Type of the project

Research, transfer and scientific culture



Field of action


Website of the project


Status of the project


Initial date


End date


The first part of the project, already executed and with a definitive version of the interactive web platform (https://www.historiesdelpunt.cat/), has had the support and funding of the Diputació de Barcelona and the Democratic Memorial and the department of Culture of the Generalitat of Catalonia. In addition, the project has the collaboration of the Mataró Textile Museum (Mataró City Council) and Maresme Televisió.

The documentary is organized in relation to eleven thematic lines that try to synthesize the experience of the textile workers who have participated in the memory recovery process. In each line there will be a video (with testimonies, archive images, animations, sound recreations...) and space dedicated to the compilation of related documents. These lines are the following: emigration and cultures, labor exploitation, urbanism and self-construction, child labor, underground labor movement, sexual violence, social life, (re)productive bodies, overlockism (underground economy), labor movement and transition, and closure of the factories

The project is already in a consolidation phase, having previously participated in a call for the present grant on Visual Arts. In the previous phase, 5 thematic pieces of the interactive documentary were proposed, of which 9 ended up being made. In this second phase, we want to focus on the labor movement in the city of Mataró, be it during the Franco era initially (especially through the Joventuts Obreres Cristianes, the JOC) and finally in the stage of democratic transition, with the emergence of the PSUC, first, and CCOO, later.
The reuse of various film material is one of the identifying elements of the documentary. Already in the pieces already made, amateur film material has been used, in addition to consulting the main graphic archives of the region (Archiv Comarcal del Maresme, archive of Televisió de Mataró, Archive of Santa Maria) as well as of Catalonia (Filmoteca de Catalunya ). In this last phase, more focused on the labor movement, in addition to these archives, the consultation of the historical archive of CCOO Catalunya, Cipriano Garcia, and the use of the RTVE archive may be of particular relevance.

This project aims to highlight the history told through the oral memory of working women, in order to rescue these episodes of history that have usually been left out of the official and museum history of the knitting genre. Not only in the strictly labor sphere, but these personal memoirs incorporate aspects of everyday life such as childcare tasks, sexual violence inside and outside the factory, or the work of the underground economy of overlock women ( essentially women).

The aim of the project presented in this call is to locate archival material (O1) and finalize the realization and assembly (O2) of the thematic lines linked to the labor movement, first in the underground and then during the democratic transition.

Project managers

Dr. Aina Fernández Aragonés

Project team

Dr. Elena Fraj

Dr. Elena Fraj

Dr. Carlota Frisón

Dr. María Luna Rasa

Funding sources

La request of the "Hitories del punt" project is presented through the "Subsidies for projects of a professional nature in the field of visual arts" with reference number CLT015/23/000087.


Granted amount


Amount of the project


Contact the project team



EDUX Digital Innovation Mataró


Academy 4 Business