General information

Subject type: Mandatory

Coordinator: Jesus Ezequiel Martínez Marín

Trimester: Second term

Credits: 4

Teaching staff: 

Jesus Ezequiel Martínez Marín

Teaching languages

  • Spanish

The language is Spanish, you can speak Catalan, Spanish or English


Specific skills
  • Establish maritime and logistics business projects that allow the creation of new companies or the improvement of existing ones, adopting innovative and creative ideas

  • Demostrar capacitat per comunicar de manera fluida en llengua espanyola, catalana i anglesa de forma oral i escrita en l'entorn de la logística i els negocis marítims

  • Show knowledge of the ship and its recruitment for use as a means of transport for both goods and people, in an environment of sustainability and respect for the environment


This course aims to have direct contact with environmental management in marine and port environments, understand the impact of transport activities on the oceans and study and be part of the measures we are currently working to mitigate marine pollution.

This subject has methodological and digital resources to make possible its continuity in non-contact mode in the case of being necessary for reasons related to the Covid-19. In this way, the achievement of the same knowledge and skills that are specified in this teaching plan will be ensured.

The TecnoCampus will make available to teachers and students the digital tools needed to carry out the course, as well as guides and recommendations that facilitate adaptation to the non-contact mode.



Learning outcomes

• Obtain basic knowledge of environmental management in marine and port environments.

• Be aware of the responsibility involved in pursuing an environmental policy in accordance with current legislation.

• Understand the importance of environmental coastal management

• Be able to carry out and Evaluate an Environmental Management system in both logistics and maritime companies

• Know the importance of environmental impact studies for the logistics, maritime and port sectors.

Working methodology

The face-to-face sessions combine master classes with practical activities in the classroom, open discussions on topics related to the subject and work on the internal structural analysis of shipping companies.

In the part-time sessions, work will be carried out, forums on the virtual campus, aimed at researching the shipping business, consignors, shipowners and ports in the international maritime business.

In chronological terms, the appropriate follow-up of a student's course generally involves the following stages:


a) Attendance at school sessions

Class attendance is mandatory, although, all teaching material will be provided through Moodle; Without the assistance to the classes does not form part of the evaluation and does not influence the final note of the asignatura.

b) Individual work

The learning of the subject involves the study of the material explained in each session, the realization of practical works and the participation in workshops and seminars aimed at reading, commenting and critical discussion of cases, reports, videos, presentations and articles of character. macroeconomic. In any case, the syllables • Labus hung in the virtual classroom (Moodle) explain in detail all the content of the course.

c) Moodle

Moodle is a virtual environment that brings together all the most important features of a virtual classroom. Moodle is the place where all teaching materials are posted (slides, notes, videos, press articles, RSS news feeds, etc.). In Moodle are also all the exercises that each student must submit during the course.

d) Contact with the teacher

Contact with the teacher of the subject is vital so that students can resolve doubts and clarify all problems related to the subject. To facilitate this contact we have several contact tools. Mainly arranging tutoring via email, reserving the time when students can meet directly with the teacher during tutoring hours.


1. Environmental Principles:

a. Environmental Awareness

b. Environmental Management Systems (EMS): ISO 14000, EMAS.

c. Responsibilities in environmental management.

d. European environmental policy

e. Environmental Impact Studies


2. Marine Pollution:

a. Organic pollution, by hydrocarbons, by surfactants, chemicals, by dredging, thermal.

b. Solid waste. Ecological impact of pollutants


3. Environmental and marine legislation.

a. MARPOL 73-78 Convention

b. Marine natural resources: exploitation and management.

c. Sea fishing. Fishing activities in the Spanish legal framework.

d. Protection of the marine environment.


4. Coastal and marine environmental management.

a. National and international planning and legislation

b. Integrated coastal management: Responsibilities and segregation of functions: Town councils, port authorities, etc.


5. Environmental indicators:

a. Tourism and sustainability.

b. General concepts and legislative framework in coastal planning.

c. The environmental management of the sea.

d. International Regulations Associated with Environmental Management.

Learning activities

Environmental impact studies are carried out and will be visited by environmental experts with recognized experience in the sector.

A visit is made to the environmental facilities of the Port of Barcelona (Subject to the availability of the Port)

Evaluation system

The final grade will be the weighting of the grades of the activities carried out throughout the term. To pass the course, the final grade must be greater than or equal to 5 points out of 10.

The evaluation will take into account the following aspects with the assessments indicated:

1. Practical exercises of continuous evaluation (Seminars and virtual) total: 20% (cannot recover)

2. A Partial Evaluation or Group Project. (To be designated or an environmental impact study or examination): 30% (cannot be recovered)

3. An exam where the students' comprehension of the subjects of the subject will be evaluated: 50% points 

  • At least 80% attendance is required to access the subject approval.
  • In order to be able to configure the mark with the follow-up of the continuous assessment, a minimum score of 5 points must be obtained in the written work of 30% and 5 points in the final exam. If none of the above items is obtained and / or the average of the 3 elements is less than 5 points, the recovery test must be carried out after the final exam period.
  • Students who do not take the final exam will not be entitled to the resit exam
  • The mark of the resit exam does not average with the rest of the course, and may not exceed 5 points.



Comas, R; Ferragut, MA; Llauger, A; Morro, A; Ramon, D; Rayon, M;

Department of the Environment. (1996). "The Eco-Management and Eco-Audit System of the European Union in Catalonia". Government of Catalonia.

Ministry of the Environment. (2008). Guide for the implementation of EMAS in SMEs.

Daly, H. 1989.- Economics, ecology, ethics. Essays on a steady state economy. Contemporary Culture Fund.

Euli, E. 2007.- The world falls¡ Playing with catastrophe. Meridiana.

Garcia, R. 2008.- From the peak of oil to a potfossilized society, in Sempere-Tello, pp 21-48.

MARPOL CONVENTION, International Maritime organization, available in:

AENOR (1999) Environmental Management and ISO 14000.

Suris López, José Mª, Environmental Management of Industry. Keys to make sustainable and profitable environmental management in industry, Editorial ICG Marge, SL, Barcelona, ​​Spain. ISBN84-866684-33-1

AENOR (1996) ISO 14001, Environmental Management Systems. Specifications and Guidelines.

Clements, B., (1997) Complete Guide to ISO 14000 Standards. Management 2000.

Conesa Ripoll, Vicente (1997). The instruments of the Environmental Management of the Company. Ed. World Press. Madrid.


Prieto, P. 2008.- Economic and energy options for the future (online) http: /

Latouche, S. 2008.- The bet for the decrease. Icaria

Naredo, JM & Valero, A. 1999.- Economic development and ecological deterioration. Argentaria-Visor Foundation.

Georgescu Roegen N. 1989.- Myths of economics and energy. In Daly 1989 pp 73-92.

Larouche, S. 2007.- Surviving development. From the decolonization of the economic imaginary to the construction of an alternative society. Icaria.