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E5_Design and make an audiovisual product (consisting of still or moving images), taking into account both its technical and artistic aspects, in all its components
E6_Design, plan and perform with multicamera, live and on set, according to all facets of the product (both in the artistic design and content and in the technique)
E8_Design the lighting needs of a space according to its characteristics and the final purpose of the product to be recorded, photography or video
E18_Analyze the structures, contents and styles of television and radio programming according to the technical characteristics of their realization. Design, produce and make programs for television and radio in the technical part: production room or radio control, respectively
T2_That students have the ability to work as members of an interdisciplinary team either as one more member, or performing management tasks in order to contribute to developing projects with pragmatism and a sense of responsibility, making commitments taking into account the available resources
This optional subject is above all a proposal to be created. Write, design, pre-produce, shoot, photograph, edit, broadcast. Television has become an extraordinary receptacle; from Fashion Web TV to music festival channels, from Instagram capsules to activist broadcasts on Youtube. The new television is mostly language, content and social connection. We will develop a television project from scratch to develop the pilot materials. A journey into the genesis of television.
The subject Television: Production, Realization, Broadcast it must allow you to expand and deepen the concepts related to television language covered in the subjects of Television in the second and third year of the Degree. The television process is considered as one of the specialization lines of the studies, and therefore requires an intensification subject. This subject delves into the process of creating and producing audiovisual content for television, turning students into a team that creates and produces a professional television project. Each student will have a different role in the process, working to promote creative, surprising and above all, possible products.
The classroom (physical or virtual) is a safe space, free of sexist, racist, homophobic, transphobic and discriminatory attitudes, either towards students or towards teachers. We trust that together we can create a safe space where we can make mistakes and learn without having to suffer prejudice from others.
1.1. what is television
1.2. Classifications
1.3. Public televisions
1.4. Private televisions
1.5. Forms of financing
1.6. hearings
1.7. The "new" television
1.8. Transmedia television
2.1. The television format
2.2. Typology of TV programs
3.1. Trends in free-to-air television
3.2. How to create a television project
3.3. The pilot program
3.4. Protect the work: the record
3.5. Production formulas
3.6. CCMA Regulatory Norm
3.7. Type of production: Classifications
4.1. Production
4.2. The roles of the profession
4.3. Programming manager
5.1. Single camera realization
5.2. Multi-camera realization
5.3. Realization design
5.4. Example: Sitcoms
5.5. Example: Sports broadcasting
5.6. Example: The Eurovision case
The evaluation of the subject is divided into Practical Activities, and Theoretical Activities.
The Practical Activities (50%) consist of:
- Self-report Essays (40%) - Individual
- General essay (20%) - Individual
- Live program (40%) - Group
You must be punctual on set and in control at the start time of the activities. Repeated lack of punctuality will not be tolerated. You must pass the internship to enjoy the continuous assessment and pass the subject. It is necessary to attend at least 80% of the practical sessions in order to enjoy the continuous assessment. A maximum of two excused absences will be accepted.
The Theoretical Activities (50%) consist of:
- Production dossier of the television project (30%) - Group
- Theoretical exam (70%) - Individual
You need to get a minimum of 5 in the theoretical exam to pass the subject.
In the make-up exam, you can only make up theTheoretical exam.
Identification of plagiarism is considered a serious circumstance that may lead to a failing grade in the subject. In case of detection of plagiarism, the coordination of the degree will be informed so that the corresponding disciplinary measures can be taken.
Millerson, Gerald. (2009). Realization and production on television. Madrid: IORTV.
Violan, Enrique. (2009). How to make a program for television: the development of the project, from the idea to the broadcast. Barcelona: Editions of the University of Barcelona.
Lamelo, Carlos. (2016). Social television and transmedia. New paradigms of television production and consumption. Barcelona: Editorial UOC.
Casetti, Francesco & Odin, Roger. (1990). From paleo- to neo-television. Communications, 51, 9-26.
Fernández, Federico & Martínez, José. (1999). Basic manual of language and audiovisual narrative. Barcelona: Paidós Comunicación.
Tubella, Imma, Tabernero, Carlos, & Dwyer, Vincent. (2008). Internet and television: the war of the screens. Barcelona: Ariel.
Castells, Manuel. (2009). Communication and power. Madrid: Alianza Editorial.
Gómez Díaz, Xiana. (2012). Musical content in cultural television programming. An analysis of the representation of gender in BBC, PBS and RTVE. (Doctoral thesis. Autonomous University of Barcelona, Catalonia).
Neira, Elena (2018). This is how Netflix turns a series into a global phenomenon: the Elite case. Audiovisual innovation.
Osterwalder, Alexander and Pigneur, Yves. (2011). Generation of business models. Bilbao: Deusto Publishing.
Tresserras, Manuel. (2005). The city of risk. Barcelona: Tripodos.
Anderson, CW, J. Bell, Emily., & Shirky, Clay. (2012). Post-Industrial Journalism: Adapting to the Present. New York: Columbia Journalism School/Tow Center for Digital Journalism.
Tapscott, Don & Williams, Anthony D. (2007). Wikinomics: the new economy of intelligent crowds. Barcelona: Paidós.
Lipovetsky, Giles, Serroy, Jean & Moya, Antonio-Prometeo. (2009). The global screen: Media culture and cinema in the hypermodern era. Anagram Barcelona.
Paloma, David, Puigròs, Maria Antònia & Torrent, Anna Maria. (2009). Phonetic guide for local television stations. Sant Cugat del Vallès: Autonomous University of Barcelona, Publications Service.
Viñuela, Eduardo. (2008). The video clip in Spain (1980 1995). Commercial promotion, audiovisual market and synesthesia. (Doctoral thesis. University of Oviedo, Asturias).
Rodríguez Pastoriza, Francisco. (2003). Culture and television. A relationship of conflict. Barcelona: Gedisa Editorial.
Strangelove, Michael. (2010). Watching YouTube: Extraordinary videos by ordinary people. Toronto: University of Toronto Press.