What are you looking for?
B4_That students can convey information, ideas, problems and solutions to both specialized and non-specialized audiences
B5_That students have developed those learning skills necessary to undertake further studies with a high degree of autonomy
E3_Analyze and evaluate the information in the financial statements, applying legal criteria or defined by the company, evaluate the economic performance and prepare financial reports that are used for decision making
E5_Analyze business contexts, identify markets and customers and establish marketing strategies through the use of advanced and innovative techniques.
E9_Use mathematical tools and advanced statistical tools for decision making and contrasting various economic assumptions
E12_Generate strategic skills by considering the operating environment as a project and establishing long-term, large-scale guidelines
E15_Collect and interpret significant data to make judgments that include a reflection on relevant issues in the business field and be able to prepare a document that allows the transmission of information or an innovative business proposal.
G1_Be able to work in a team, actively participating in tasks and negotiating dissenting opinions until reaching consensus positions, thus acquiring the ability to learn together with other team members and create new knowledge
G2_Be able to innovate by developing an open attitude to change and be willing to re-evaluate old mental models that limit thinking
T5_Develop tasks applying, with flexibility and creativity, the knowledge acquired and adapting it to new contexts and situations
The course syllabus aims to introduce the structure of digital advertising campaigns, the practical elements to launch and manage Digital Marketing campaigns on Social Networks (Facebook and Instagram) as well as the strategies and elements of analyzes and KPIs that will allow measuring their effectiveness.
Carrying out the activities will allow:
The subject will be taught face-to-face 2 days a week and practical activities will be proposed to be developed independently in the classroom.
The evaluation of the subject will include the delivery of the following practical activities:
It will be mandatory to pass the subject to complete all 5 initial activities prior to the final project proposed during the course.
To pass the subject it is necessary: That the final grade average is equal to or higher than 5 points. A student who has not applied for the first call CANNOT apply for recovery.
A New Level of Transparency for Ads and Pages [nd]. (Accessed: 10/12/2024) A New Level of Transparency for Ads and Pages. https://newsroom.fb.com/news/2018/06/transparency-for-ads-and-pages/
Facebook topic, recommended practices (December 10, 2024) Benefits of personalized advertising for small businesses. https://www.facebook.com/business/news/the-power-of-personalized-ads-in-supporting-small-businesses
Prestigia Online, Perez, Ma. Cristina (10/12/2024) Facebook Ads or Google Ads What should I use in my business? [Blog publication.] Retrieved from: https://www.prestigia.es/blog/facebook-ads-o-google-ads-cual-utilizar-en-mi-negocio/
Seiler, S., Yao, S. (2017). The impact of advertising along the conversion funnel. Quant Mark Econ 15, 241-278 https://doi.org/10.1007/s11129-017-9184-y