Type of the project

Research, transfer and scientific culture



Field of action


Website of the project

Status of the project


Initial date


End date


From April 19 to 21, 2023, the TecnoCampus hosted the XIX Congress of Researchers in Social Economy, which brought together nearly 200 experts from 12 countries. Promoted by CIRIEC-Spain, Reference Center for Research and Information on the Public, Social and Cooperative Economy, the Roca i Galès Foundation and the Social Economy Chair of the TecnoCampus, this Congress is the main forum for economic researchers to meet social, representatives of the sector and of the public administrations competent in the matter.


The topics discussed are:

1.- Entrepreneurship in the social economy through university spin-offs and start-ups.

2.- Contribution of the Social Economy to sustainable development.

3.- Cooperatives and electricity market.

4.- Social enterprises in the framework of the social economy.

5.- The effects of education and training in cooperatives on members and their cooperatives.

6.- Social innovation as a lever generating processes of social transformation in the most disadvantaged urban areas.

7.- CSR in social and solidarity economy companies: public policies and strategic plans.

8.- Instruments for the promotion of gender equality in social economy entities.

9.- Women and Social Economy. A formula for entrepreneurship and contribution to the achievement of the ODS.

10.- Gender and Social Economy.

11.- Community public-private collaboration.

12.- Emerging experiences of the Social Economy in Latin America.

13.- Social Economy, volunteering and the Third Sector in the face of inequalities.

Project managers

Eloi Serrano Robles

Director of the Department of Social Economy

Dr. Ismael Hernández Adell


Project team

Funding sources

The XIX CIRIEC Congress is financed by the Department of Business and Labor of the Generalitat de Catalunya, which contributes €19.002,70. Funding awarded through direct grant call with reference number STD088/23/000001.


Granted amount


Amount of the project


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