What are you looking for?
The subject will be taught in Catalan. Students will be able to address the teacher in the language that is most comfortable for them. Some contents, transparencies and bibliography will be in English.
CE26: Design management strategies.
CT1: That the students know a third language, which will preferably be English, at an adequate level orally and in writing and in accordance with the needs of graduates in each degree.
CT2: That students have the ability to work as members of an interdisciplinary team either as another member, or performing management tasks in order to contribute to developing projects with pragmatism and a sense of responsibility, assuming commitments taking into account the available resources.
Subject framed in the matter of organization of companies. The course aims to introduce students to the basic concepts, principles and foundations of information systems for business management. It describes the new competitive environment and the enablers of the new industrial model: Industry 4.0, paying special attention to technologies applied to management. We also work on the process of digital transformation of the company from a methodological point of view, and business intelligence applications.
As prerequisites for taking the subject, it is recommended that students have passed all the subjects of the first two years of the degree studies.
Content title 1: Digital Economy and Industry 4.0
Learning time: Large group: 8h, Small group: 4h, Self study: 18h
• New socio-economic context. Globalization and internationalization
• Knowledge society
• New industrial model: Industry 4.0
• New economy and digital transformation of the company
• Business process concept
• Information system concept
Related activities:
1- Practical activities. Two laboratory sessions where you will work with the principles of data modeling. The students will have to deliver an independent resolution activity as proposed by the teachers.
2- Exercises of practical application of the concepts exposed in class.
3- Work on a practical case related to the contents exposed in class.
4- Exam: where the concepts acquired by the students will be evaluated.
Content title 2: Enabling Industry 4.0
Learning time: Large group: 8h, Small group: 4h, Self study: 18h
• Digital transformation: vertical integration and horizontal integration
• Hybridization of the physical world and the digital world
• Communications and data processing
• Management and intelligence applications
Related activities:
1- Practical activities. Two laboratory sessions where you will work with the practical implementation with a database management system. The students will have to deliver an independent resolution activity as proposed by the teachers.
2- Exercises of practical application of the concepts exposed in class.
3- Work on a practical case related to the contents exposed in class.
4- Exam: where the concepts acquired by the students will be evaluated.
Content title 3: Technological support for management
Learning time: Large group: 8h, Small group: 4h, Self study: 18h
• e-business and e-commerce
• ICTs in the company's value chain (ERP, SCM, CRM, BPM)
• The business processes of the industrial company (MES, PLM)
• Decision support (DSS, EIS, OLAP)
• GIS systems
• Groupware and workflow
• Cyber-security
Related activities:
1- Practical activities. Two laboratory sessions where you will work with the functionalities of the Office 365 platform. The students will have to deliver an autonomous resolution activity as proposed by the teachers.
2- Exercises of practical application of the concepts exposed in class.
3- Work on a practical case related to the contents exposed in class.
4- Exam: where the concepts acquired by the students will be evaluated.
Content title 4: The process of digital transformation of the company
Learning time: Large group: 8h, Small group: 4h, Self study: 18h
• New management models: process management and knowledge management (KM)
• Process reengineering
• Methodology for the digitization of business processes: ICT application and process reengineering (transformation of the value chain).
• ICT, Internet and change management
• Equipment and connectivity
Related activities:
1- Practical activities. Two laboratory sessions where you will work with the functionalities of an ERP/CRM solution. The students will have to deliver an independent resolution activity as proposed by the teachers.
2- Exercises of practical application of the concepts exposed in class.
3- Work on a practical case related to the contents exposed in class.
4- Exam: where the concepts acquired by the students will be evaluated.
Content title 5: Business Intelligence and Big Data
Learning time: Large group: 8h, Small group: 4h, Self study: 18h
• Smart manufacturing
• Business intelligence systems
• Reporting
• Data Warehousing and Data Mining
• Artificial intelligence, machine learning and deep learning
Related activities:
1- Practical activities. Two laboratory sessions where you will work with reporting tools such as PowerBI. Students will have to deliver an autonomous resolution activity as proposed by the teachers.
2- Exercises of practical application of the concepts exposed in class.
3- Work on a practical case related to the contents exposed in class.
4- Exam: where the concepts acquired by the students will be evaluated.
The assessment will consist of a grade obtained from the continuous assessment, attendance and exams according to the following percentages:
The deliveries of the exercises, cases and practical activities, to be taken into account in the evaluation of the subject, must be delivered before the established deadline.
The minimum grade for the exam must be 3,5 for it to be computable with the rest of the assessment.
It will be up to the teachers of the subject to decide on the possibility of adding activities that allow the recovery of the suspended activities.
For the practical activities, if the result of their evaluation is not satisfactory, or the teachers consider it appropriate, they can invite the members of a group to carry out an individualized evaluation test.
Rules for carrying out the activities
For each activity, teachers will report on the particular rules and conditions that govern them. This information will be communicated in the physical classroom or published in the virtual classroom.
Individual activities presuppose the student's commitment to carry them out individually. All those activities in which the students do not fulfill this commitment will be considered suspended, regardless of their role (origin or destination).
Likewise, the activities to be carried out in groups presuppose the commitment on the part of the students who make it up to carry them out within the group.
All activities in which the group has not respected this commitment regardless of its role (origin or destination) will be considered suspended. The responsibility for the results of the work lies with the group, and not with the individuals who make it up. In any case, teachers can, based on the information they have, customize the grade for each member of the group.
Any undelivered activity will be considered scored with zero points. It is optional for teachers to accept or not deliveries outside the deadlines indicated. In the event that these late deliveries are accepted, it is up to the teacher to decide whether to apply a penalty and the amount thereof.
Gomez Vieites, A .; Suarez Rey, C. (2011). Information Systems. Practical tools for business management. 4ª Edition. RA-MA SA Publishing and Publications.
Laudon, KC, Laudon, JP (2018). Management Information Systems: managing the digital firm, 15th edition Global edition ”. G. Pearson
Chaffey, D. (2009). E-Business and e-commerce management: strategy, implementation and practice. Pearson
Bradford, M. (2010). Modern ERP: Select, Implement & Use Today's Advanced Business Systems. Lulu.com.
Jared Dean (2014). Big Data, Data Mining, and Machine Learning: Value Creation for Business Leaders and Practitioners. Wiley, ISBN 978-1-118-92069-5.
Roebuck, K. (2011). ERP Enterprise Resource Planning: High Impact Strategies What You Need to Know: Definitions, Adoptions, Impact, Benefits, Maturity, Vendors. Tebbo.