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L'assignatura s'impartirà fonamentalment en castellà i català. Some supplementary materials and parts of presentations may be in English.
B2_That students know how to apply their knowledge to their job or vocation in a professional way and have the skills that are usually demonstrated by developing and defending arguments and solving problems within their area of study
B3_That students have the ability to gather and interpret relevant data (usually within their area of study), to make judgments that incorporate a reflection on relevant social, scientific and ethical issues
E2_Know and understand the sciences, models, techniques and instruments on which physiotherapy is based, articulated and developed
E20_Identify the structural, physiological and biomechanical factors that condition the practice of physical activity and sport
E21_Identify the effects of physical exercise on the structure and function of the human body
E22_Understand the fundamentals, structures and functions of the skills and patterns of human motor skills
E24_Understand the basics of fitness for the practice of physical activity and sport
T2_Demonstrate ability to organize and plan
The subject of functional analysis of exercise and training bases sets out the theoretical and practical foundations of the study of the movement of the human body in relation to physical exercise and the basics of training.
Theoretical and practical aspects necessary to understand human movement in an analytical way are addressed and, above all, the foundations of training theory, basic principles, adaptation theory and the understanding of manifestations are established, determining factors, variables and training methods for the development of basic physical abilities (especially strength as the main ability). The practical sessions have the mission of working on important theoretical concepts and ensuring their integration, applicability and clinical reasoning.
This subject has methodological and digital resources even though it will be conducted face-to-face, due to the state of normality. In this way, the achievement of the same knowledge and skills specified in this teaching plan will be ensured. Likewise, in this subject the resources and tools that incorporate the gender perspective and the prevention of gender-based violence are contemplated.
LO3. Analyze movements and interpret the involvement of the joints and muscles involved, as well as the other factors that determine them.
LO5. It applies, based on knowledge, the biomechanical principles of motor skills, as well as their interrelationship with the environment.
LO6. It applies, based on the knowledge, anatomy and physiology involved in the bodily systems determinant to human movement.
LO8. It applies, based on knowledge, the effects of physical activity and physical interventions, caused on the biochemical reactions of different human organs and systems.
LO9. Interpret, based on knowledge, the acute and chronic effects caused by physical exercise, as well as its evaluation through basic field and laboratory tests: metabolic and cardiorespiratory variables, considering the biological differences by age and gender .
LO18. Acquire criteria, skills and technological knowledge to develop the teaching-learning processes related to analytical and functional weight training exercises in the therapeutic field.
LO21. It analyzes the patient's expectations regarding their evolution, demand and needs.
The subject will include theoretical classes with a single group and practical classes with small groups in physiotherapy gymnasiums. The classes will have the audiovisual support necessary for the activities proposed during the classes. The subject's activities follow the continuous assessment system, that is to say, throughout the term the teacher proposes several activities, which the students must solve and hand in. The syllabus will be prepared by each student with the teacher's guide, guidelines for critical analysis of the movement will be provided, in order to train the student's analytical reasoning and analytical skills. The activities allow the student to be evaluated, the follow-up he/she makes in the subject and the elements of improvement, based on the comments and notes that the teacher will make of the activities. For this purpose, expository classes based on the teacher's explanation will be used, practices carried out in specific classrooms to deepen the concepts explained in class, face-to-face group or individual tutorials, individual work and presentation of topics by the students
The proposed activities can be individual or in work groups. The teacher gives the instructions so that the students can elaborate and deliver them. All the activities proposed are designed so that students have a practical perspective on the topics that are developed throughout the ten weeks of the term.
Activity | Hours |
AF1. Theoretical classes | 23.75 |
AF2. Seminars / workshops | 26.25 |
AF5. Tutorials | 5 |
AF6. Study and group work | 20 |
AF7. Study, autonomous work, individual | 75 |
Total | 150 |
MD1 | Expository method or master lesson: transmit knowledge and activate the student's cognitive processes through unidirectional learning and the creation of one's own notes |
MD2 | Case study: acquiring learning through the analysis of real or simulated cases |
MD3 | Solving exercises and problems: exercising, rehearsing and putting into practice previous knowledge |
MD4 | Problem-based learning (PBL): developing active knowledge through problem solving |
MD5 | Project-oriented learning: carrying out a project to solve a problem, applying skills and knowledge acquired |
MD6 | Cooperative learning: fostering active and meaningful knowledge in a cooperative way |
Qualification system (Royal Decree 1125/2003, of 5 September) that establishes the European system of credits and the system of qualifications to the university degrees of official character and validity in all the state territory:
0 - 4,9: Suspended
5,0 - 6,9: Approved
7,0 - 8,9: Notable
9,0 - 10: Excellent
The student's final grade is the result of a continuous assessment through different assessment activities, for all assessment activities, whether continuous or exam, they must pass with a 5/10 to be able to assess the entirety of the subject Passing the subject is obtained with a grade equal to or greater than 5 points (out of 10) according to the following weighting table.
Assessment | Evaluation activity | Weighting | Assessed skills |
To be continued | SE1. Electronic portfolio | 20% | E5, E20, E21, E24, T2. |
To be continued | SE2. Oral presentation | 20% | B4, B5, E5, E20, E21, E22, E23, E24 |
To be continued | SE4. Self evaluation | 5% | E5, E20, E21, E24, T2. |
To be continued | SE5. Peer evaluation | 5% | B4, B5, E5, E20, E21, E22, E23, E24 |
Final | SE3. Final exam | 50% | E5, E20, E21, E24, T2. |
Final note | Sum of percentages according to the weighting table |
Criteria for averaging between the evaluation activities:
Assessment |
Evaluation Activity |
criteria |
To be continued |
SE1, SE2, SE4, SE5 |
5/10 |
Final |
SE3 (final exam) |
5/10 |
Continuous evaluation:
In the case of suspending only the continuous assessment, it will have to be recovered in the recovery period with a theoretical written exam.
Theoretical exam
The assessment activity during the recovery period is an in-person exam (written test). This exam weighs 50% of the assessment, the mark obtained during the continuous assessment will be maintained.
To pass the subject it is necessary to obtain a grade of 5/10 in the final average of the assessment. The final mark will be the weighted average of all the activities carried out.
The total or partial copy in any of the learning activities will mean a "Not Presented" in the subject, without option to present in the proof of recovery and without prejudice of the opening of a file for this reason.
According to current regulations, only those students who have obtained a failing grade during the assessment of the regular period may take the resit exam.
If the grade is Not Presented, you will not be eligible for recovery.
Left, M (2008). Mechanical and Neurophysiological Bases of Physical Activity and Sport. Panamericana. Madrid.
Gonzalez- Badillo, JJ; Gorostiaga, E (2002). Fundamentals of strength training. INDIA. Madrid.
Solé, J. (2016). Theory of sports training. Barcelona: Sicropat Sport.
Badillo & Serna (2020). Strength, speed and physical performance in sports. ESM. Madrid.
Michael Boyle (2017). Functional training applied to sports. Tutor.
Gonzalez-Badillo, JJ et al (2019): The speed of execution as a reference for the programming, control and evaluation of strength training. Madrid.
Bompa, T & Buzzichelli, C. (2019). Periodization. Theory and methodology of training. Barcelona: Ediciones Tutor
Tous, F (1999): New Trends in Strength and Bodybuilding. Ergo. Barcelona.
Romero, D. and Tous, J (2010). Injury prevention in sport: keys to optimal sports performance. Editorial Médica Panamericana. Madrid.