Type of the project

Research, transfer and scientific culture



Field of action


Status of the project


Initial date


End date


The Comarca del Maresme has a particular idiosyncrasy in that it combines the coast with a heavily urbanized and industrialized interior, which preserves a still relevant agricultural sector, as well as a forest area rich in biomass. This coastal-industrial-rural-forestry combination, plus the fact that it is close to the Metropolitan Area of ​​Barcelona, ​​can offer interesting opportunities for circularity, different from other territories, which it is considered advisable to explore.

The project was born to detect the opportunities that the business fabric of the region can find in the circular economy. For two years, the challenges and opportunities of the transition towards circularity will be studied through a multi-sector and multi-agent approach.

In the era we live in, the circular economy has become one of the pillars of economic transformation. that companies can know how they are in terms of sustainability and know the business opportunities they can develop becomes a basic axis in any business plan and business growth. It's about rethinking our production and consumption model, understanding waste as new resources and keeping these in operation for longer, so that we can avoid the exhaustion of raw materials.


1. Characterization of the territory and priority activity sectors.

2. Analysis of the degree of implementation of the circular economy in the region and identification of the driving agents.

3. Definition of the territorial ecosystem and transformation roadmap

4. Training and dissemination



During the 2 years that the project will last (November 2023 to April 2025), 6 training days on circular economy will be held and a forum will be used to present the results of the project.


  • The final objective of the project is to promote the transformation of the Comarca del Maresme towards the circular economy. Specifically, we want to study the challenges and opportunities of transition towards circularity existing in the territory of the Maresme while considering a multi-sectoral and multi-agent perspective.


  •  Characterization of the territory and priority activity sectors.
  • Analysis of the implementation of the circular economy in the region.
  • Definition of the Territorial Ecosystem and the transformation roadmap.
  • Dissemination of the roadmap and the concepts of the circular economy.

Thus, from FAGEM, the entity that represents the business fabric of the Maresme region, in collaboration with the Maresme Regional Council, which would provide the vision of the Public Administration, and with the academic support of the Department of Economics Circularity and Sustainability of the Tecnocampus Mataró-Maresme Foundation, we want to make a diagnosis to evaluate the circularity potential of the territory, and extract a road map, the development and implementation of which will act as a lever for the territorial transition towards a more circular socio-economic model.
Based on FAGEM's internal contacts, a space for knowledge and discussion in the circular economy will be generated with actors from each of the work sectors and the participation of the County Council and some territorial councils, which will allow the identification of existing initiatives and the challenges of the transition towards circularity. The current government system and the level of interaction and collaboration between the different agents will also be analysed: business, public administration and society. With all this, a Roadmap will be defined to promote the transition towards the circularity of the Maresme.


Project managers

Ariadne Benedict

Senior researcher at the Chair of Circular Economy

Maria Armiñana Maristany

Junior Researcher of the Chair of Circular Economy

Project team

Funding sources

La request of the project "Study of the potential of the Circular Economy in the Maresme - Maresme Circular" is presented through the call "Projects to promote the circular economy 2022" with file number  ARC027/22/000134.


Granted amount


Amount of the project


Contact the project team

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I-Talent. Inclusivity, Innovation and Integration for the social and labor insertion of people with disabilities 2023-2024