What are you looking for?
The language to be used during the course will be Catalan. In addition, we will work with documents in Spanish and English.
To be able to transmit information, ideas, problems and solutions to both specialized and non-specialized audiences
Carry out the teaching-learning processes related to physical activity and sport, paying attention to the individual, collective and contextual characteristics of people.
Schedule the process of training motor skills in their different levels and practice environments
Identify the risks that arise for health, from the practice of inappropriate physical activities and sports and propose alternatives
Describe the physiological and biomechanical factors that condition the practice of physical activity and sport
Recognize the effects of physical exercise on the structure and function of the human body
Understand the basics of play and sport
Apply knowledge to their work, in a professional way, with the elaboration and defense of arguments and problem solving in the area of Physical Activity and Sport
Incorporate habits of excellence and quality for professional practice
The individual sports subject includes athletics and swimming. It is presented as a tool for the acquisition of basic knowledge for the analysis of the determinants of performance in actions of different athletic disciplines and, from there, a didactic proposal of learning will be established and correction of the technical execution of the same. In the same way, they will know the basic elements of competitive swimming (history, regulations, test program, ...), as well as the techniques of this sport (technique of styles, outings and turns), and learn the methodology of initiation into basic swimming training. It is intended that the student be able to transfer the methodology of analysis and establishment of a didactic proposal to any sport and / or physical activity.
This subject has methodological and digital resources to make possible its continuity in non-contact mode in the case of being necessary for reasons related to the Covid-19. In this way, the achievement of the same knowledge and skills that are specified in this teaching plan will be ensured.
The classroom (physical or virtual) is a safe space, free of sexist, racist, homophobic, transphobic and discriminatory attitudes, either towards students or towards teachers. We trust that together we can create a safe space where we can make mistakes and learn without having to suffer prejudice from others.
First part: Athletics
1. Topic 1: Generalities of athletics.
1.1. Origins of modern athletics.
1.2. Athletics at the Olympic Games.
1.3. The athletics of the XNUMXth century.
2. Topic 2: Races.
2.1. Introduction and generalities of the specific regulation.
2.2. Speed races.
2.3. Hurdle races.
2.4. The relay races.
3. Topic 3: The jumps.
3.1. Introduction and generalities of the specific regulation.
3.2. Biomechanical foundations.
3.3. The long jump and the triple jump.
3.4. The high jump.
3.5. The pole vault.
4. Topic 4: Launches.
4.1. Introduction and generalities of the specific regulation.
4.2. Biomechanical foundations.
4.3. The shot put. (linear)
4.4. The disk launch.
4.5. The javelin throw.
5. Topic 5: The School of Athletics.
5.1. Models of Long-Term Physical Development.
5.2. Operation of an Athletics School (Case study - Colomenca School of Athletics)
Second part: Swimming
1. Brief introduction to the history of competitive swimming.
1.1. Origins of Swimming.
1.2. Swimming at the Olympics
1.3. Swimming in Spain
1.4. Open water: competitive and recreational.
2. Basic rules of competitive swimming.
2.1. Competitive testing program.
2.2. FINA Regulation.
3. Technique of styles, exits and turns.
3.1. General aspects of the 4 styles of Swimming.
3.2. crawl
3.3. Back
3.4. Breaststroke.
3.5. Butterfly.
3.6. Styles and relay tests.
3.7. Outings, turns and underwater swimming.
4. Basic swimming training methodology.
4.1. Basic fundamentals of training planning.
4.2. Technical learning methodology.
4.3. Conditional training methodology.
Qualification system (Royal Decree 1125/2003, of 5 September) that establishes the European system of credits and the system of qualifications to the university degrees of official character and validity in all the state territory:
0 - 4,9: Suspended
5,0 - 6,9: Approved
7,0 - 8,9: Notable
9,0 - 10: Excellent
The subject is made up of two distinct parts: athletics and swimming. The final mark is obtained by performing the arithmetic average of the final mark of each part. To be able to average, each of the parts must be approved separately. Each part is passed with a score of 5 out of 10. The delivery of all assessment activities is mandatory in order to pass the continuous assessment and you must pass the practical exams with a minimum grade of 5.
To pass the subject, it will be mandatory for the student to have attended a minimum of 80% of the sessions for each of the parts (athletics and swimming).
The continuous evaluation (participation, individual and group work) of each part (athletics or swimming) will be able to make average with the examination of the respective part (athletics or swimming) only with a note equal or superior to 5 points.
The different assessment activities (the continuous assessment, the theoretical exam and the practical exam) must be approved with a minimum grade of 5 points to be able to average them.
The following table specifies the different competencies to be achieved, the assessment systems and their weight in the final grade.
Evaluation activity |
Weighting |
Assessed skills |
Tindividual and group work of a theoretical-practical nature |
50% |
G4, E1, E5, T4, T7, B4 |
Exams |
50% |
G6, G10, E1, ES, E7 |
Each part of the subject (swimming and athletics) may have a different number of continuous assessment activities, while maintaining the proportion in the volume of dedication and the weights (percentages) contained in this Teaching Plan of the subject.
Evaluation activity in recovery period |
Weighting |
Assessed skills |
Exams |
50% |
G6, G10, E1, ES, E7 |
Those who do not appear in the exam are not entitled to recovery.
If there is a suspended part (Swimming or Athletics), only the recovery exam of that part will be taken, keeping the note of the other approved part. Notes will not be saved for the next year in case of repeating the subject.
To pass the subject in the remedial period, the student must obtain a score equal to or higher than 5/10 in the remedial exam.
Rius, J. (2005). Athletics Methodology and Techniques. Barcelona: Paidotribo.
Sweetenham, B. and Atkinson, J. (2003). Championship Swim Training. Champaign, Illinois: Human Kinetics.
Navarro, F., Arellano, R., Carnero, C., Gosalvez, M. (1990). Swimming. Madrid: Spanish Olympic Committee.
Ferro, A. (2001). The Speed Race: Biomechanical Analysis Methodology. Madrid: Esteban Sanz.
Arellano, R. (2010). Swimming technical training. High Performance Swimming Collection, number 1. Madrid: Cultivalibros.
Navarro, F., Oca, A. and Rivas, A. (2010). Training planning and control. High Performance Swimming Collection, number 3. Madrid: Cultivalibros.
Cuartero, M., Del Castillo, JA, Torrallardona, X., and Murio, J. (2010). Swimming specialties training. High Performance Swimming Collection, number 2. Madrid: Cultivalibros.
Bucher, W. (2006). 1000 exercises and games of swimming and aquatic activities: swimming, diving, synchronized swimming, rescue, water polo, diving. Barcelona: Hispano Europea.
Cholet, D. (2003). Sport swimming. Barcelona: INDIA.
Costill, DL, Maglischo, EW, and Richardson, AB (1994). Swimming. Barcelona: Hispano Europea.
Hannula, D., and Thornton N. (2007). Optimal training in Swimming. Barcelona: Hispano Europea.
Jardi, C. (1996). Moving in the water. Barcelona: Paidotribo.
Lanuza, F. and Torres, A. (2011). 1060 exercises and swimming games. Barcelona: Paidotribo.
Moreno Murcia, JA (2001). Educational water games. Collection of aquatic activities. Barcelona: INDIA.
Reischle, K. (1993). Biomechanics of swimming. Madrid: Gymnos Editorial.
Schmitt, P. (1995). Swimming: from discovery to the highest level. Barcelona: Hispano Europea.
Thomas, D. (2006). Complete swimming guide: progressive, step-by-step programs, from beginner to advanced levels for all ages. Madrid: Tutor.
Boixeda, A. (2008): Learn to swim. Barcelona: Institut Barcelona Esports - Barcelona City Council.
Bucher, W. (1995): 1000 exercises and games of swimming and aquatic activities. Barcelona: Hispano Europea.
López Del Amo, JL (2006). Analysis of the Tacos Output in Athletics through the creation of an Instrumentalized Measurement System. Doctoral Thesis. University of Barcelona. Barcelona.
Padullés, JM (2010). Assessment of career parameters. Development of a new measuring instrument. Doctoral thesis, Barcelona: National Institute of Physical Education of Catalonia.
Pascua Piqueras, M. (1998). Technical Manual of the National School of Coaches. Speed Racing. Madrid: RFEA.