General information

Subject type: Mandatory

Coordinator: Joan Triadó Aymerich

Trimester: First term

Credits: 6

Teaching staff: 

Salvador Alepuz Menendez

Teaching languages

  • Catalan


Specific skills
  • CE19: Ability to apply electrical engineering.


The purpose of the Electrical Engineering subject is to train students so that they are able to understand, interpret and perform calculations in electrical circuits linked to the electrical network (electrical engineering) and electrical machines. Only the permanent regime will be considered, the transitory regime will not be the subject of study. The subject is very strongly supported by the contents developed in the first year subject Electrical Systems. On the other hand, the contents studied here support other disciplines such as Power Electronics, Automation and Robotics.




Title content 1: The electrical system.


Description of the electrical system

Concept of phasor

Types of passive loads

The single-phase electrical system

The three-phase electrical system

Electrical magnitudes


Title content 2: Quadripoles.


Single port networks


Quadruple parameters and relationships between the various types of parameters.


Title content 3: Basic concepts of electromagnetism.


The magnetic circuit. Definitions and magnitudes

Magnetic materials

Laws of magnetic circuits

Energy losses in ferromagnetic cores


Title 4: Magnetic coupling


Mutual inductance

Points agreement

Mutual inductance in both directions

Energy in coupled coils


Title content 5: Transformer


Principle of operation of the ideal transformer

Constructive aspects

Vacuum transformer

Transformer with load

Equivalent circuit of a transformer

Transformer tests

Voltage drop in a transformer

Losses and performance of a transformer


Title content 6: Asynchronous machine


Physical constitution

Principle of operation

Equivalent circuit


Power balance

Equations and characteristic curves

Transitional regime. Start-up and regulation


Title content 7: DC machine


Physical constitution

Principle of operation

Induced reaction

Machine model. Types of excitement

Operation as an engine and as a generator

Power balance

Transitional regime. Start-up and regulation


Title content 8: Synchronous machine


Physical constitution

Principle of operation

Equivalent circuit

Power balance

Equations and characteristic curves

Transitional regime. Start-up and regulation

Operation as a brushless motor


Evaluation system

The ordinary final grade (QFO) of the subject is calculated as follows:

QFO = Ex1 0,35 + Ex2 0,35 + P 0,2 + T 0,1      

Minimum grades:

Written tests (Ex1 and Ex2): 3,0

Practicals (P): 5,0

Work (T): 5,0

If the grade for any activity (Ex1, Ex2, P or T) is below the corresponding minimum mark, the ordinary final grade (QFO) of the subject will be limited to 5,0.

All activities are compulsory. In case of not doing any of the activities, the final ordinary qualification (QFO) of the subject will be NP.

In case of not passing the subject in the ordinary assessment, there will be an extraordinary recovery session for Ex1 and Ex2 activities, in the form of an examination (ExR) of all the contents of the subject. The grade of this recovery (ExR) will replace that of Ex1 and Ex2 activities within the subject assessment, as indicated in the formula below, provided it is higher. P and T activities are not recoverable.

The extraordinary final grade (QFE) of the subject is calculated as follows:

QFE = ExR 0,7 + P 0,2 + T 0,1

Minimum grades:

ExR: 3,0

P: 5,0

T: 5,0

In the event that the grade of any activity (ExR, P or T) is below the corresponding minimum mark, the extraordinary final grade (QFE) of the subject will be limited to 5,0.



J. Fraile Mora, Electrical Machines, McGraw-Hill, 6th ed., 2008.

S. Alepuz. Collection of Electrical Engineering exercises. ESUPT Tecnocampus.

S. Alepuz and R. Safont. Electrical Engineering Practices. ESUPT Tecnocampus.

S. Alepuz. Electrical Engineering Notes. ESUPT Tecnocampus.


Electrical machines. J. Sanz, Ed. Pearson, 2002.

Electrical machines. SJ Chapman, McGraw-Hill, 5th ed, 2012.

Electrical engineering. Problems. X. Alabern, J. Riba, UPC Editions, 2008.