General information

Subject type: Mandatory

Coordinator: Carolina Chabrera Sanz

Trimester: Third term

Credits: 4

Teaching staff: 

Eva Diago Balart
Francisco Luis Gil Moncayo 
Juan Francisco Domínguez Rebato 
Judit López Escuin 
Meritxell Puyané Oliva 
Nelson Domingos Rodrigues Machado 
Rebeca Marín Martínez 

Teaching languages

  • Catalan
  • Spanish

The classes are in Catalan or Spanish, while the teaching material (articles, presentations, etc.) can be in Spanish or English


Basic skills
  • CB5_That students have developed those learning skills necessary to undertake further studies with a high degree of autonomy.

  • CB2_That students know how to apply their knowledge to their job or vocation in a professional way and have the skills that need to be demonstrated through the elaboration and defense of arguments and the resolution of problems within their area of ​​study

  • CB1_That students have demonstrated knowledge and understanding of an area of ​​study that is based on general education, and is usually found at a level that, while supported by advanced textbooks. Also includes some aspects that involve knowledge from the forefront of their field of study

  • CB3_That students have the ability to gather or interpret relevant data (usually within their area of ​​study), to make judgments that include reflection on relevant social, scientific or ethical issues

Specific skills
  • CE13_Apply the nursing process to provide and guarantee the well-being, quality and safety of the people being cared for

  • CE14_Know and apply the principles that underpin comprehensive nursing care

  • CE15_Direct, evaluate and perform comprehensive nursing care, to the individual, the family and the community

General competencies
  • CG3_Know and apply the foundations and theoretical and methodological principles of nursing

  • CG4_Understand the interactive behavior of the person according to gender, group or community, within their social and multicultural context

  • CG6_Basing nursing interventions on scientific evidence and available media

  • CG11_Establish effective communication with patients, family, social groups and peers and promote health education

  • CG1_To be able, in the field of nursing, to give adequate technical and professional attention to the health needs of the people they care for, in accordance with their state of development of the scientific knowledge of each moment and with the levels of quality and safety that are established in the applicable legal and deontological norms

  • CG2_Planning and providing nursing care aimed at individuals, families or groups, oriented to health outcomes, assessing its impact, through clinical practice and care guidelines, which describe the processes by which a patient is diagnosed, treated or treated health problem

  • CG7_Understand without prejudice to people, considering their physical, psychological and social aspects, as autonomous and independent individuals, ensuring respect for their opinions, beliefs and values, guaranteeing the right to privacy, through confidentiality and professional secrecy

  • CG8_Promote and respect the right to participation, information, autonomy and informed consent in the decision-making of the people cared for, according to the way in which they live their health-illness process

  • CG18_Know the strategies to take the measures of comfort and attention of symptoms, addressed to the patient and family, in the application of palliative care that contribute to alleviate the situation of advanced and terminal patients

Transversal competences
  • CT 1 Develop the ability to assess inequalities based on sex and gender, to design solutions


The subject Cares in the processes of death and grief aims to train the student to develop specific and qualified care in situations of advanced and terminal illness, providing tools that allow a professional response to the needs of the patient and their families.

The objective of the subject is for the nursing student to acquire knowledge and skills to assess, attend to and understand the physical, emotional and spiritual aspects of people who find themselves in this situation and their socio-familial environment. As well as developing the ability to provide specific care in accompanying the situation of the last days in a respectful, dignified and compassionate way.

The classroom (physical or virtual) is a safe space, free of sexist, racist, homophobic, transphobic and discriminatory attitudes, either towards students or towards teachers. We trust that together we can create a safe space where we can make mistakes and learn without having to suffer prejudice from others. 


  1. Death in our current society
    1. The experience of death
    2. Where to die: hospital / home
  2. Palliative care
    1. History and foundations of palliative care
    2. Situation of advanced and/or terminal illness
    3. Interdisciplinary team
  3. The right to a dignified death
    1. Advance will document
    2. Advance decision planning
    3. Euthanasia law
  4. Comprehensive assessment of symptom control in palliative care
  5. Physical and psychological problems in people in an end-of-life process and symptom control:
    1. Systemic symptoms:
      • Asthenia
      • Anorexia
      • Cachexia
      • Dehydration
      • Fever
      • Insomnia
    2. Digestive problems:
      • Nausea and vomiting
      • Dysphagia
      • Gastric crushing syndrome
    3. Intestinal problems:
      • Narrowing
      • Diarrhea
      • Intestinal obstruction
    4. Alterations of the oral cavity:
      • xerostomia
      • Mucositis and Stomatitis
      • Oral mycoses
      • Painful mouth
    5. Respiratory problems:
      • Dyspnoea
      • Cough
      • Haemoptysis
      • hiccup
      • Respiratory grooves
    6. Genitourinary symptoms:
      • Dysuria
      • You have a bladder
      • Pollaciuria
      • Hematuria
      • Urinary retention
      • Urinary incontinence
    7. Neuropsychological problems:
      • Anxiety
      • Depression
      • Delirium
    8. Skin problems:
      • Lymphedema
      • Itching
      • Pressure ulcers
  6. The pain
  7. Emergencies in palliative care
  8. Evolution of geriatric syndromes at the end of life
  9. Communication at the end of life
    1. Basic principles of communication
    2. Bad news
    3. difficult situations
  10. Nursing care for people in an end-of-life process
  11. Postmortem care
  12. The mourning
    1. General aspects
    2. Psychosocial support and accompaniment to the family


Evaluation system

The assessment system for the skills and learning outcomes of this subject includes different assessment activities for Subject 5 - Advanced Nursing Sciences:


Evaluation system

Minimum weighting

Maximum weighting

SE1. Exam




SE2. Individual works




SE3. Teamwork




SE4. Classroom participation




SE5. Seminars




SE7. Practical test




SE8. Individual follow-up





A system of quantitative (from 0 to 10) and qualitative (suspended, approved, notable, excellent, honorary registration) is used according to RD 1125/2003.

According to UPF regulations, students who have the option of retrieving the subject are those who have obtained a “suspended” grade, which are the only ones that can be modified in the recovery process.

The evaluation system and recovery period are detailed in the Learning Plan available in the virtual classroom at the beginning of the subject.




Comprehensive care manual for people with advanced chronic diseases: clinical aspects
Xavier Gómez Batiste-Alentorn, Jordi Amblàs Novellas, Cristina Lasmarías Martínez, Agnès Calsina-Berna
Date of publication: 11/2017
Elsevier Publishing
ISBN 9788490224991

Symptom Control Manual in Cancer Patients
Joaquim Julià-Torras, Gala Serrano Bermúdez
Edition 4
In print Ediciones Aran 2019

Days of Life: Conversations with Joan Hunt

Juan Carlos Perez Jimenez

Plaza y Valdés Editores, 2015

ISBN 9788416032648

Care of the sick at the end of life and attention to his family

Wilson Astudillo Alarcón, Carmen Mendinueta, Edgar Astudillo Alarcón

(6th ed.) EUNSA 2018

ISBN 9788431332884

Oxford handbook of palliative care

Watson, M., Campbell, R., Vallath, N., Ward, S., Wells, J.

3 ed. Medical Classroom, 2020

ISBN 9788478856695