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The bibliography or working readings of the subject can be in Catalan, Spanish or English.
CB3_That students have the ability to gather or interpret relevant data (usually within their area of study), to make judgments that include reflection on relevant social, scientific or ethical issues
CE6_Apply health care information and communication technologies and systems
CE16_Ability to describe the fundamentals of the primary level of health and the activities to be developed to provide comprehensive nursing care to the individual, family and community. Understand the role and activities and cooperative attitude that the professional must develop in a Primary Health Care team. Promote the participation of individuals, families and groups in their health-illness process. Identify and analyze the influence of internal and external factors on the level of health of individuals and groups. Apply the necessary methods and procedures in their field to identify the most relevant health problems in a community. Analyze statistical data related to population studies, identifying possible causes of problems and health. Educate, facilitate and support the health and well-being of members of the community whose lives are affected by health problems, risk, suffering, illness, disability or death.
CG6_Basing nursing interventions on scientific evidence and available media
CG13_Know the principles of health and socio-health financing and use the available resources appropriately
CG14_Establish evaluation mechanisms, considering the scientific-technical and quality aspects
CG19_Enjoy autonomy and critical ability to use ICT
CT 1 Develop the ability to assess inequalities based on sex and gender, to design solutions
Nursing is an academic discipline that has experienced great transformations in recent years. No one can fail to understand nurse training without the achievement of basic research skills, just like the rest of the health professionals. Nursing as a science must go hand in hand with the scientific method.
The foundations of any discipline are the understanding of the research process, the conduct of rigorous research and the practical application of this research in the clinic. With these premises one must be aware that the nursing professional must achieve the need to base his practice on solid evidence.
The subject that is presented must give the nursing student this basic knowledge in research methodology, train them with the tools of research and promote within their learning a concern for research and scientific evidence. These skills must allow the future nurse to participate in multidisciplinary research projects, present results at national and international conferences and be able to speak with other health professionals using scientific language.
The classroom (physical or virtual) is a safe space, free of sexist, racist, homophobic, transphobic and discriminatory attitudes, either towards students or towards teachers. We trust that together we can create a safe space where we can make mistakes and learn without having to suffer prejudice from others.
Topic 1
Importance of nursing research. Historical evolution. The concept of evidence-based nursing.
Topic 2
Information sources. Means of access to scientific documentation. Specific databases in nursing. Literature review.
Topic 3
The scientific method: The research process. Hypothesis. Research questions. Population and sample. Variables, measuring instruments. Data analysis. Critical reading of a scientific article. Validity and reliability of health measuring instruments.
Topic 4
Quantitative and qualitative methodologies and their application in nursing.
Topic 5
The designs of research studies. Observational, descriptive designs. Observational, analytical designs. Experimental and quasi-experimental designs.
Topic 6
Development of a research protocol.
Topic 7
Research ethics. Ethical considerations in research. Research committees. How to pass a CEIC.
Topic 8
Dissemination of results. Oral communications, posters, scientific articles. Abstract elaboration / oral communication.
The assessment system for the skills and learning outcomes of this subject includes different assessment activities for Subject 3 - Public Health, Communication and Research in Health:
Evaluation system | Minimum weighting | Maximum weighting |
SE1. Exam | 20% | 40% |
SE2. Individual works | 20% | 40% |
SE3. Teamwork | 20% | 40% |
SE4. Classroom participation | 5% | 40% |
SE5. Seminars | 10% | 50% |
SE7. Practical test | 5% | 40% |
A system of quantitative (from 0 to 10) and qualitative (suspended, approved, notable, excellent, honorary registration) is used according to RD 1125/2003.
According to UPF regulations, students who have the option of retrieving the subject are those who have obtained a “suspended” grade, which are the only ones that can be modified in the recovery process.
The evaluation system and recovery period are detailed in the Learning Plan available in the virtual classroom at the beginning of the subject.
Argimón, JM; Jiménez, J. (2004). Clinical and epidemiological research methods (3rd ed). Madrid: Elsevier.
Nursing Research. Theory and Practice. Mar Lleixá-Fortuño, Pilar Montesó. URV publications. 2015 Access. http://llibres.urv.cat/index.php/purv/catalog/book/151
Grove, SK Gray J. (2019). Research in Nursing. Development of evidence-based practice. (7th edition). Madrid: Elsevier.
Gerrish K, Lacey A. (2008) .Nursing Research (5th ed). Madrid: McGraw-Hill Interamericana
Mayan, M. (2001). An introduction to qualitative methods. Training module for students and professionals. México: Qualitative Institute Press. International Institute for Qualitative Methodology
Polit.D .; Hungler, B. (2000). Scientific research in health sciences (6ª Ed). Madrid: McGraw-Hill Interamericana.