What are you looking for?
The subject is taught in English in its entirety. All assignments must be submitted in this language
B5_That students have developed those learning skills necessary to undertake further studies with a high degree of autonomy
E3_Know and understand the methods, procedures and physiotherapeutic actions, aimed both at the actual therapy to be applied in the clinic for re-education or functional recovery, as well as carrying out activities aimed at promoting and maintaining health
E12_Intervene in the areas of health promotion, prevention, protection and recovery
E17_Understand the importance of updating the knowledge, skills and abilities and attitudes that make up the professional competencies of the physiotherapist
E19_Know how to communicate effectively and clearly, both orally and in writing, with users of the healthcare system, as well as with other professionals
T1_Acquire the ability to communicate in a foreign language and work in an international context
T2_Demonstrate ability to organize and plan
T3_The student must be able to develop skills in interpersonal relationships and be able to work within an intra and interdisciplinary team
The World Confederation of Physiotherapy (ER-WCPT) defines Evidence-Based Physiotherapy (FBE) as “a commitment to use the greatest scientific evidence available in the clinical decision-making about the care of an individual and that integrates the in turn, both the knowledge acquired during professional practice and that obtained through systematic research in a given field. This concept, derived in turn from Evidence-Based Medicine, aims to integrate within the usual clinical practice of physiotherapists the theoretical-practical knowledge acquired through professional experience with current scientific evidence in relation to the techniques and therapies used in physiotherapy and the preferences and specific characteristics of each patient with the ultimate goal of providing our patients / subjects with the best possible care.
The aim of this subject is to continue to delve into the concepts learned in the subject ofEvidence Based Seminar as well as expanding other concepts related to the FBE. The purpose of this follow-up will be to provide the student with work tools that he can use both in his future professional life and in future research projects such as the Final Degree Project.
Type of activity |
Hours |
AF1. Theoretical classes |
25 |
AF5. Tutorials |
1.5 |
AF6. Study and group work |
11 |
AF7. Study and independent work |
37.5 |
Total |
75 |
MD1. Expository method or master class: to transmit knowledge and to activate the cognitive processes of the student by means of a unidirectional learning
MD3. Solving exercises and problems: exercising, rehearsing and putting into practice previous knowledge
MD4. Problem-based learning (PBL): developing active knowledge through problem solving
This subject will be evaluated as follows:
Evaluation activity |
Weighting |
Continued avaluation |
SE1. e-Portfolio |
40% |
SE2. Oral presentation |
20% |
SE4. Self evaluation |
10% |
Final Evaluation |
SE3. Exam |
30% |
According to current regulations, only those students who have obtained a grade of suspense during the ordinary period. The activities that are part of the continuous assessment They are NOT recoverable. To pass the subject it is necessary to obtain one rating of 5/10 to the global of the subject
Evaluation in recovery period |
SE3. Exam | 30% |
The total or partial copy in any of the learning activities will mean a "Not Presented" in the subject, without option to present in the proof of recovery and without prejudice of the opening of a file for this reason
Robert Herbert Gro Jamtvedt Judy Mead Kåre Birger Hagen; Practical Evidence-Based Physiotherapy (2nd edition). Elsevier 2005
Elena D. Kallestinova. How to write your first Scientific Paper. Yale J Biol Med. 2011 Sep; 84 (3): 181–190.
Center for Evidence-Based Medicine. https://www.cebm.net/
Transparent Reporting of Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyzes. http://www.prisma-statement.org/
Straus SE., Richardson WS, Glasziou P, Haynes RB. Evidence-based medicine. How to practice and teach the MBA (3rd edition). Elsevier 2006
Evidence-based Medical Toolbox. https://ebm-tools.knowledgetranslation.net/syllabi/physiotherapy-practice
Students for Best Evidence: https://www.students4bestevidence.net
Transparent Reporting of Trials: http://www.consort-statement.org/consort-2010
Slafer, GA. How to write a scientific article? Journal of research in education, ISSN 1697-5200, Flight. 6, NO. 1, 2009, p. 124-132