What are you looking for?
B2_That students know how to apply their knowledge to their job or vocation in a professional way and have the skills that are usually demonstrated by developing and defending arguments and solving problems within their area of study
B3_That students have the ability to gather and interpret relevant data (usually within their area of study), to make judgments that incorporate a reflection on relevant social, scientific and ethical issues
E2_Know and understand the sciences, models, techniques and instruments on which physiotherapy is based, articulated and developed
E20_Identify the structural, physiological and biomechanical factors that condition the practice of physical activity and sport
E21_Identify the effects of physical exercise on the structure and function of the human body
E22_Understand the fundamentals, structures and functions of the skills and patterns of human motor skills
T2_Demonstrate ability to organize and plan
One of the goals of physiotherapists is to maintain and recover the motor activity of the individual in order to guarantee the preservation of the best possible state of health.
This subject, based on the most basic and traditional knowledge of motor skills along with the most up-to-date knowledge of the neurosciences, should allow students to study and reason about what movement and motor activity is, how it develops in the l 'human being, how it is organized from the neurophysiological point of view and how it is modified in relation to the different states of health.
We also want to give the student the opportunity to experience consciously and from different points of view (motor, sensory and cognitive) different basic motor activities, which are part of the motor development of human beings, as well as also different proposed proprioceptive exercises. This will allow the student to be able to project and face the treatment in a more global and complete way.
This subject aims to introduce the gender perspective in its content and development.
LO3. Analyze movements and interpret the involvement of the joints and muscles involved, as well as the other factors that determine them.
LO5. It applies, based on the knowledge of the biomechanical principles of motor skills, as well as their interrelation with the environment.
LO6. It applies, based on knowledge, the anatomy and physiology involved in the bodily systems that determine human movement.
LO8. It applies, based on knowledge, the effects of physical activity and physical interventions, caused on the biochemical reactions of different human organs and systems.
LO18. Acquire criteria, skills and technological knowledge to develop the teaching-learning processes related to analytical and functional weight training exercises in the therapeutic field.
The subject is developed through face-to-face theoretical classes (whole group), theoretical-practical seminars (small groups), practices (small groups) and individual and independent work.
The theoretical classes will be held in the classroom, while the different seminars and practicals will be held in classrooms, physiotherapy gyms or aquatic facilities as appropriate. The independent work will be done through moodle.
Psychomotor and Motor Control
MD1. Expository method or master class: to transmit knowledge and to activate the cognitive processes of the student by means of a unidirectional learning
MD2. Case study: acquiring learning through the analysis of real or simulated cases
MD3. Solving exercises and problems: exercising, rehearsing and putting into practice previous knowledge
MD4. Problem-based learning (PBL): developing active knowledge through problem solving
MD5. Project-oriented learning: carrying out a project to solve a problem, applying skills and knowledge acquired
MD6. Cooperative learning: fostering active and meaningful knowledge in a cooperative way
Activity |
Hours |
AF1. Theoretical classes |
23.75 |
AF2. Seminars / Workshops |
26.25 |
AF5. Tutorials |
5 |
AF6. Study and work in a group |
20 |
AF7. Study and work autonomous, individual |
75 |
Total |
150 |
Evaluation activity |
Weighting |
Theoretical exam |
40% |
Practical exam |
10% |
Electronic portfolio |
30% |
Oral presentation |
20% |
Attendance at practical classes is 80% compulsory. The student who does not meet this requirement will not be able to be evaluated, constant as a NO PRESENTED and without option to the recovery.
The final continuous assessment grade is the result of the weighted average (as indicated in the box), although to pass the subject you must have passed the theoretical and practical exam, making the total average equal to or greater than 5.
The total or partial copy in any of the learning activities will mean a "Not Presented" in the subject, without option to present in the proof of recovery and without prejudice of the opening of a file for this reason.
Students who have failed the theoretical and / or practical exam will be entitled to a resit exam.
The grades obtained during the term resulting from the continuous assessment cannot be recovered and therefore the marks will be kept as part of the final mark of the subject (both passed and not passed). Only in the event that the theoretical and practical exam are passed and the average does not reach 5 due to the continuous assessment, it will be possible to opt for the recovery of this with a work that will determine the teacher of the subject.
( In accordance with current regulations, you can only opt for recovery, if it has been suspended the subject. If the rating is Not presented, you will not be eligible for recovery.)
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Kandel E. (2001). Principles of neuroscience. Madrid: McGraw-Hill Inter-American of Spain.
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