General information

Subject type: Optional

Coordinator: Enric Camón Luis

Trimester: First term

Credits: 4

Teaching staff: 

Albert Rof Bertrans

Teaching languages

  • English


Basic skills
  • B2_That students know how to apply their knowledge to their job or vocation in a professional way and have the skills that need to be demonstrated through the elaboration and defense of arguments and the resolution of problems within their area of ​​study

  • B3_Students have the ability to gather and interpret relevant data (usually within their area of ​​study), to make judgments that include reflection on relevant social, scientific or ethical issues


  • B4_That students can convey information, ideas, problems and solutions to both specialized and non-specialized audiences


Specific skills
  • E2_Define company policy in international environments and permeate a global and international dimension to business


  • E3_Analyze and evaluate the information in the financial statements, applying legal criteria or defined by the company, evaluate the economic performance and prepare financial reports that are used for decision making


  • E4_Assess and define the personnel policies of a company or business organization, select work teams, define profiles and establish staffing needs


  • E5_Analyze business contexts, identify markets and customers and establish marketing strategies through the use of advanced and innovative techniques.


  • E6_Interpret legal regulations and institutional organization and manage business information.


  • E7_Elaborate projects and proposals of innovative companies establishing principles of social responsibility in the management and integrating the perspective of gender like indicators of quality and innovation.


  • E8_Organize the productive operations of the company

  • E12_Generate strategic skills by considering the operating environment as a project and establishing long-term, large-scale guidelines


  • E16_Communicate properly orally and in writing in at least one third foreign language


General competencies
  • G1_Be able to work in a team, actively participating in tasks and negotiating dissenting opinions until reaching consensus positions, thus acquiring the ability to learn together with other team members and create new knowledge

  • G2_Be able to innovate by developing an open attitude to change and be willing to re-evaluate old mental models that limit thinking

  • G3_Integrate the values ​​of social justice, equality between men and women, equal opportunities for all and especially for people with disabilities, so that the studies of Business Administration and Innovation Management contribute to to train citizens for a just, democratic society based on a culture of dialogue and peace


Transversal competences
  • T2_Show willingness to learn about new cultures, experiment with new methodologies and encourage international exchange

  • T3_Show entrepreneurial leadership and leadership skills that build personal confidence and reduce fear of risk


  • T4_Domain the computer tools and their main applications for the ordinary academic and professional activity

  • T5_Develop tasks applying, with flexibility and creativity, the knowledge acquired and adapting it to new contexts and situations


  • T1_Communicate properly orally and in writing in the official languages ​​of Catalonia


Do you want to develop professionally as a business consultant? Do you want to create your own business consultancy?

In this subject we will delve deeper into the world of business consulting, we will analyze the professional opportunities in this sector, the existing consulting methodologies, and how to design a project and consulting proposal.  

An entrepreneurial model will also be developed to provide training in the process of creating an own consulting project that can successfully position itself in the market.


Chapter 1: Consulting as a profession.

• What is consulting?

• Why consult now?

• Ways to get started

• Myths about consulting


Chapter 2: The business of professional consulting. Business models.

• Build a business model for your activity

• Your value proposition

• Pricing policies

• Small fish in a crowded ocean - find your blue zones.

• Build your own toolkit.


Chapter 3: Counseling as an entrepreneur.

• Personal characteristics of successful consultants

• Skills and competencies to enhance your professional success

• The importance of your situation

• Start your business

• Keep your business running smoothly

• Growth: expanding your business


Chapter 4: Methodologies and customer life cycle.

• Add value to your business

• Four phases of building a client-consultant relationship

• A typical day at the office


Chapter 5: Examples of good practices.

• Examples of good practice: practical cases, examples and discussions.

Evaluation system

• SE1. Participation in class activities 10%

• SE2. Creation of a business consultancy (group work) 40%

• SE3. Consulting case study (group work) 20%

• SE4. Final exam 30%

Activities not delivered by the expected dates will be considered not delivered and a grade of 0 will be assigned.

In the make-up period, the final exam can only be made up if it was taken and failed.

A student who has not appeared in the first call will not be able to appear in the recovery.

If the subject is not approved, the results of the continuous assessment will not be saved for the following year.



The New Business of Consulting: The Basics and Beyond, Elaine Biech, John Wiley & Sons Inc., 2019.

The New Consultant′s Quick Start Guide: An Action Plan for Your First Year in Business, Elaine Biech. Wiley, 2019.

How to Build a Successful Consulting Practice, Jack Phillips, McGraw Hill, 2006.