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L'idioma d'impartició és el català, però no es descarta fer ús també de textos en anglès i en castellà. L'estudiant podrà fer ús en tot moment del català, anglès o castellà indistintament.
CE10: Knowledge and use of the principles of the theory of circuits and electrical machines.
The purpose of the Electrical Systems subject is to train the students of the Engineering Degree in Industrial Electronics and Automation, and the Degree in Mechanical Engineering so that they are able to understand, interpret and perform fundamental calculations in the field of the theory of circuits and electrical machines. In addition, the use of mathematical tools corresponding to linear systems are useful for all industrial degrees: Industrial organization; Mechanics; and Electronics and industrial automation.
1. Analysis of resistive circuits in direct current
1.1 Magnitudes and electrical units. Ohm's Law Circuit elements: Resistors, voltage and current sources.
1.2 Short circuit and open circuit. Elements in series and in parallel.
1.3 Kirchhoff's laws. Knot analysis. Mesh analysis.
1.4 Superposition theorem. Theorems of Thévenin and Norton.
Related activities:
Classes of theoretical explanation with resolution of exercises. Large group.
Practice 1: DC circuit. Small group.
Resolution of exercises and assignments. Non-face-to-face activity.
First partial test and final test. large group
2. Title content 2: Transient response
2.1 Coils and capacitors.
2.2 Study of the transient response in circuits with continuous sources containing resistors, capacitors and coils.
2.3 Continuity conditions in coils and capacitors.
2.4 Complete response as sum of natural and forced responses.
2.5 Use of the Laplace Transform in solving linear circuits.
2.6 Graphical representations of functions.
Related activities:
Classes of theoretical explanation with resolution of exercises. Large group.
Practice 2: Circuits with transients. small group
Resolution of exercises and assignments. Non-face-to-face activity.
First partial test and final test. large group
3. Alternating current circuits
3.1 Permanent sinusoidal regime. Phasor transform.
3.2 Calculation of circuits in the frequency domain with phasors and impedances.
3.3 Electrical power in alternating current.
3.4 Effective values of voltages and currents. Effective value phasors.
3.5 Complex power. Active, reactive, apparent power and power factor.
3.6 Three-phase circuits. Star and delta connection. Simple and compound tenses.
3.7 Line, phase and power quantities in balanced three-phase loads.
Related activities:
Classes of theoretical explanation with resolution of exercises. Large group.
Practice 3: Alternating current circuits. small group
Resolution of exercises and assignments. Non-face-to-face activity.
First partial test and final test. large group
4. Complex frequency. Frequency response.
4.1 Complex frequency. Sinusoidal functions with exponential amplitude. Transformed into s.
4.2 Transfer functions.
4.3 Frequency response.
4.4 Bode diagrams.
4.5 Passive filters.
Related activities:
Classes of theoretical explanation with resolution of exercises. Large group.
Practice 4: Frequency response. Small group.
Resolution of exercises and assignments. Non-face-to-face activity.
final test large group
5. Introduction to Electric Machines.
5.1 Classification of electrical machines: transformer, generators and motors.
5.2 Nominal values, losses and performance.
5.3 Single-phase and three-phase transformer.
5.4 Asynchronous machine: three-phase induction motor.
Related activities:
Theoretical explanation classes. small group
Practice 5: Transformer and asynchronous motor. small group
Resolution of exercises and assignments. Non-face-to-face activity.
final test large group
The final grade of the ordinary assessment will be the weighted average of the grades of the assessable activities:
The grade of both exams must be equal to or higher than 3,5. If it is not achieved, it will not be averaged with the rest of the grades.
Before carrying out the practice, you can ask for the preliminary calculations for the practice to be done. This test and these previous calculations will be taken into account in the evaluation of the practice grade.
The first partial test can be recovered with the final test. If the weighted grade of the exams is worse than the final grade, only the final grade will be taken into account.
For all students who have not passed the subject in the regular assessment, there will be a make-up exam for the exam part only. Practices and exercises will not be recoverable. This recovery exam will be for the whole subject, parts will not be examined separately. The grade of this recovery (70%) will be averaged with the practices (25%) and with the Exercises (5%).
Alexander Charles, Sadiku Matthew, Fundamentals of electric circuits, 7th edition, McGraw Hill (C) 2021
Schaum's Outline of Electric Circuits, Seventh Edition (SCHAUMS' ENGINEERING). ISBN: 978-1260011968
William H. Hayt, J E. Kemmerly, Jamie Phillips, Steven M. Durbin, Analysis of circuits in engineering. 9th ed.. McGraw-Hill, 2019. ISBN 9781456272135.
Rabbit, Antonio. Electrical circuits for engineering. 1ª ed .. Madrid: McGraw-Hill, 2004. ISBN 8448141792.
Svodoba James, Dorf Richard Introduction to electric circuits 9th edition. Wiley 2014