What are you looking for?
With materials in Spanish, Catalan and English
Show knowledge and skills for the coordination of the departments of purchasing, supply, production and distribution of a product to any company, analyzing different types of techniques
Operationalize the storage of goods, through computer applications of logistics management
Show knowledge of the organization of maritime, land, air and multimodal transport, customs management and international trade in order to manage and / or contract transport
Show knowledge of the ship and its recruitment for use as a means of transport for both goods and people, in an environment of sustainability and respect for the environment
Select and use quantitative instruments for decision making and contrasting economic hypotheses
This subject has methodological and digital resources to make possible its continuity in non-contact mode in the case of being necessary for reasons related to the Covid-19. In this way, the achievement of the same knowledge and skills that are specified in this teaching plan will be ensured.
The TecnoCampus will make available to teachers and students the digital tools needed to carry out the course, as well as guides and recommendations that facilitate adaptation to the non-contact mode.
The subject of Transport and Sustainable Mobility is based on the knowledge acquired in the subject of Maritime Environmental Management, where the knowledge will be extended to other sectors of transport beyond the sea. It will focus on environmental aspects that affect logistics and transport companies on a day-to-day basis, in addition to management as well as strategy, positioning and responsibility towards society. The subject has three basic pillars: understanding why the environment is important, acquiring applicable scientific and technical knowledge and understanding the importance of the environment for business and society.
This course aims to give a cross-sectional view of the environment to logistics and transport. The environment is part of the different stages of logistics and the different means of transport. Understanding the main advantages and disadvantages of these, as well as environmental management systems and good environmental practices, are the main learning outcomes to be achieved in this subject.
Theoretical sessions
Guided learning
Autonomous learning
Topic 1. Introduction to the environment.
· General concepts
· Sustainable development
· International conferences
Item 2. Problems generated by transport
· Market efficiency
· Market failures
· Externalities
Item 3. Energy consumption and externalities of the transport sector
· Energy sources and energy consumption by mode of transport
· Technological change in historical perspective
· Negative externalities
Item 4. The environmental impact of the transport sector
· Main pollutants
· Atmospheric contamination. Emission factors.
Canvi climatic
· Noise pollution
Subject 5. Other externalities of the transport
· Congestion
· Accidents
· Water pollution
Item 6. Environment and business
· Importance of the environment in the company
· Corporate Social Responsibility and the environment
· Profitability of the company and the environment
· Sustainable business strategies
Online questionnaires through Moodle of different subjects of the subject to be done in class individually outside the classroom.
Fleet management project
Final project
Final exam
50%: Final exam where the minimum grade will be 5 in order to average the continuous assessment
20%: Continuous assessment activities. There will be activities throughout the course, where the grade of these will be the weighted average of these. Non-delivery of an activity will count as zero. These will be online questionnaires, problem solving, presentations ... After the delivery date, it will not be accepted.
20%: Final project.
10%: Partial exams
These percentages will be maintained in the final recovery, and students will only be able to take the exam.
Students who have not taken the regular call will not be able to take the exam. Continuous assessment activities will not be recoverable.
Catalan Energy Institute (2015). Energy efficiency in fleet management
Gössling, S., Choi, A., Dekker, K., & Metzler, D. (2019). The social cost of automobility, cycling and walking in the European Union. Ecological Economics, 158, 65-74.
Gallego, F., Montero, JP, & Salas, C. (2013). The effect of transport policies on car use: Evidence from Latin American cities. Journal of Public Economics, 107, 47-62.
Conde, J. et al. (2003). Economy, transport and environment. Foundation for Environmental Research and Development, 1st edition. ISBN 8495599716.
Labandeira, Xavier (2007). Environmental Economics, Pearson Educación, Prentice Hall, 1st edition. Available online.
Ministry of the Environment and Rural and Marine Affairs (2010). Transport and the environment, towards a new common transport policy. Term 2009: transport and environment indicators in the European Union. 9788449109034. Annual collection of the European Transport Agency.
Pablo-Romero, MDP, Cruz, L., & Barata, E. (2017). Testing the transport energy-environmental Kuznets curve hypothesis in the EU27 countries. Energy Economics, 62, 257-269.
Moro, A., & Lonza, L. (2018). Electricity carbon intensity in European Member States: Impacts on GHG emissions of electric vehicles. Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, 64, 5-14.