General information

Subject type: Mandatory

Coordinator: Carolina Chabrera Sanz

Trimester: Second term

Credits: 4

Teaching staff: 

Miquel Perea Garcia
Carmen Rosell Moreno 
Carolina Chabrera Sanz 
Laura Curell Ferrer 
Nelson Domingos Rodrigues Machado 
Sandra Arco Rodriguez 

Teaching languages

  • Catalan
  • Spanish


Basic skills
  • CB5_That students have developed those learning skills necessary to undertake further studies with a high degree of autonomy.

  • CB1_That students have demonstrated knowledge and understanding of an area of ​​study that is based on general education, and is usually found at a level that, while supported by advanced textbooks. Also includes some aspects that involve knowledge from the forefront of their field of study

  • CB3_That students have the ability to gather or interpret relevant data (usually within their area of ​​study), to make judgments that include reflection on relevant social, scientific or ethical issues

Specific skills
  • CE13_Apply the nursing process to provide and guarantee the well-being, quality and safety of the people being cared for

  • CE14_Know and apply the principles that underpin comprehensive nursing care

  • CE15_Direct, evaluate and perform comprehensive nursing care, to the individual, the family and the community

  • CE21_Know the most common health problems in the elderly. Select caregiver interventions aimed at treating or preventing health problems and their adaptation to daily life through resources of proximity and support for the elderly

  • CE20_Understand the changes associated with the aging process and its impact on health. Identify the structural, functional, psychological and lifestyle changes associated with the aging process

General competencies
  • CG3_Know and apply the foundations and theoretical and methodological principles of nursing

  • CG4_Understand the interactive behavior of the person according to gender, group or community, within their social and multicultural context

  • CG6_Basing nursing interventions on scientific evidence and available media

  • CG9_Foster healthy lifestyles, self-care, supporting the maintenance of preventive and therapeutic behaviors

  • CG11_Establish effective communication with patients, family, social groups and peers and promote health education

  • CG1_To be able, in the field of nursing, to give adequate technical and professional attention to the health needs of the people they care for, in accordance with their state of development of the scientific knowledge of each moment and with the levels of quality and safety that are established in the applicable legal and deontological norms

  • CG2_Planning and providing nursing care aimed at individuals, families or groups, oriented to health outcomes, assessing its impact, through clinical practice and care guidelines, which describe the processes by which a patient is diagnosed, treated or treated health problem

  • CG7_Understand without prejudice to people, considering their physical, psychological and social aspects, as autonomous and independent individuals, ensuring respect for their opinions, beliefs and values, guaranteeing the right to privacy, through confidentiality and professional secrecy

  • CG8_Promote and respect the right to participation, information, autonomy and informed consent in the decision-making of the people cared for, according to the way in which they live their health-illness process

Transversal competences
  • CT 1 Develop the ability to assess inequalities based on sex and gender, to design solutions


People play an active role, from their autonomy, in what their aging process will be like. Preventing and promoting healthy aging improves the quality of life in people when they are in the period of old age.

However, aging involves changes in the body of people, which can sometimes become pathological processes and syndromes of this stage of life. Nurses are part of the interdisciplinary team that provides care for the elderly, being a key part of this health care team.

The American Association of Nurses defines gerontological nursing as "the profession that covers the promotion and maintenance of health, disease prevention and the promotion of self-care in the Elderly aimed at the restoration and reach of its optimum degree of physical, psychological and social functioning, also encompasses disease control and care, ensuring comfort and dignity until death ”.

This subject should provide the student with the skills to optimize the care for the aging of individuals and communities from health to disease.

The classroom (physical or virtual) is a safe space, free of sexist, racist, homophobic, transphobic and discriminatory attitudes, either towards students or towards teachers. We trust that together we can create a safe space where we can make mistakes and learn without having to suffer prejudice from others. 


1- Subject presentation. Aging process. Healthy aging.

  • Determinants of healthy aging.
  • Proactive approach to health and wellness.
  • Chronic diseases

Concept of chronic disease.

Basic aspects of chronic diseases.

Most prevalent chronic diseases in the elderly.

Chronic patient: Nursing performance.

  • Fragility: Definitions.

Instruments for diagnosis.

Fragility as a risk assessment tool.




2. Integral geriatric assessment (VGI). Self-care of health in the elderly.

  • Concept and dimensions of geriatric assessment.
  • Objectives of the VGI.
  • Self-care in the elderly: inhibitory factors and facilitating factors.

3- Pathologies in the elderly. Clinical presentation. Nursing care

     Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. COPD

  • Modifications of the respiratory system in aging.
  • Nursing interventions at the three levels of prevention.
  • Nursing performance in the patient with stable COPD.

      Diabetes Mellitus T II

  • Diabetes in the elderly: Type II diabetes mellitus
  • Clinical manifestations and forms of presentation in the elderly.
  • Complications of diabetes: immediate and long term.
  • Nursing care

       Chronic Renal Failure (CKD). Urinary tract infections (UTIs).

  • Population and risk factors.
  • Classification. Evolutionary stages of IRC.
  • Approaching the patient with advanced chronic renal failure.
  • Type of ITU. Presentation in the elderly.
  • Nursing care

       Congestive heart failure and pneumonia in the elderly.

  • Care plans for the elderly with heart failure at risk of developing

    geriatric syndromes.

  • Signs and symptoms of the clinical presentation of pneumonia in the elderly.
  • Nursing care in HF and pneumonia

4- Geriatric syndromes

  • Definition of geriatric syndromes.
  • Types of geriatric syndromes.
  • Consequences on the health of the elderly.

       The great geriatric syndrome: Immobility.

  • Causes and degrees of impairment of immobility.
  • Nursing assessment of the consequences of immobility.
  • Multidisciplinary and nursing action plan in the immobility syndrome.

      Nutrition and aging. Malnutrition. Swallowing disorders. Dysphagia.

  • Importance of nutrition in the elderly.
  • Physiological changes in the elderly related to nutrition.
  • Malnutrition, Weight Loss. Anorexia.
  • Swallowing disorders: oropharyngeal dysphagia.

         Pressure ulcers. "The epidemic under the sheets"

  • Definition and etiology of PPUs.
  • Prevention of PPUs
  • Therapeutic approach of the patient with UPP.
  • Role and nursing interventions

    Urinary incontinence (UI). Urinary retention. Constipation and fecal incontinence.   

  • Definition, types and risk factors for developing UI.
  • Impact of UI on the quality of life of the elderly.
  • Nursing care in different types of UI.
  • Etiology of urine retention.
  • Etiology and therapeutic approach in constipation
  • Nursing care

     Alterations in gait, instability and falls.

  • Aging and the effects on walking.
  • Effects of gait impairment: falls.
  • Risk factors: nursing action in prevention.
  • Post-fall nursing interventions.

     Delirium or acute confusional syndrome.

  • Definition, diagnosis, quality indicator, impact.
  • Medication-related precipitating factors.
  • Prevention and management of delirium. Nurse role.

   Depression and anxiety. Sleep disorders.

  • Depression in the elderly. Diagnosis and treatment.
  • Anxiety. Definitions and treatment.
  • Sleep disorders. Classification.
  • Nursing interventions.

  5- Cognitive impairment and personality disorders. Dementia.

  • Types of dementia, classification criteria.
  • Diagnosis of dementia.
  • Alzheimer's dementia.
  • Behavioral disorders in dementia: the aggressive patient.
  • Therapeutic approach
  • Role and actions of nurses throughout the process

 6- Pharmacology and iatrogenicity. Self-medication.

  • Drug use in the elderly population.
  • Interactions adverse reactions.
  • Elderly population at risk for AMR (adverse drug reaction).
  • Prevention of AMR: General principles for prescribing drugs in the elderly
  • Therapeutic adherence: conditioning factors in the elderly. Nurse role
  •  The pain
  • Nursing care of the elderly patient with multi-medication

7. End of life in the complex chronic patient.

  •  Complex chronic patient. Epidemiology
  •  Identification of the complex chronic patient
  •  Most common tools to identify end-of-life situation in chronic patients


  •  Prognostic factors and end-of-life criteria in advanced chronic diseases.
  •  Objectives of patient care in the end-of-life phase. "Early planning of the end of life."
  •  Nursing approach to the complex chronic patient

8. Socio-economic and legal aspects.

  • What is social work.
  • Social resources.            
  • Socio-health resources.             
  • Difference between disability and dependency 
  • Law for the Promotion of Personal Autonomy care for dependent people
  • Disabilities. Legal Framework.
  • Types of disabilities

Evaluation system

The assessment system for the skills and learning outcomes of this subject includes different assessment activities for Subject 5 - Advanced Nursing Sciences:


Evaluation system

Minimum weighting

Maximum weighting

SE1. Exam




SE2. Individual works




SE3. Teamwork




SE4. Classroom participation




SE5. Seminars




SE7. Practical test




SE8. Individual follow-up





A system of quantitative (from 0 to 10) and qualitative (suspended, approved, notable, excellent, honorary registration) is used according to RD 1125/2003.

According to UPF regulations, students who have the option of retrieving the subject are those who have obtained a “suspended” grade, which are the only ones that can be modified in the recovery process.

The evaluation system and recovery period are detailed in the Learning Plan available in the virtual classroom at the beginning of the subject.




García Hernández M, Martínez Sellarés R. Nursing and aging. Elsevier. 2012

Kane RL, Ouslander JG, Abrass IB, Resnick B. Essentials of Clinical Geriatrics. 7th Edition. McGraw Hill Professional Publishing Company. 2013

Auerhahn C, Capezuti E, Flaherty E. Resnick B. Geriatric Nursing Review Syllabus: A Core Curriculum in Advanced Practice Geriatric Nursing, New York: American Geriatrics Society. 3rd Edition. 2011

Martínez Cruz B, Monleón Just M, Carretero Lanchas Y, García-Baquero Merino M T. Nursing in palliative care and at the end of life. Elsevier. 2012

Guillen Llera F, Perez del Molino Martin J. Syndromes and care in the geriatric patient. 2nd ed. Masson, 2007

Halter JB, Ouslander JG, Tinetti ME, Studenski S, High KP, Asthana S. Hazard's Geriatric Medicine & Gerontology, Sixth Edition Publisher: McGraw-Hill 2009

Tabloski PA. Gerontological Nursing. Prentice-hall. 2010

Kennedy-Malone L. Advanced Practice Nursing in the Care of Older Adults., Edition: 1st.2014

Flaherty E, Resnick B, Auerhahn C, Boltz M, Capezuti E, Galik E. Geriatric Nursing Review Syllabus: A Core Curriculum in Geriatric Nursing 3rd ed. New York: American Geriatrics Society; 2011

Reuben D, Herr KA, Pacala JT, Pollock BG, Potter JF, Semla TP. Geriatrics At Your Fingertips. PharmD. Publisher: (AGS) 2013

Byrd, Lisa. TOP 10 Geriatric Syndromes: Clinical Management Strategies. PHC Publishing Group 2011