What are you looking for?
The subject will be taught in Spanish with the intensive use of readings, videos, and other materials in English, so that the ratio of languages would be as follows:
Spanish 50%
English 50%
Students will be able to use Catalan in their exhibitions and presented works.
CB2. That students know how to apply their knowledge to their work or vocation in a professional way and possess the skills that are usually demonstrated through the elaboration and defense of arguments and the resolution of problems within their area of study. .
CE13. Identify the basic tools of e-Marketing.
CG2. Be able to innovate by developing an open attitude to change and be willing to re-evaluate old mental models that limit thinking.
CT4. Master computer tools and their main applications for ordinary academic and professional activity.
CT5. Develop tasks applying the knowledge acquired with flexibility and creativity and adapting them to new contexts and situations.
Advertising and Promotion using marketing strategies that combine social, local and mobile: SoLoMo, is a practical subject dedicated to the development of SoLoMo-type apps that integrate all the possibilities offered by the growing use of linked mobile devices in all the activities of life, the use of geolocation and its use in marketing strategies and the recognized role of social networks and their influence on consumer decision-making.
SoLoMo is applying local, social and mobile to Advertising and Promotion strategies.
Topic 1
What is SOLOMO?
New trends in SOLOMO Marketing Strategies
Topic 2
Social Networks and New Consumer Behavior
The role of social networks in the purchasing decision model of the new consumer
Topic 3
Geolocation and its application in Marketing
The importance of geolocation and its application in the world of local business
Topic 4.
The application of SOLOMO Marketing strategies to the multi-screen consumer. Marketing strategies on mobile devices
Topic 5.
The application of SOLOMO strategies in the tourism sector and the management of free time
The evaluation of the subject will be based on:
An exam, at the end of the term, which will account for 50% of the grade. The final grade of the exam must be at least 5 points to pass.
The preparation of practical work where students will demonstrate their capacity and ability to design and implement SoLoMo strategies in companies and organizations 50% of the grade.
Recovery. In the event that a student has failed, he / she will be able to go to the recovery, but only for those parts that he / she has not passed, keeping the percentages mentioned on the final grade.
Papakonstantinidis, Stavros & Poulis, Athanasios & Theodoridis Prokopis (2016) "RU #Solomo Ready?: Consumers and Brands in the Digital Era". Business Expert Press
Dimitrios Buhalis, Daniel Leung, Michael Lin (2023) “Metaverse as a disruptive technology revolutionizing tourism management and marketing”
Tourism Management, Volume 97, 104724, ISSN 0261-5177 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tourman.2023.104724.
Bowen, DE (2023), "A tribute to Dr Pierre Eiglier: a service field founder with timeless service wisdom",
Journal of Service Management, Vol. 34 No. 1, pp. 1-9 https://doi.org/10.1108/JOSM-04-2022-0137