General information

Subject type: Basic

Coordinator: Enric Camón Luis

Trimester: First term

Credits: 6

Teaching staff: 

Jordi Mercader Sanjuan

Teaching languages

  • Catalan


Basic skills
  • B4_That students can convey information, ideas, problems and solutions to both specialized and non-specialized audiences


  • B5_That students have developed those learning skills necessary to undertake further studies with a high degree of autonomy

Specific skills
  • E5_Analyze business contexts, identify markets and customers and establish marketing strategies through the use of advanced and innovative techniques.


General competencies
  • G1_Be able to work in a team, actively participating in tasks and negotiating dissenting opinions until reaching consensus positions, thus acquiring the ability to learn together with other team members and create new knowledge

  • G2_Be able to innovate by developing an open attitude to change and be willing to re-evaluate old mental models that limit thinking

Transversal competences
  • T1_Communicate properly orally and in writing in the official languages ​​of Catalonia


This course seeks to familiarize with the basic concepts of Marketing, the acquisition of basic knowledge for the analysis of the environment and the market, the knowledge of the main models of consumer behavior, and the knowledge of the main marketing tools of those that the company has to market its products and services.


1.     Introduction to Marketing

  • What is marketing?
  • Marketing Management: The Marketing Process.
  • Orientations of companies towards the market.
  • Marketing in the current economic context.

2.     Strategic Management and Marketing

  • What is a marketing plan?
  • Structure of the marketing plan.
  • Financial and marketing objectives.
  • Value creation.
  • Business model.
  • Strategy.
  • Organization.
  • Implementation and control.

3.     Commercial Research

  • Market research.
  • Market situation and demand analysis.
  • Macroenvironment and microenvironment.
  • Opportunities and threats.
  • Strengths and weaknesses.

4.     Consumer Behavior

  • Consumer behavior models.
  • Factors that influence buying behavior.
  • Purchase decisions.
  • New technologies and the new consumer.
  • Behavioral biases

5.     Strategic Marketing

  • Market segmentation.
  • Target audience.
  • Positioning.
  • Main marketing strategies.

6.     The Product

  • Product concept.
  • Product portfolio.
  • Packaging.
  • Mark.
  • New product development strategies.

7.     The Price

  • Pricing policies.
  • Pricing strategies.

8.     Communication

  • Concept of integral communication.
  • Advertising
  • promotion
  • Public relations
  • Personal selling.
  • E-business and e-commerce

9.     Distribution Policy

  • Commercial distribution function.
  • Distribution channels.
  • New technologies applied to distribution.

10  Commercial Strategies

  • Business organization and planning.
  • Business strategies.
  • sales

Evaluation system

  • 40% Face-to-face exam:  At the end of the term, minimum 5 out of 10 to be able to average with the continuous assessment.
  • 30%Final exercise of the Marketing Plan (team work)
  • 15% Presentations of the topics in class (team work)
  • 15% Attendance and participation.


Activities not delivered by the scheduled dates will be considered not delivered and a grade of 0 will be assigned.

In the make-up period, the final exam can only be made up if it was taken and failed.

A student who has not appeared in the first call CANNOT appear in the recovery.

If you do NOT pass the subject, the results of the continuous assessment will not be saved for the next year.




Kotler P, Armstrong G. (2018). Marketing principles. PRENTICE HALL.


Knight, P. (2016). Nunca Te Pares: Autobiography. Vintage Spanish.

Levitt, SD, & Dubner, SJ (2020) Freakonomics (Spanish Edition). B from Pocket.