presentation of readings, dynamism of debates, case studies. (Mandatory attendance)
MD6. Face-to-face group tutoring: Follow-up activities and formative assessment to guide the learning of concepts, skills and attitudes. Pedagogical guidelines for improving cooperative and individual learning.
MD11. Independent work: Reflective synthesis of the general contents of the subject, readings and analysis of texts, viewing of audiovisual materials, exploration of additional resources, preparation of assessments.
The course will have a modular structure, consisting of a general introduction, and followed by four specific thematic modules. The organization of the contents of the subject will be fixed according to the following itinerary:
Module 1: Introduction to Applied Medical Anthropology. The module will focus on the reconstruction of the process of conceptual, social and technical scientific evolution, which has led to the convergence of Medical Anthropology and Health Sciences. This module will be presented in an introductory format, and will be the only one that will be developed through plenary sessions.
Module 2: Direct attention and interculturality. Anthropology, Cultural Diversity and Mental Health Nursing. The module will approach the reality of CSM's (Mental Health Centers), paying special attention to how psychiatry, and especially Nursing, responds to the challenges of cultural diversity in the field of Mental Health.
Module 3: International health, cooperation and interculturality. Contributions of anthropology to the implementation of socio-health interventions for development. Work based on real cases implemented by NGOs in Latin American and African countries, with special emphasis on interventions in the field of health of refugee populations from the Middle East
Module 4: Critical Medical Anthropology. Approach to the uses of medical anthropology for the observation and critical analysis of the economic, political and socio-cultural processes organized around the health-disease-care process. More specifically, the module will invite reflection on the so-called “medicalization process” through the analysis of current cases.
Module 5: Sexual and reproductive health. Contributions of medical anthropology to the critical analysis of hegemonic systems of representation in the field of reproductive health, as well as of the main care models derived from them. Approach to new discourses and care practices: the birthing houses.
As specified in the training activities section, the subject will combine different formats. Even so, there will be a clear predominance of the seminar format. At the same time, each thematic module will conclude with the visit of professionals from the different areas discussed, guaranteeing the connection of the contents with the professional reality. After the end of the course, the idea is that the students will have received visits from Mental Health Nursing professionals, qualitative researchers in the field of public health, midwives in maternity hospitals, and international collaborators in programs of socio-health development that operate in areas
Type Activity ECTS HOURS Attendance
AF1. Master class 0,5 16 1/25
AF2. Face-to-face tutorials 0,5 8 0.5/13
AF5. Seminars 0,5 8 0.5/13
AF9. Personal study 2,5 50 4/100
The assessment system is designed with the intention of stimulating a progressive assimilation of learning objectives. The combination of different assessment activities will encourage the acquisition of formal and reflective skills, as well as an integrated view of the contents and practices proposed throughout the course.
The evaluation criteria of the different activities will be presented in the first class and will be posted in the virtual classroom of the ESCS where they can always be consulted by students in favor of clarity and transparency.
In any case, the relationship between assessable activities, percentage of weighted score and assessed competencies is specified under the following formula:
Component A. SE1: Active Participation Seminars (15%)
Component B. SE2: Seminar reports. Individual Continuous Evaluation System (60%)
Component C. SE3: Presentation final synthesis session (25%)
Conditions for averaging: Obtain a grade equal to or higher than 5 in assessment components A, B and C, and have attended the four mandatory seminars and the final synthesis session.
In case of not meeting the criteria to pass the subject in the ordinary call, the suspended components will have to be recovered with deadline delivery on the date fixed for that purpose in the official calendar of the course
Alarcón, AM. (2003) "Intercultural health: elements for the construction of its conceptual bases". Rev.Médica Chile, vol.131, pp.1061-106
Association of Birth Midwives at Casa de Catalunya. (2018, May 1). Guide to home birth assistance [Clinical practice guide]. Retrieved from http://www.llevadores.cat/docs/publicacions/Guia_PartCasa_2018.pdf
Bourdin, Marie-Jo. (2013). "The approach of medical-clinical anthropology in the relationship of help in an intercultural context." Social education. Journal of Socioeducational Intervention, 54, p. 61-67
Campos Bernabeu, Daniel, & Díaz-Meco Niño, Ana María. (2016). Experience in the Saharawi refugee camps, cultural perspective of health. Nursing Index, 25(3), 194-197. Available at http://scielo.isciii.es/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S1132-12962016000200015&lng=es&tlng=en.
Correa Urquiza, M. (2012). Mental health: new territories of action and social listening. Profane knowledge and possible strategies. In M. Desviat, and A. Moreno, Actions of mental health in the community (pp. 885-893). Madrid: Spanish Association of Neuropsychiatry.
Quotation marks; Hammer; Bernal (eds.) (2009) Nursing and Anthropology. Sufferers, caregivers and cared for. Icaria, Barcelona
Fernández Juarez, Gerardo, ed. (2006) Health and interculturality in Latin America. Anthropology of health and intercultural criticism. Quito, Abya-yala.
Forcades and Vila, Teresa. (2012). The medicalization of social problems. Cuban Journal of Public Health, 38(Suppl. 5), 803-809. (available at http://scielo.sld.cu/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S0864-34662012000500013&lng=es&tlng=es)
Johannisson, K. (2006) The signs. The doctor and the art of body reading. Melusina, Spain.
Martinez Hernáez. angel Anthropology versus psychiatry: the symptom and its interpretations. rev. Assoc. Esp. Neuropsych., 1998, vol. XVIII, n.º 68, pp. 645-659.
General Assembly of the United Nations. (sf). Human rights-based approach to abuse and violence against women in reproductive health services, with special emphasis on childbirth care and obstetric violence. Available at https://undocs.org/es/A/74/137
Evangelidou, Stella; Colazos, Paco; Qureshi, Adil. (2016) Brief Guide on Mental/Psychosocial Health Support for Syrian refugees in Spain. Norte de salud mental, vol. XIV, nº 55: 66-77
Fernández Juarez, Gerardo, ed. (2006) Health and interculturality in Latin America. Anthropology of health and intercultural criticism. Quito, Abya-yala.
Roosta, Manigeh (2013) Maternal Health in contexts of interculturality. La Paz: Plural Editores
Casal-Moros, Norma, & Alemany-Anchel, Mª José. (2014). Symbolic violence in childbirth care, an approach from Bourdieu's perspective. Nursing Index, 23(1-2), 61-64. https://dx.doi.org/10.4321/S1132-12962014000100013
González, E. Comelles JMª, eds. 2000 Transcultural Psychiatry. Madrid: Spanish Association of Neuropsychiatry