What are you looking for?
B2_That students know how to apply their knowledge to their job or vocation in a professional way and have the skills that need to be demonstrated through the elaboration and defense of arguments and the resolution of problems within their area of study
B3_Students have the ability to gather and interpret relevant data (usually within their area of study), to make judgments that include reflection on relevant social, scientific or ethical issues
B4_That students can convey information, ideas, problems and solutions to both specialized and non-specialized audiences
B5_That students have developed those learning skills necessary to undertake further studies with a high degree of autonomy
E5_Analyze business contexts, identify markets and customers and establish marketing strategies through the use of advanced and innovative techniques.
E7_Elaborate projects and proposals of innovative companies establishing principles of social responsibility in the management and integrating the perspective of gender like indicators of quality and innovation.
E8_Organize the productive operations of the company
E12_Generate strategic skills by considering the operating environment as a project and establishing long-term, large-scale guidelines
G1_Be able to work in a team, actively participating in tasks and negotiating dissenting opinions until reaching consensus positions, thus acquiring the ability to learn together with other team members and create new knowledge
T4_Domain the computer tools and their main applications for the ordinary academic and professional activity
T5_Develop tasks applying, with flexibility and creativity, the knowledge acquired and adapting it to new contexts and situations
The student will learn the basic concepts and processes of SAP that cover the needs of the business processes of the following areas of the company: Sales and Distribution, Materials Management, Finance, and Controlling. Knowledge of using SAP will also be gained by working with a system emulator.
Topic 1. Introduction to SAP
This topic will cover general SAP concepts:
Topic 2. Sales and Distribution
This second issue of SAP SD (Sales and Distribution) it deals with the complete management of customer orders, which includes the dispatch and invoicing of goods.
Within the logistics area, the SAP SD or Commercial module will cover the following
SAP components:
● Basic Functions (SD) — They cover price determination and payment terms, message determination, tax and account determination.
● Sales (SD-SLS) — These are the different commercial operations defined in SAP ERP: inquiries, customer orders. Some of them are relevant for the creation of delivery and subsequent billing documents.
● Billing (SD-BIL) — Represents the final stage of a business transaction. From the invoicing, the accounting notes are created in financial management.
Topic 3. Finances
He's the theme of SAP FI (Financial Management) describes the system's basic tool for recording the company's financial information.
El SAP FI module, allows you to record all the activities of your company. These operations will be created directly from this component, or indirectly through the use of other SAP components.
The information will be available in real time allowing you to prepare the necessary information for making strategic decisions within your organization.
He's the theme of SAP FI (Financial Management) aims to cover the necessary transactions and functions in the area of:
Topic 4. Materials Management
The module of SAP MM (Materials Management) includes complete management in Planning, Supply, Inventory, Verification of invoices, Valuation of materials.
He's the theme of SAP MM (Materials Management) aims to cover the necessary transactions and functions in the area of:
It integrates into the financial environment through the treasury, accounts payable, fixed assets...
Topic 5. Controlling
The module of SAP CO (Controlling) it provides the basic vision for the analytical management of a society for decision-making.
Within the financial area the SAP CO or Management Control module it allows us to understand all the internal control processes that can be defined within the system. Within these internal control processes we will find:
● Management control of cost centers or departments: It allows us to control and monitor costs by department. That is why it starts from a budget planning and a day-to-day accounting and analytical reality.
● Cost order management control: It allows us to control and monitor accounting for different types of orders: Production, Marketing and ID. In all cases we will have a plan at the beginning of the process, a day-to-day reality and an analysis of the deviations.
● Income statement: It will provide us with tools to analyze the analytical results of the company at the level of business units. We will have an accounting analytical income statement.
The end-of-term exam accounts for 30% of the grade. The practical work to be delivered for each module with the SAP tool involves: - MM module (Purchasing) 15% - SD module (Sales) 15% - FI module (Finance) 20% - CO module (Controlling) 10% For each work there will be 1 week of margin to deliver it from the end of the theoretical sessions of the module. The remaining 10% will depend on attendance and participation in classes.