General information

Subject type: Optional

Coordinator: Esther Wall Gimeno

Trimester: Third term

Credits: 4

Teaching staff: 

Marc Badia Rosells
Anabel Casanovas Alvarez 
Carles Martín Nacenta 
Silvia Ortega Cebrián 

Teaching languages

  • Catalan
  • Spanish


Basic skills
  • B3_That students have the ability to gather and interpret relevant data (usually within their area of ​​study), to make judgments that incorporate a reflection on relevant social, scientific and ethical issues


  • B4_That students can convey information, ideas, problems and solutions to both specialized and non-specialized audiences


Specific skills
  • E1_Know and understand the morphology, physiology, pathology and behavior of people, both healthy and sick, in the natural and social environment


  • E4_To acquire the appropriate clinical experience that provides intellectual abilities and technical and manual skills, that facilitates the incorporation of ethical and professional values, and that develops the capacity of integration of the acquired knowledge, so that, at the end of the studies , students know how to apply both to specific clinical cases in the hospital and outpatient setting, as well as actions in primary and community care


  • E5_Assess the functional state of the patient, considering the physical, psychological and social aspects


  • E8_Execute, direct and coordinate the physiotherapy intervention plan, using its own therapeutic tools and taking into account the individuality of the user


  • E9_Assess the evolution of the results obtained with the treatment in relation to the objectives set


  • E10_Prepare the discharge report for physiotherapy care once the proposed objectives have been met


  • E11_Provide effective physiotherapy care, providing comprehensive care to patients


  • E13_Ability to work in professional teams as a basic unit in which professionals and other staff of healthcare organizations are structured in a unified or multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary way


  • E18_Acquire clinical management skills that include the efficient use of health resources and develop activities of planning, management and control of care units where care is given in physiotherapy and its relationship with other health services


  • E20_Identify the structural, physiological and biomechanical factors that condition the practice of physical activity and sport

  • E23_Identify the effects of the practice of physical exercise on the psychological and social aspects of human beings


  • E24_Understand the basics of fitness for the practice of physical activity and sport


Transversal competences
  • T1_Acquire the ability to communicate in a foreign language and work in an international context


  • T2_Demonstrate ability to organize and plan


  • T3_The student must be able to develop skills in interpersonal relationships and be able to work within an intra and interdisciplinary team



The subject innovative methods in assessment within Physiotherapy, aims to provide knowledge of the most current systems in the exploration and monitoring for the assessment of the patient's condition, the monitoring and observation of the modifications that can be generated by the different physiotherapy treatments.

This subject is based on research updates and constant technological evolutions, which have allowed the development of new tools to quantify physical characteristics, functional states, observation and objective assessment, and the evolution and segment of ranges of movements, strength, movement patterns.

The subject is divided into 2 blocks:

1 Assessment methods in physiotherapy

In the field of sports physiotherapy, there are currently tools that can be used by physiotherapists during the recovery and prevention of injuries, as well as in the prescription of exercises and the maintenance of health, which allow us to assess ranges of movement, strength, movement patterns, structural alterations and functional musculoskeletal modifications.

2 Ultrasound

The observation of musculoskeletal structures through ultrasound opens up a new field in both static and dynamic evaluations of the structures themselves, as well as the connection and relationship between them. The possibility of carrying out an assessment in real time, with the carrying out of a comparison with the contralateral structures, the measurement and analysis of the structures, the observation of the structures in relation to the active or passive movement, as well as the carrying out of treatments of echo-guided invasive physiotherapy, creates a field of possibilities for the physiotherapist, both in the assessment and treatment phase and in the follow-up and evolution phases of possible musculoskeletal effects.

Learning outcomes

LO48. It incorporates the communication and dissemination of results as part of the therapeutic intervention process. 

LO58. Apply the scientific method to the different fields of physiotherapy: methodological design, records, databases and statistical analysis. 

LO59. Understand substantial physiotherapy problems and propose hypotheses to design the methodological strategy for their scientific demonstration, which would lead to the best resolution of the identified problems. 

LO14. Uses specific English terminology related to technology, information and statistics applied to physical activity and sport: data tables, graphs, diagrams, procedures, protocols, ...

LO11. Apply the scientific method to the different fields of physical activity and sports sciences: methodological design, records, databases and statistical analysis.

LO20. Identifies the main physical agents used in physiotherapy interventions. Classify them according to their effect and importance and establish order of priorities in their therapeutic application.  

LO22. Establishes the intervention protocol based on joint negotiation between therapist and patient. 

LO23. Perform the physiotherapeutic diagnosis to determine the dysfunctions and disabilities that will require a specific physiotherapy intervention. 

LO13. Incorporate new technologies for obtaining records and processing information and images in physiotherapy: formulate projects that integrate the different operations.   

LO8. It applies, based on knowledge, the effects of physical activity and physical interventions, caused on the biochemical reactions of different human organs and systems. 

Working methodology

training activities Typology Activity Hours
AF1. Theoretical classes 8.25
AF2. Seminars / Workshops 3
AF3. Practical classes 26.25
AF6. Study and group work 2
AF6. Study and autonomous, individual work 60.5
Total 100



Contents of the subject

Content assessment methods in physiotherapy

Introduction to current assessment methods, manual, digital and apparatus. 

Knowledge of modifiable musculoskeletal risk factors in traumatological and sports injuries. Assessment and practice of range of motion using manual, digital, app, 2D and 3D tools. EESS and EEII strength assessment and practice using dynamometers, gauges, encoder systems and force platform. 

Evaluation and practice of functional tests. Introduction and practice of the use of electromyography, and 2D and 3D systems.

Topic 1: Introduction to new measurement tools in daily practice: digital ROM, HDD Force, gauge, app. 

Topic 2: Functional Movement measurement tools: Comparison with traditional methods/Video analysis apps, Kinovea 2D, WERIUM. 

Topic 3. Assessment of strength and muscle activation: Use of technologies to assess strength. Isokinetic Vs Isotonic. Applicability of encoders as a test, EMG.    

Topic 4: Functional Movement Screening (FMS): Origin of FMS, what is FMS, Classification criteria 

Topic 5: Assessment of the ankle: applicability of leg motion  

Topic 6: Musculoskeletal screenings: What are they? Why are they useful? What do we get?/Choice of test screenings/evidence of screenings and application. 

Topic 7: Assessment test according to injuries III: Shoulder, elbow and hand injuries (HHD and ROM, dyskinesia test)  

Topic 8: Assessment test according to injuries I: Groin Pain Injuries (ROM, HHD, KBFO, Specific functional test) Strength gauge (RFD) 

Topic 9: Evaluation test according to injuries II: Ischiosural muscle injury (AKET, PKET, Jurdan test) / Rectus Anterior (Modified Thomas,...) / Triceps Sural, Dimension of the main muscles EEII     


Contents ultrasound

Theoretical introduction to ultrasound. 

Practice in the ultrasonographic assessment of musculoskeletal structures. Introduction of the tendon structure quantification tool with Ultrasound Tissue Characterization (UTC). 

Learning the differentiation of musculoskeletal structures. 

Practice in the evaluation of pathological effects in musculoskeletal structures.

Topic 1: Introduction to ultrasound

Topic 2: How ultrasound works, parameters, functions, nomenclature, use.

Topic 3. Sonoanatomy Shoulder

Topic 4: Sonoanatomy Elbow

Topic 5: Sonoanatomy wrist and hand

Topic 6: Hip sonoanatomy

Topic 7: Knee sonoanatomy

Topic 8: Ankle and foot sonoanatomy

Unit 9: Pathological sonoanatomy.

Learning activities

MD1. Expository method or master class: to transmit knowledge and to activate the cognitive processes of the student through the unidirectional learning

MD2. Case studies: learning acquisition through the analysis of real or simulated cases

MD3. Solve exercises and problems: exercise, rehearse and put into practice previous knowledge

MD4. Problem-based learning (PBL): development of active knowledge through problem solving

MD5. Project-oriented learning: carrying out a problem-solving project, applying skills and knowledge acquired

MD6. Cooperative learning: fostering active and meaningful knowledge in a cooperative way


Evaluation system

Evaluation system Activity Weighting
Continuous evaluation electronic porta soli format 20%
Oral expression 20%
Test-type theoretical exam  


The activities will be videos, questionnaires, clinical cases. 

In the event that the continuous assessment is not approved, it may be repeated, that is to say, those students who have not passed all the activities will not be accepted for the final exam.

To pass the subject it is necessary to obtain a grade of 5/10 in the final average of the assessment. The final mark will be the weighted average of all the activities carried out.

Total or partial copying in any of the learning activities will mean a "Not Presented" in the subject, without the option to take the recovery test and without prejudice to the opening of a file for this reason

According to the current regulations, only those students who have obtained a failing grade during the evaluation of the ordinary period may take the make-up exam. If the grade is Not Presented, you will not be able to opt for recovery.

Participation in classroom activities and discussions will always be evaluated when class attendance is at least 80%. If this minimum is not reached, the subject's grade will be "Not presented" and you will not be entitled to recovery.

Therefore, this situation will be considered not presented when the student has not presented himself/herself to the theoretical test and/or the practical oral presentation.



Bianchi, C. Martinoli. Musculoskeletal ultrasound. Ed. Marban. 2021

Iñigo Iriarte Posee, Carles Pedret Carbadillo, Ramon Balius Matas, Luis Cerezal Pesquera. Musculoskeletal ultrasound Anatomical exploration and pathology. Ed. Pan American 2020