What are you looking for?
CB2. That students know how to apply their knowledge to their work or vocation in a professional way and possess the skills that are usually demonstrated through the development and defense of arguments and problem solving within their area of study.
CB3. That students have the ability to gather and interpret relevant data (usually within their area of study) to make judgments that include reflection on relevant social, scientific, or ethical issues.
CE1. Interpret the principles of tourism in terms of its spatial, social, cultural, political, labor and economic dimension and identify the types of tourist spaces and destinations and the main tourist agents that operate in them, both public and private.
CE12. Master the operating procedures of accommodation, catering and tourism intermediation companies.
CT1. Communicate properly orally and in writing in the two official languages of Catalonia.
CT2. Show willingness to learn about new cultures, experience new methodologies and encourage international exchange.
CT3. Demonstrate entrepreneurial leadership and management skills that strengthen personal confidence and reduce risk aversion.
CT4. Master computer tools and their main applications for ordinary academic and professional activity.
CT5. Develop tasks applying the acquired knowledge with flexibility and creativity and adapting them to new contexts and situations.
CT5. Master the main applications of computer tools and new technologies for ordinary academic activity.
40% Final project "Project and organization of a hotel"
10% Participation in the classroom
50% Final exam
You must pass the final exam to count the percentage of work and internships.
Recovery. In the event that a student has failed the final exam he will be able to go to the recovery. Only the exam will be retaken.
Blasco, Albert and Vives, Roser. (2014). "Fundamentals of accommodation and restaurant management". Editorial Síntesis SA. Madrid
Martí Narcís (2021). Process management in hospitality and catering. Process map manual for hospitality and catering services. Editorial Red Circle
Talón Pilar, Gonzalez Lydia, Segovia Mónica (2012) "Yield Revenue Management in the hotel sector. Delta Publicaciones. Madrid
De Urbina, José A. (1990). "El arte de invitar.Suprotocolo" .Consejo Superior de Relaciones Públicas de España.
Huete Luis María. (2008). "Servicio & Beneficios" .Ediciones Deusto. Barcelona.
Muñoz, Andres. (2005) "Logistics and Tourism". Diaz de Santos Publishing.
R.Nieven, Paul. (2003). "The comprehensive step-by-step dashboard". Management2000. Barcelona