What are you looking for?
CB1. That students have demonstrated knowledge and understanding in a field of study that is based on general secondary education, and is usually found at a level that, while supported by advanced textbooks, also includes some aspects. involving knowledge from the forefront of their field of study.
CB5. That students have developed those learning skills necessary to undertake further studies with a high degree of autonomy.
CE5. Apply a strong customer service orientation and handle communication techniques.
CG1. Be able to work in a team, actively participate in tasks and negotiate in the face of dissenting opinions until reaching consensus positions, thus acquiring the ability to learn together with other team members and create new knowledge.
CG2. Be able to generate ideas and solve problems, both individually and collectively.
CG3. Be able to innovate by developing an open attitude to change and be willing to reevaluate old mental models that limit thinking.
CG4. Be able to integrate the values of social justice, equality between men and women, equal opportunities for all and especially for people with disabilities, so that the studies of Tourism and Leisure Management contribute to train citizens for a just, democratic society based on a culture of dialogue and peace.
CT1. Communicate properly orally and in writing in the two official languages of Catalonia.
CT3. Formulate critical and well-argued reasoning, using precise terminology, specialized resources and documentation to support these arguments.
CT5. Master the main applications of computer tools and new technologies for ordinary academic activity.
CT6. Carry out tasks autonomously with the correct organization and timing of academic work.
CT7. Develop the ability to assess inequalities due to sex and gender to design solutions.
The classroom (physical or virtual) is a safe space, free of sexist, racist, homophobic, transphobic and discriminatory attitudes, either towards students or teachers. We trust that together we can create a safe space where we can make mistakes and learn without having to suffer the prejudices of others.
SUBJECT 1 Introduction to tourism marketing: Concept and nature of tourism marketing
SUBJECT 2 Tourist market and tourist consumer behavior:
2.1. Tourist market agents
2.2. The behavior of the consumer of tourist goods and services
SUBJECT 3 Introduction to the marketing plan:
3.1. Analytical phase: Information systems and commercial research
3.2. Strategic phase: Strategic marketing
3.3. Operational phase
3.3.1. Marketing Mix
3.3.2. Marketing strategies
It is mandatory to take the final exam to count the rest of the assessment, and get a minimum of 5 out of 10.
Only the final exam can be retaken on recovery.
Bigné Alcañiz, Enrique, Font Aulet, Xavier and Andreu Simó Luisa (2000). "Marketing of tourist destinations. Analysis and development strategies". ESIC Publishing. Madrid
De la Ballina, Francisco Javier (2017). "Applied tourism marketing". ESIC Publishing. Madrid
Santesmases Mestre, Miguel (2006). "Marketing, concepts and strategies". Ed. pyramid
Kotler, P., Madariaga, J. and Flores Zamora, J. (2011). "Tourism Marketing". Pearson Publishing
Rodriguez Antón, JM and Alonso Almeida, MM (2009). "New Trends and Challenges in Sctor Tourism: A Multidisciplinary Approach". Delta Publications. Madrid.
Chamard, Camille (2014). "Territorial Marketing, how to develop the attractiveness and hospitality of territories?". Boeck Publishing. Brussels.
Precedo Ledo, Andrés (2017). "Marketing cities and territories: a renewed vision". Dextra Editorial. Madrid
Kotler, Philip; Keller, Kevin Lane. 2016. Marketing management (15th Ed.). Essex: Pearson