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CE12: Knowledge of the fundamentals of automation and control methods.
This course is a first introduction to automatic control and feedback systems.
It includes the modeling of linear systems in the form of Laplace domain transfer functions and their representation with block diagrams and signal flow graphs. It also includes the study of the time and frequency response of these systems, the analysis of stability and the design of PID type controllers
1. Characteristics of Control Systems. Mathematical models of Linear Systems.
1.1 Automatic Control Systems. Basic terminology: open loop, closed loop, error, controller, control action, reference, sensor, actuator ...
1.2 Mathematical Models of Systems
1.2.1 Linear differential equations with constant coefficients,
1.2.2 Laplace Transform, Transfer Functions,
1.2.3 Nonlinear systems and linearization of nonlinear systems.
1.3 Block diagrams, simplification of block diagrams, signal flow graph, Mason formula ... Examples: Mechanical, electrical, motor systems, tank systems.
2. Temporary response.
2.1 First order systems,
2.2 Second order systems, higher order systems.
2.3 Temporary response specifications.
3. Study of the error. Static error coefficients.
3.1 Study of the dynamic error of a closed loop system.
3.2 Type of system. Open loop transfer function.
3.3 Static error coefficients.
4. PID type controllers. Operating indices. (Internships)
4.1 PID type controllers: Proportional control, integral control, derivative control, PI, PD and PID.
4.2 Error-based operating indices (ISE, ITSE, IAE, ITAE)
4.3 Tuning method. Empirical tuning, in closed loop and in open loop. Tuning tables.
5. Stability of closed loop systems.
5.1 Concept of stability. Stability and plan s.
5.2 Geometric Place of Roots (LGA) Method. Drawing of the LGA. Module condition and angle condition. Other rules. Design with LGA according to time specifications.
5.3 Design of PID controllers with the LGA
5.4 Frequency methods. Drawing and interpretation of Bode and Nyquist diagrams. Frequency response and stability.
5.5 Design of PID controllers with Frequency Response.
The final grade (QF) of the subject is calculated as follows:
QF = EX 0,7 + P 0,3 (EX: Exam; P: Practice)
where EX = EX1 0,3 + EX2 0,7
Minimum marks that must be achieved to pass the subject:
EX: 3,5
P: 4,0
In case the EX rating is below the corresponding minimum grade, QF = EX.
If the P grade is below the corresponding minimum grade, P = 0, and the final QF grade will be limited to 5,0.
There will be a laboratory exam that will be worth 30% of the P grade. 70% of the P grade is made up of the final report of all the practices and work done in the lab.
All the activities of the subject are compulsory. In case of not carrying out any of the activities, the final QF qualification will be NP.
In the event that the subject is not passed in the ordinary assessment, there will be scheduled recovery of the EX1 and EX2 activities with a single recovery exam (EX). The grade of this recovery will replace that of the EX activity within the evaluation of the subject, as long as it is superior. Activity P is not recoverable.
Dorf, Richard C. - Bishop, Robert H. Modern Control Systems. 10ª. Pearson - Prentice Hall, 2005. ISBN 8420544019.
Ogata, Katsuhiko. Modern Control Engineering. 5ª. Pearson - Prentice Hall, 2010. ISBN 9788483226605.
Roca, Miquel. Compilation of PID Tuning Tables.
Ogata, Katsuhiko. Control Engineering Problems. 1ª. Prentice Hall, 1998. ISBN 9788483220467.