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The communication of general information about the subject, as well as the seminars, will be in Spanish. There may be documents, resources and information in Catalan or English. The tutor will communicate with the student in the language of preference between the two (Spanish, Catalan or English). The writing of the TFG can be in any of the 3 languages, to be chosen by the student.
Apply their knowledge to their job or vocation, in a professional way to obtain skills that are demonstrated through the elaboration and defense of arguments and problem solving within their area of study
Have the ability to gather and interpret relevant data (usually in their area of study) to make judgments that include reflection on relevant social, scientific, or ethical issues.
Implement physical activity and sports programs aimed at special populations
Schedule the process of training motor skills in their different levels and practice environments
Apply the physiological, biomechanical, behavioral and social principles to the different fields of physical activity and sport
Identify the risks that arise for health, from the practice of inappropriate physical activities and sports and propose alternatives
Develop cognitive and technical resources for entrepreneurship in maritime activities, wellness and health
Identify the object of study of the Sciences of Physical Activity and Sport
Acquire basic scientific training applied to physical activity and sport in its different manifestations
Describe the physiological and biomechanical factors that condition the practice of physical activity and sport
Understand the basics, structures and functions of the skills and patterns of human motor skills
Understand the basics of fitness for physical activity and sport
Understand the basics of play and sport
Produce written and audiovisual texts related to the Sciences of Physical Activity and Sport
Understand the scientific literature in the field of physical activity and sport in English and other languages with a significant presence in the scientific field
Apply information and communication technologies (ICT) in the field of Physical Activity and Sport Sciences
Use the sources of certified scientific knowledge in the field of Physical Activity and Sport Sciences
Incorporate habits of excellence and quality for professional practice
Act within the ethical principles necessary for the correct professional exercise, according to the regulatory framework
Communicate fluently in English, both orally and in writing, in professional and academic contexts
The Final Degree Thesis (TFG) is a compulsory subject of 10 ECTS which consists of the preparation, presentation and defense of a research paper in the field of Physical Activity and Sport Sciences. The purpose of the TFG is to assess the skills acquired during the Degree and to consolidate the scientific methodology as a tool for the production of knowledge applied to the development and improvement of quality in professional practice. This is a subject in which the work will be carried out in a supervised and continuous manner, although there is a final delivery of the work done. The student will have the direction and supervision of a tutor during the period that includes the subject. To pass the subject, the student will have to submit the TFG and make a public defense before an evaluation board.
This subject follows the guidelines of the Final Degree Thesis regulations approved by the Governing Council of the UFP on July 13, 2022.
The gender perspective will be an aspect that the teaching staff will take into account by making an inclusive and non-sexist use of language and promoting equal participation in a respectful and inclusive environment. The classroom (physical or virtual) is a safe space, free of sexist, racist, homophobic, transphobic and discriminatory attitudes, either towards students or towards teachers. We trust that together we can create a safe space where we can make mistakes and learn without having to suffer prejudice from others.
The contents of the subject are subject, both to the topic chosen by the student, and to the work modality chosen. In either case, there will be transversal content common to all TFGs that will be presented in seminars. These virtual, face-to-face and/or semi-face-to-face sessions will include several topics related to the different phases of the TFG subject, such as the following:
The evaluation of the TFG is based on the assessment of the competencies achieved by the students, materialized in the numerical qualification, in accordance with the established in the valid legislation.
Qualification system (Royal Decree 1125/2003, of 5 September) that establishes the European credit system and the system of qualifications for university degrees of an official nature and valid throughout the state:
This assessment is a continuous and formative qualification procedure. Both basic and general competencies, as well as specific and transversal ones, will be assessed. The following table relates each evaluation activity to its weighting:
Evaluation activity | Weighting |
Tutorials (TFG Tutor) | 5% |
Preliminary project (TFG tutor) | 0% |
Intermediate report (TFG tutor) | 10% |
Final Report (Tutor + TFG Court) | 60% |
TFG Defense (TFG Court) | 25% |
(The evaluator is in parentheses)
Minimum criteria NECESSARY to be able to average between the assessment activities:
Evaluation activity | Type of assessment |
criteria |
Tutorials (TFG tutor) | To be continued | Any note |
preliminary project (TFG tutor) | To be continued | Mandatory presentation |
Intermediate memory (TFG tutor) | To be continued | Mandatory presentation |
TFG Final (Guardian + TFG Court) | Final | 5/10 |
Defense of TFG (TFG Court) | Final | 5/10 |
(The evaluator is in parentheses)
Together with the delivery of the Final Report, the student will have to answer the anonymous survey of satisfaction of the asignatura TFG.
It is a necessary condition to be able to move to the defense phase of the TFG that:
According to TFG regulations, in the event that the final delivery is suspended, the court will establish whether it was due to major shortcomings (grade equal to or less than 2) or minor (grade greater than 2). In cases in which the final delivery is suspended with major deficiencies, or the tutor does not give authorization, the student will not have the right to recovery and will have to re-enroll in the following academic year.
Once the final TFG has been assessed, the student will be notified whether he/she is SUITABLE or NOT SUITABLE to defend the TFG, taking into account the criteria described.
The TFG subject is approved with a 5/10, having to obtain a minimum of 5/10 in the evaluation of the final TFG memory and a minimum of 5/10 in the defence.
In the case of not carrying out one of the final assessment activities (not handing in the final report or not appearing for the defense in front of the court), the student will be considered as "not presented" (NP ), and will not be entitled to recovery.
It will only be possible to make up the recovery if the student has suspended the final report with minor shortcomings, or has suspended the defense of the TFG (as described in the previous section), and in this case it will only be necessary to recover the part not overcome The rest of the notes (tutorials and buffer memory) maintain their weighting and cannot be recovered. If the grade is 'not presented', or 'suspended with major deficiencies', you will not be able to opt for recovery, in accordance with the academic regulations of Pompeu Fabra University's undergraduate courses and the TFG regulations of TecnoCampus .
In the event that the final report has been NOT APPROPRIATE: suspended with minor deficiencies, the delivery will have to be made again on the date indicated for recovery. The evaluation and weighting procedure will be similar to that described for the ordinary call. If the work is APTE in the recovery delivery, it will proceed with the oral defense before the court in the recovery period, which must be passed with a 5/10. If you do not pass the defense in the recovery period, you will not be able to opt for another additional call.
In the event that the final report has been PASSED in the ordinary call, but the defense has been suspended (grade below 5/10), only the defense will be recovered in the recovery period, which must be passed with a 5/ 10. The evaluation and weighting procedure will be similar to that described for the ordinary call.
All the evaluation activities will have specific dates for completion and delivery, which will be communicated to the student at the beginning of the course through the Schedule.
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