General information

Subject type: Basic

Coordinator: Enric Camón Luis

Trimester: First term

Credits: 6

Teaching staff: 

Jordi Oller Nogués

Teaching languages

  • English


Basic skills
  • B5_That students have developed those learning skills necessary to undertake further studies with a high degree of autonomy

Specific skills
  • E12_Generate strategic skills by considering the operating environment as a project and establishing long-term, large-scale guidelines


  • E_4Evaluate and define the personnel policies of a company or business organization, select work teams, define profiles and establish staffing needs


  • E7_Elaborate projects and proposals of innovative companies establishing principles of social responsibility in the management and integrating the perspective of gender like indicators of quality and innovation.


General competencies
  • G1_Be able to work in a team, actively participating in tasks and negotiating dissenting opinions until reaching consensus positions, thus acquiring the ability to learn together with other team members and create new knowledge

Transversal competences
  • T2_Show willingness to learn about new cultures, experiment with new methodologies and encourage international exchange



The subject of Business Administration is a first contact with the world of business management and studies the role of the company and entrepreneurs in society. 

It allows to understand the main economic and social indicators to evaluate the operation of the company, to then focus on the basic principles of business management: management, organization, planning and control.


Topic 1: The company and its administration

1.1. Concept of business and administration

1.2. Types of companies

1.3. Current challenges for business administration

1.4. Economic assessment of the operation of the company

1.4.1. Productivity

1.4.2. Profitability

1.4.3. The deadlock

Topic 2: Business planning

2.1. The forecast and analysis of the environment

2.2. Planning concept: Different levels of planning

2.3. Types of plans

            2.3.1. Permanent plans

            2.3.2. Temporary plans

Topic 3: Control in the company

3.1. Information systems for control

3.2. The control process

            3.2.1. Critical variables and management indicators

            3.2.2. The record of results

            3.3.3. The analysis of deviations

            3.3.4. Corrective actions

Topic 4: The organization of the company

4.1. Definition and design of the organizational structure

4.2 The parts of the organization

4.3. The organization chart: horizontal and vertical design

4.4. Coordination mechanisms

Topic 5: The management of the company

5.1. Principles, functions and reality of managerial work

5.2. Variables that condition the direction function

5.2.1. The motivation of workers

5.2.2. Leadership styles

Item 6. Brief summary of new trends in management and organization

Evaluation system

The final mark of the subject will be conformed by the weighting of marks of different activities of continuous evaluation, which will be raised during the course, plus the final exam:

CONTINUOUS EVALUATION (60% of the grade)

  • Practical cases carried out through teamwork (15% of the mark)
  • Work on a topic, to choose from, on new business administration challenges (20% of the mark)
  •  Taking a partial exam (25% of the grade)

FINAL EXAM (40% of the mark)

The final exam will consist of different theoretical-practical questions. A minimum score of 5 out of 10 must be obtained in the final exam: this exam will consist of different assessment parts and a minimum score of 40% must be obtained in each of these parts and that the average mark of the marks of the different parts is at least 5 points.

Recovery test

  • The grade for the continuous assessment will be saved and cannot be retrieved. Only the final exam can be retaken.
  • To recover the mark of the final exam, students may take the resit test with the following conditions: 
    • If the average of the final exam is passed but less than 4 has been obtained in any of the parts, the part or parts with less than 4 must be recovered.
    • If the average of the final exam is suspended, all parts below 5 points must be recovered.
    • As in the ordinary assessment, the final mark remaining from the final examination after recovery must be at least 5 points to pass.
  • A student who has not taken the first exam can NOT take the retake.

Repeat students

Repeat students can choose during the first week of the course between taking the normal course or taking the partial exam corresponding to the continuous assessment (25% of the grade) and the final (75% of the grade). If they do not say anything during the first week of the course, it is understood that they will follow the continuous assessment like the rest of the students.



ROBBINS, Stephen. P. and COULTER, Mary. C. (2020): Management (Global Edition). Pearson. 15th edition


Osterwalder, A., Pigneur, Y., Clark, T., & Vázquez, L. (2011). Generation of business models: a manual for visionaries, revolutionaries and challengers (First edition). god

 Osterwalder, A.. (2015). Designing the value proposition: how to create the products and services that your customers are expecting. god


GIL ESTALLO, Maria Angeles, GINER DE LA FUENTE, F (2013), How to create and run a company. Madrid. Ed. Esic. 9th edition.