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Demostrar capacitat per comunicar de manera fluida en llengua espanyola, catalana i anglesa de forma oral i escrita en l'entorn de la logística i els negocis marítims
Interpret the economic, financial and accounting status of a company or business unit to take appropriate measures in its management
Identify the basic economic concepts, as well as the microeconomic and macroeconomic functioning of the markets
Read and interpret the information that companies publish about their financial and economic situation.
Know current economic / financial facts.
Know how to use (apply) the instruments and indicators that allow to analyze, compare and evaluate the annual accounts in accordance with the needs of the interested agents.
Learn to make diagnoses and make analytical reports that help to know the past, understand the present and project the future of a company.
The classroom (physical or virtual) is a safe space, free of sexist, racist, homophobic, transphobic and discriminatory attitudes, either towards students or teachers. We trust that together we can create a safe space where we can make mistakes and learn without having to suffer the prejudices of others.
Topic A: Introduction to Cryptocurrencies
A.1. the origin
A.2. The creation
A.3. Introduction to the block chain or blockchain
A.4. From PoW (Proof Of Work) to PoS (Proof Of Stake) or Consensus Proof
A.5. Evolution of cryptocurrencies and blockchain
Topic B: Cryptocurrencies in the company
B.1. The Smart Contracts
B.2. The development of NFTs
B.3. The creation of Tokens for companies
Topic 1: The financial function of the company
1.1. The financial system
1.2. The financial function of the company: The financial objective
1.3. Principles of financial function
1.4. The investment-financing binomial
1.5. The role of the CFO
Topic 2: Operational Finance: Analysis and diagnosis
2.1. The balance sheet: Economic structure and financial structure
2.2. The income statement
2.3. Financial analysis tools: ratios
2.4. NOF
2.5. The Maneuvering Fund
Topic 3: Working capital management and liquidity
3.1. Short-term investment and financing
3.2. The business circulation
3.3. Financial forecast
Topic 4: Treasury management: Cash management
4.1. The treasury budget
4.2. Principles and objectives of cash management
4.3. Collection management
4.4. Payment management
4.5. Banking relations.
Topic 5: Business investment
5.1. The investment decision of a company.
5.2. Components of an investment project.
5.2.1. Investment budget
5.2.2. Funding budget
5.2.3. Income and expenditure forecasts.
5.3. Company culture and investment projects
5.4. Investment selection methods
5.4.1. Static methods
5.4.2. Dynamic methods
Topic 6: Business financing.
6.1. Short-term financing
6.2. Long-term financing
6.3. Self-financing
6.4. Start-up financing
The student assessment will be based on three points or activities.
There may be a test that replaces the performance of the exercises of a topic.
The recovery of the subject will only be done on 50% of the final mark corresponding to the mark of the final exam.
A student who has not applied for the first call CANNOT apply for recovery.
AMAT, Oriol (2008). Understanding Accounting and Finance (part 3 and part 5)
Editorial Management 2000
MARTÍNEZ ABASCAL, Eduardo (2012). Finance for managers
AMAT, Oriol. (2013). Comprehensive analysis of companies. Barcelona. Profit
Carmen Ruiz Moya, Teresa Noguera Vidal and Mª Luz Esteve Crespo (2017). Financial Management. McGraw Hill
GONZÁLEZ, J. (2010). Analysis of the company through its economic-financial information
Theoretical foundations and applications. 3ª ed. Pyramid Editions
TORRAS RAGUÉ, Joan (2018) - Cryptocurrencies from scratch. Blockchain and bitcoin.
Publisher: Joan Torras
ISBN: 978-8409017942
TORRAS RAGUÉ, Joan (2019) - The new digital revolution. Cryptocurrencies and blockchain
Publisher: Joan Torras
ISBN: 978-8409139033
RONCO VILADOT, Víctor, VALLEJO GONZÁLEZ, Carlos (2020). Cryptocurrencies for dummies
Publisher: CEAC
ISBN: 978-8432905926