General information

Subject type: Basic

Coordinator: Esther Wall Gimeno

Trimester: Third term

Credits: 6

Teaching staff: 

Pere Bacardit Pintó

Teaching languages

  • Catalan
  • Spanish


Basic skills
  • B3_That students have the ability to gather and interpret relevant data (usually within their area of ​​study), to make judgments that incorporate a reflection on relevant social, scientific and ethical issues


  • B4_That students can convey information, ideas, problems and solutions to both specialized and non-specialized audiences


  • B5_That students have developed those learning skills necessary to undertake further studies with a high degree of autonomy


Specific skills
  • E1_Know and understand the morphology, physiology, pathology and behavior of people, both healthy and sick, in the natural and social environment


  • E20_Identify the structural, physiological and biomechanical factors that condition the practice of physical activity and sport

  • E21_Identify the effects of physical exercise on the structure and function of the human body



As a physiotherapy professional, the undergraduate student must have an in-depth understanding of the functioning of the body during physical exercise, as well as know how the different systems respond in advance of physical training.

The main objective of this subject is for the student to acquire the necessary skills to identify the adaptations that occur in the body as a result of physical exercise in order to improve performance and/or improve the functionality of the different organs and systems, thus increasing the functional capacity of the individual.

In the subject of Exercise Physiology, the degree student must acquire specific knowledge about the assessment of anaerobic and aerobic metabolism as well as know the effects that physical exercise exerts on the human body in special conditions of 'stress and in other different contexts.

To take this subject, it is recommended that the student has successfully passed the skills to be assessed in the Human Physiology subject, as well as having a clear understanding of the anatomical concepts studied in the Human Anatomy I subject. 

This subject considers the gender perspective. 

Learning outcomes

  • RA1. Identify the main historical facts of anatomy, physiology, biochemistry and biomechanics, as well as knowing how to recognize the study methods and recording techniques most used in these disciplines, and interpret their data and graphs.
  • LO7. Explain the terminology of exercise physiology accurately.
  • LO8. It applies, based on knowledge, the effects of physical activity and physical interventions, caused on the biochemical reactions of different human organs and systems.
  • LO9. Interpret, based on knowledge, the acute and chronic effects caused by physical exercise, as well as its evaluation through basic field and laboratory tests: metabolic and cardiorespiratory variables, considering the biological differences by age and gender .
  • RA10. Apply, based on knowledge of the changes and adaptations that occur due to variation in age, gender and environmental stress.
  • RA11. It applies the scientific method to the various areas of the sciences of physical activity and sport: methodological design, records, databases and statistical analysis.
  • LO12. It includes substantial problems in the sciences of physical activity and sport and proposes a hypothesis to design the empirical strategy for its theoretical demonstration, which would lead to the best resolution of the identified problems.

Working methodology

The methodology of the subject will be carried out combining face-to-face classroom time, with autonomous work time, with the support of the virtual learning environment. The percentage of time the student spends is distributed as follows:


Teaching methodology


Expository method or master class: to transmit knowledge and to activate the cognitive processes of the student by means of a unidirectional learning


Case study: acquiring learning through the analysis of real or simulated cases


Solving exercises and problems: exercising, rehearsing and putting into practice previous knowledge


Problem-based learning (PBL): developing active knowledge through problem solving

Both in the face-to-face sessions and in the autonomous work, the student will work individually and in work groups.

Each ECTS is equivalent to 25 hours of student dedication, considering the time invested in the total of the activities related to the face-to-face time and the time of autonomous work, that the professor of the subject guides, as well as the reading times, information search, connection to the Virtual Classroom, or elaboration of works.


1. Answers and adaptations in physical exercise.


2. Influence of the environment on responses and adaptations to physical exercise.


3. Influence of gender and age on responses and adaptations to physical exercise.


Learning activities

The activities of the subject follow the system of continuous assessment, that is, throughout the term the teachers propose various activities, which students must solve and deliver. The work of each one of the activities allows to value to the student, the follow-up that does to the asignatura and the elements of improvement, from the comments and notes that the professors will do of the activities.

The proposed activities can be individual or in work groups. Teachers give directions so that students can prepare and deliver them. All the activities proposed are designed so that students have a practical perspective on the topics that are developed throughout the ten weeks of the term.


Typology Activity Hours Face-to-face
AF1. Theoretical classes 32,42 100%
AF2. Seminars / workshops 17,5 100%
AF5. Tutorials 2,5 0-10%
AF6. Study and group work 23,33 0-10%
AF7. Study and autonomous, individual work 74,25 0%
Total 150 -

Evaluation system

Qualification system (Royal Decree 1125/2003, of 5 September, which establishes the European credit system and the system of qualifications in university degrees of an official nature and valid throughout the state):
            0 - 4,9: Suspension (SS)
            5,0 - 6,9: Approved (AP)
            7,0 - 8,9: Notable (NT)
            9,0 - 10: Excellent (SB)

The final grade of the student is the result of a continuous assessment through different assessment activities. In order to pass the course you must pass a minimum grade of 5 points out of 10, according to the following table.

Evaluation system Weighting
SE1. Electronic portfolio 15
SE2. Oral presentation 20
SE3. Exam 45
SE4. Self evaluation 10
SE5. Peer assessment (2P2) or co-assessment 10
Total 100


Evaluation activity in recovery period  Weighting
SE3. Exam 45%


Important, to be able to pass the subject, it is necessary to have passed the Exam (ES3) with a minimum weighting of 5/10.

Only in the case of having carried out the individual and group activities but not having obtained the minimum qualification of 5 points (out of 10) there is the possibility of doing an individual work to be able to recover these sections. In the case of having passed these parts, the grade obtained during the subject for the calculation of the final grade will be maintained.

In accordance with current regulations, you can only opt for recovery, if the subject has been suspended. If the grade is Not Presented, you will not be eligible for recovery.

The total or partial copy in any of the learning activities will mean a "Not Presented" in the subject, without option to present in the proof of recovery and without prejudice of the opening of a file for this reason.



McArdle W, Katch F & Katch V. (2015). Exercise Physiology: Nutrition, Energy and Human Performance (8th ed). Baltimore: Lippincot Williams and Wilkins

López Chicharro J & Fernández Vaquero A. (2006). Exercise physiology (3ªed). Madrid: Médica Panamericana

Wilmore JH & Costill DL. (2007). Physiology of effort and sport (6ªed). Barcelona: Paidotribo


Silverthorn U. (2008). Human physiology; an integrated approach (4ª ed). Madrid: Panamericana

Tortora G & Derrickson B. (2013). Principles of Anatomy and Physiology (13th ed). Panamericana

Barbany JR. (2002). Physiology of physical exercise and training (1ªed). Barcelona: Paidotribo

Guyton A. (2006). Medical Physiology. Buenos Aires: Panamericana

Mora Rodríguez R. (2009). Physiology of sport and exercise. Field and laboratory tests (1ªed). Madrid: Panamericana