What are you looking for?
B3_That students have the ability to gather and interpret relevant data (usually within their area of study), to make judgments that incorporate a reflection on relevant social, scientific and ethical issues
E2_Know and understand the sciences, models, techniques and instruments on which physiotherapy is based, articulated and developed
E3_Know and understand the methods, procedures and physiotherapeutic actions, aimed both at the actual therapy to be applied in the clinic for re-education or functional recovery, as well as carrying out activities aimed at promoting and maintaining health
E5_Assess the functional state of the patient, considering the physical, psychological and social aspects
E7_Design the physiotherapy intervention plan according to the criteria of adequacy, validity and efficiency
T2_Demonstrate ability to organize and plan
The Skeletal Muscle Physiotherapy subject is mandatory training for the Physiotherapy Degree.
It will develop the main physical therapies for the treatment and intervention of musculoskeletal conditions.
Therefore, the subject consists of 2 interrelated blocks, which are indicated below:
Practical block:
-Stretching seminar
-Seminar of physical therapeutic agents (Electrothermotherapy)
In the teaching and teaching of this subject, he takes care to introduce and take into account the perspective of gender and sex in the teaching of his seminars given the differences in mobility-flexibility in the involvement in sex.
RA20. Identify the main physical agents used in physiotherapy interventions. Classify them according to their effect and importance and establish the order of priorities in their therapeutic application.
RA21. Analyzes the patient's expectations regarding their progress, demands and needs.
LO22. It establishes the intervention protocol based on the joint negotiation between therapist and patient.
RA23. Carry out the physiotherapeutic diagnosis to determine the dysfunctions and disabilities that require a specific physiotherapy intervention.
RA25. Learn the basics of physiotherapy in musculoskeletal disorders. Specific evaluation of musculoskeletal dysfunctions. Main intervention techniques. Classification based on its physical principles and effects on the body.
RA26. Identifies the main musculoskeletal pathologies. Learn medical and surgical interventions, effects and results. Contribution of physiotherapy in the treatment and improvement of medical and / or surgical interventions.
The subject will include theoretical classes with a single group and theoretical and practical classes with small groups in Physiotherapy gyms. The classes will have the appropriate audiovisual support, as well as the provision of specific material in the practical demonstrations. The subject will have the teaching methodological resources allowed by the Moodle platform where teachers will generate learning activities and make available material and information to support learning.
Teaching methodologies: MD1 (expository method or lecture), MD2 (case study), MD3 (Solving exercises and problems), MD4 (ABP), MD5 (Project-oriented learning), MD6 (Cooperative learning)
Topic 1-General concepts on the use of physical therapeutic agents (Electrothermotherapy): Parameters, Classification of currents, etc.
Topic 2-Low Frequency Currents (single-phase and two-phase currents); galvanic direct current, faradic and neofaradic currents, exponential currents, symmetric and asymmetric biphasic currents, high voltage currents, Trabert's ultra-exciting currents, Bernard's dynamic currents; TEN currents
Topic 3-Medium Frequency Currents: Interferential Currents; Russian or Kotz stimulation currents.
Topic 4-Muscle strengthening through the application of electric currents (Neuromuscular Electrostimulation - EENM)
Topic 5-High Frequency Currents (Ultrasounds-US)
Topic 6-Application of combined therapy: US + Low and Medium frequency currents
Topic 7-Introduction to Radio Frequency: Practical demonstrations of the Ttransference Eelectric Capassive and Rexisting (Tecartherapy)
Topic 1: Theoretical bases of musculotendinous stretching (definition, classification)
Topic 2: Practical application of self-stretching muscles and tendons
Topic 3: Practical application of assisted muscle and tendon stretching
Teaching methodologies:
MD1 (expository method or lecture), MD2 (case study), MD3 (Solving exercises and problems), MD4 (ABP), MD5 (Project-oriented learning), MD6 (Cooperative learning)
training activities |
Type of activity |
Hours |
AF1.Theoretical classes |
31,43 |
AF3.Practical classes |
10 |
AF5. Tutorials |
1,43 |
AF6.Study and group work |
14,29 |
AF7.Study and individual independent work |
42,86 |
100 |
Evaluation systems |
Evaluation system |
Minimum weighting |
Maximum weighting |
SE1-electronic portfolio |
10% |
40% |
SE2-oral presentation |
20% |
50% |
SE3-examination |
30% |
60% |
SE4-self-assessment |
5% |
30% |
SE5-peer assessment (2P2) or co-assessment |
5% |
30% |
The subject is made up of a total of 2 blocks that weigh equally proportionally on the final mark of the subject (50% for each of the blocks). Below is the evaluation system set out in the set of the 2 blocks that make up the subject. In a general way, it will be essential to have independently passed each of the 2 blocks with a grade equal to or higher than 5 points in order to pass the subject, applying in this case, the average of the grades obtained between the 2 blocks.:
TP seminar on the application of physical therapeutic agents: Electrothermotherapy-(50%)
-Final practical exam of exposure on clinical cases of the topics worked on in class (45% of the grade for this blog)
-Continuous assessment- (AC) individual- Self-assessment: Exercises and/or class quizzes (25% of the grade for this blog)
-Group delivery electronic portfolio (30% of the grade for this block)
TP Stretching Seminar-(50%)
Final practical exam of the syllabus worked in class (50% of the grade for this blog)
Electronic portfolio of individual delivery (30% of the grade for this blog)
Oral presentation group work (20% of the grade for this blog)
In a general way, it will be essential to have achieved a score equal to or higher than 4 points in each of the three blocks in order to pass the subject, applying in this case, the average of the grades obtained between the three blocks.
It is an essential requirement to attend 80% of each of the practical blocks. Failure to comply with this requirement will result in the subject being suspended and having to be taken again next year.
Recovery period
Students will have the option to retake the subject when the activities have been presented evaluators In each of the blocks, the type of assessment activity that can be recovered is determined:
For the electrothermotherapy TP seminar, in the event that the subject is not completed with an average grade of 5 in all sections, the student will have to recover according to the section that has been suspended, the group electronic portfolio not being recoverable .
For the stretching TP seminar, in the event that the subject is not completed with an average grade of 5 in all sections, the student will have to make up according to the section that has been suspended. The oral presentation will be recovered with a written work.
The total or partial copy in any of the learning activities will mean a "Not Presented" in the subject, without option to present in the proof of recovery and without prejudice of the opening of a file for this reason.
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· Pombo Fernandez, M. Electrostimulation, training and periodization (practical application to football and 45 sports). Ed Paidotribo 2004
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·Barbara J. Behrens, Holly Beinert (eds): Physical Agents: theory and practice. Philadelphia: FADavis Company, 3rd. ed., 2014.
·Neiger, H. Manual analytical stretching. Passive techniques. Madrid; Pan American, 1998
· Seco Calvo, JA; Applied Physics in Physiotherapy, Author-Editorial Ed, 1st Edition October 2004.
· Christian-F. Roques. Electrotherapy practice. Ed. Springer, 1997.
·Fernández de las Peñas, C; Meilán Ortiz, A. Cinesiterapia. Physiological bases and practical application. Elsevier
· Cameron, M; Physical agents in RHB, from research to practice. Ed. Elsevier, 3rd edition, April 2009.
· Hoogland.R. Ultrasonic Therapy. Enraf-Nonius Publications, 1st edition October 1994.
· Zauner Gutman, A. Recent advances in Physiotherapy. Barcelona. Publishing Jims. 1993
· Joseph Khan. Principles and practice of electrotherapy. Ed. Jim 1991
· Cristina Aramburu de Vega, Emilio Muñoz Diaz, Celedonia Igual Camacho; Electrotherapy, Thermotherapy, and Hydrotherapy. Madrid, Ed. synthesis 1998
· Cameron, M. Physical Agents in Rehabilitation. Philadelphia. Saunders 1999.
· Robinson A; Clinical Electrophysiology and Electrophysiological Testing. Ed. Lippincott, 3rd Edition, November 2000.
· Albornoz M, Maya J, Toledo J.; Practical Electrotherapy. Advances in Clinical Research. Ed. Elsevier. 1st edition. April 2016
· Bélanger, AY; Evidence Based Guide to Therapeutic Physical Agents Ed. Lippincott, 2003.
·Geoffroy C. Practical guide to stretching. Barcelona: Paidotribo; 2012
·Geoffroy, C. Guide des itirements sportifs. Paris: Ed. Vigot; 2000
·Alter, M. The stretches. Development of exercises. Barcelona, Ed. Paidotribo, 1992