What are you looking for?
Establish maritime and logistics business projects that allow the creation of new companies or the improvement of existing ones, adopting innovative and creative ideas
Demostrar capacitat per comunicar de manera fluida en llengua espanyola, catalana i anglesa de forma oral i escrita en l'entorn de la logística i els negocis marítims
Show knowledge of the organization of maritime, land, air and multimodal transport, customs management and international trade in order to manage and / or contract transport
Demonstrate knowledge about the structure, organization and management of ports -sport and state-of-the-art- where the traffic of people and goods, nautical leisure, fishing and tourism coexist, emphasizing cruises
Show knowledge of the ship and its recruitment for use as a means of transport for both goods and people, in an environment of sustainability and respect for the environment
Get to know the different types of companies and activities that exist and are interrelated in marinas in general, and in the Maresme in particular.
The classroom (physical or virtual) is a safe space, free of sexist, racist, homophobic, transphobic and discriminatory attitudes, either towards students or teachers. We trust that together we can create a safe space where we can make mistakes and learn without having to suffer the prejudices of others.
E.1. Establish projects for companies and nautical activities in the field of sports and recreational sailing that allow the creation of new companies or the improvement of existing ones, adopting innovative and creative ideas.
E.2. Demostrar capacitat per comunicar de manera fluïda en llengua espanyola, catalana i anglesa de forma oral i escrita en l'entorn de les empreses i activitats nàutiques de l'àmbit la nàutica esportiva i d'esbarjo.
E.3. Shows knowledge and skills for the coordination of the departments of purchasing, supply, production and distribution of a product in any company or nautical sports activity, analyzing different types of techniques.
E.4. Properly manage companies and nautical sports activities through specific computer applications.
E.5. Demonstrate knowledge about the structure, organization and management of marinas where many companies and nautical sports activities coexist.
E.6. Show knowledge of sports boats and their hiring in charter mode either with or without skipper and for different activities (walking, fishing, practices, etc.).
E.7. Identify the basic economic concepts, as well as the microeconomic and macroeconomic operation of companies and activities that take place in a marina in the Maresme area.
1.- Theoretical sessions
1.1.- Master classes: Expository class sessions based on the teacher's explanation in which all students enrolled in the subject attend.
1.2.- Lectures: Face-to-face sessions or streamed, both in the classrooms of the university and in the framework of another institution, in which one or more specialists present their experiences or projects to the students.
1.3.- Presentations: Multimedia formats that support the face-to-face classes. Virtual visits to the marinas of the Maresme
2.- Guided learning
2.1.- Debates and forums: Face-to-face and online conversations. The debates have a start and end date and are energized by the teacher. Participation, the content of the contributions and the correct observance of the rules of use will be taken into account.
2.2.- Case study: Dynamics that start from the study of a case. The goal is contextualized to the student in a particular situation. The teacher can propose different activities, both individually and in groups, among the students.
2.3.- Role-playing games: Simulation dynamics in which each student has a role specified by the teacher. As a "role", you will have access to specific information and will have to "play" its bases, according to the rules of the game, to solve or live the reference situation of the dynamics.
3.- Autonomous or group learning
3.1.- Resolution of exercises: Non-contact activity dedicated to the resolution of practical exercises from the data provided by the teacher. It can be included in group work.
3.2.- Critical reading of articles: The students participate in a hypothesis of work that developed, following the phases of the methodology of investigation, between which the critical reading of articles.
3.3.- Tutorials: face-to-face and non-face-to-face. In the latter, students have telematic resources, such as e-mail and ESCSET intranet resources.
3.4.- Group work: cooperative activity in which each group of students works on a particular topic. In the final phase, they present themselves to their classmates, opening a small debate.
Topic 1: Tourism, marinas and nautical resorts
1.1.- Tourism in marinas
1.2.- The Marinas and their area of influence
1.4.- Marinas and the Environment
1.5.- Maresme Marinas
1.6.- Official Bodies
Subject 2: Direction and business Management of Marinas and Nautical Stations
2.1.- Business Areas of the Marinas
2.2.- Human resources
2.3.- Material resources
2.4.- Events
2.4.1.- Competitions
2.4.2.- Fairs
2.4.3.- Social events
2.5.- Specific management software
Topic 3: Physical Sports Activities
3.1.- Types of activities
3.1.1.- Motor navigation
3.1.2.- Sailing
3.1.3.- Regattas
3.1.4.- Sport fishing - Modalities
3.1.5.- Water skiing
3.1.6.- Rowing
3.1.7.- Diving
3.1.8.- Other activities
3.2.- Sailing Schools
3.3.- Rowing Schools
3.4.- Diving schools
Item 4: Inspections, Insurance and Regulations
4.1.- Technical inspection of boats.
4.2.- Experts and Damage Commissioners
4.3.- Nautical insurance
Item 5: Nautical Services and Business
5.1.- Sailboat shipyards
5.2.- Motor shipyards
5.3.- Purchase / Sale of sports boats
5.4.- Compare sales and management of moorings. Concessions.
5.5.- Management
5.6.- Shipyards
5.7.- Workshops
5.8.- Spare parts and nautical equipment stores
5.9.- Charter companies.
5.10.- Wintering areas
5.11.- Gas station
5.12.- MARPOL Station
5.13.- Other services (Catering, cleaning, etc.)
5.14.- Nautical Businesses and economic cycles
Item 6: Degrees and training
6.1.- Nautical sports qualifications
6.2.- Career opportunities
6.3.- Schools of nautical sports degrees
6.4.- Schools of Professional Qualifications nautical sports
Item 7: Sports events: Sponsorship and Organization
7.1.- Types of sporting events
7.2.- Sponsorships
7.3.- Organization
1.- Group work:
Nautical business proposal Business areas, structure, personal resources, material resources, offer of services, business activities, sports activities, strengths, weaknesses, influence on their environment, climatology (seasonality), complementary offer, marketing, type of users , forecast of income and expenses, viability of the business, proposals for improvement, etc.
2.- Visit to the Port of Mataró
An attempt will be made to make a group visit to the Port of Mataró (depending on health issues, availability, etc.).
1.- Continuous evaluation
The following percentages apply:
40% Team work and oral presentation.
10% Attitude in class + Attendance
50% Final exam. (Minimum note required: 5)
In the event that the mark of the final exam is lower than 5, or the sum of percentages does not reach a 5, it will be possible to opt for the recovery, as long as it has been presented in the final exam.
2.- Recovery
100% Exam
Guide of marinas of the Diputación de Barcelona http://www.elfar.diba.es/cil/recullwebs/wclubs.htm
Mataró Marina Port of Mataró (portmataro.org)
Martínez Marín, Jesús. (2021) Fundamentals of Logistics and Port Operations. JMM Editions. ISBN13-978-8409278633 (Available via. Https: //n9.cl/xnvdo )
Generalitat de Catalunya: Nautical sports. Nautical fishing qualifications http://nautica.gencat.cat/ca/nautica-esbarjo
Ministry of Public Works. Degrees of the Merchant Navy http://www.fomento.es/MFOM/LANG_CASTELLANO/DIRECCIONES_GENERALES/MARINA_MERCANTE/TITULACIONES
Puerto Deportivo “Marina Badalona” http://badalona.cat/portalWeb/badalona.portal?_nfpb=true&_pageLabel=detall_directori&_id=1029#wlp_detall_directori
Guide to good environmental practices for nautical enterprises http://www.cprac.org/various/cprac_manual_nautic/ca/content.php-id=140.htm