What are you looking for?
Course taught in English
B4_That students can convey information, ideas, problems and solutions to both specialized and non-specialized audiences
B5_That students have developed those learning skills necessary to undertake further studies with a high degree of autonomy
T1_That students know a third language, which will preferably be English, with an appropriate level orally and in writing and in accordance with the needs of graduates in each degree
T2_That students have the ability to work as members of an interdisciplinary team either as one more member, or performing management tasks, in order to contribute to developing projects with pragmatism and a sense of responsibility, making commitments taking into account available resources
Optional subject framed in the block of the mention in Intelligent Manufacturing in Industry 4.0.
Its goal is to help the student master the basics of Big Data, understand the importance of data quality, and get introduced to the use of analytical tools applied to big data environments.
The course describes the process of examining and processing large amounts of data and of a different nature to discover hidden patterns, gain new perspectives, and how to visualize the results obtained. It presents some of the most used advances today grouped in what is called Deep Learning and presents the use of digital twin environments.
Content title 1: Introduction to Big Data |
Dedication: |
Large Group: 4 Small Group: 2 Autonomous learning: 9 |
Description |
Related activities |
Active1, Active 2 and Active 3 |
Content title 2: Data Preparation |
Dedication: |
Large Group: 8 Small Group: 4 Autonomous learning: 18 |
Description |
Related activities |
Active1, Active 2, Act3 and Active 4 |
Content title 3: Supervised Learning Methods |
Dedication: |
Large Group: 12 Small Group: 6 Autonomous learning: 27 |
Description |
Related activities |
Active1, Active 2, Act3 and Active 4 |
Content title 4: Unsupervised Learning Methods |
Dedication: |
Large Group: 8 Small Group: 4 Autonomous learning: 18 |
Description |
Related activities |
Active1, Active 2, Act3 and Active 4 |
Content title 5: Display of results |
Dedication: |
Large Group: 4 Small Group: 2 Autonomous learning: 9 |
Description |
Related activities |
Active 2, Act3 and Active 4 |
Content title 6: Advanced Methods |
Dedication: |
Large Group: 4 Small Group: 2 Autonomous learning: 9 |
Description |
Related activities |
Active2, Active 3 and Active 4 |
PES discipline |
Pex1 25% |
ExiPar 15% |
lab 25% |
Project 35% |
The final grade is the weighted sum of the grades for the learning activities:
Q = 0.25 Pex1 + 0.35 Proj + 0.15 ExiPar + 0.25 Lab
Remarks on Recovery
The theory part of the Pex1 subject is recoverable as well as the Project part. The other parts are not recoverable. For students attending the resit exam their Pex1 grade will be the one obtained in this test and their final grade (Q) will be calculated with the formulas detailed above and in no case will it exceed 7.
Rules for carrying out the activities
To pass the assessment activities, students must demonstrate the MECES Level - 2:
• (point c) have the ability to collect and interpret data and information on which to base their conclusions, including, where necessary and relevant, reflection on issues of a social, scientific or ethical nature in the field of their field of study
• (point e) know how to communicate to all types of audiences (specialized or not) in a clear and precise way, knowledge, methodologies, ideas, problems and solutions in the field of their field of study;
• (point f) be able to identify their own training needs in their field of study and work or professional environment and to organize their own learning with a high degree of autonomy in all types of contexts
For each activity, teachers will be informed of the particular rules and conditions that govern them
The one-to-one activities presuppose the student's commitment to carry them out individually and without any collaboration with other people. All activities in which the student does not comply with this commitment to individuality will be considered suspended (grade 0), regardless of their role (sender or receiver) and without this excluding the possible application of other sanctions in accordance. with the current Disciplinary Regime.
Likewise, the activities to be carried out in groups presuppose the commitment on the part of the students who make it up to carry them out within the group and without any kind of collaboration with other groups or people who are alien (group individuality). All activities in which the group has not respected this commitment regardless of its role (sender or receiver) and without this excluding the possible application of other sanctions in accordance with the current Disciplinary Regime will be considered suspended (rating 0).
In the case of activities that can be done in groups, when in any of them the commitment of group individuality is not respected and / or fraudulent means are used in its accomplishment, the qualification of the activity will be, for all members of the group, of 0 points (Activity Note = 0) and without this excluding the possible application of other sanctions in accordance with the current Disciplinary Regime.
Any undelivered activity will be considered scored with zero points
It is optional for teachers to accept or not deliveries outside the deadlines indicated. In the event that these late deliveries are accepted, it is up to the teacher to decide whether to apply a penalty and the amount of this.
Fundamentals of Machine Learning for Predictive Data Analytics: Algorithms, Worked Examples, and Case Studies (MIT Press) 1st Edition John D. Kelleher, Brian Mac Namee and Aoife D'Arcy
The MIT Press; 1 edition July - 2015
ISBN-978 0262029445
Practical Machine Learning with H2O: Powerful, Scalable Techniques for Deep Learning and AI 1st Edition Darren Cook
O'Reilly Media; 1 edition, December 2016
ISBN-978 1491964606
Practical Big Data Analytics: Hands-on techniques to implement enterprise analytics and machine learning using Hadoop, Spark, NoSQL and R. by Nataraj Dasgupta (Packt Publishing; 1st Ed - 2018)