General information

Subject type: Mandatory

Coordinator: Jorge Oter Gonzalez

Trimester: First term

Credits: 4

Teaching staff: 

Cristófol Casanovas Casanovas
Eva Pascual Reyes 

Teaching languages

  • Catalan

Both the teaching of the subject and the supporting material will be given in Catalan. S'acceptaran preguntes formulades en qualsevol dels tres idiomes indistintament (català, castellà i anglès) i es respondran en el mateix idioma que s'han formulat, de cara a facilitar la comprensió de l'alumnat. 



Specific skills
  • E5_Design and make an audiovisual product (consisting of still or moving images), taking into account both its technical and artistic aspects, in all its components

  • E8_Design the lighting needs of a space according to its characteristics and the final purpose of the product to be recorded, photography or video

  • E10_Apply processes, methods and techniques to develop creativity and innovation in audiovisual production, multimedia development and video game programming


The subject of Photographic Projects has different aspects:

First of all, to consolidate the knowledge gained once the two previous subjects of Lighting and Equipment & Photographic Techniques of the first year, completing them in parallel, with the introduction and use of new techniques and specific equipment introduced in the throughout the development of the practices.

On the other hand, through the analysis, the photographic authorship of both classic and modern authors is worked on, introducing students to the concept of photographic genres.

And as a third aspect, the dimension of composition and visual narrative techniques are introduced in order to ensure coherence between aesthetics, content and meaning, thus deepening the photographic resource as a form of visual expression .

These two components will serve as a substrate of knowledge, in order to develop the most experimental and creative part of the subject, which consists of the development of two personal photographic projects, using a specific methodology for each of them.

The classroom (physical or virtual) is a safe space, free of sexist, racist, homophobic, transphobic and discriminatory attitudes, either towards students or towards teachers. We trust that together we can create a safe space where we can make mistakes and learn without having to suffer prejudice from others. 


1 Photograph of the author

       1.1 Main photographers of the XNUMXth century.

       1.2 Current photographers.

       1.3 Photographic review.

Photographic categories

     2.1. Photography and the human being

     2.2. Photography and space

     2.3. Photography and society

     2.4. Photography and the other arts and disciplines

3 Photo genres 

4 Perception: Principles of Gestalt

5 Composition / Organization of the image

5.1 Photographic Language.

5.2 The reason or topic.

5.3 Position and Angle of the camera.

5.4 Framing: H/V, Rule of Thirds, Reframing. rotation 

5.5 Depth and Scale.

5.6 The Light.

5.7 The Color. B&W.

5.8 Shapes, Rhythms and Textures.

5.9 Other Techniques.

6 The Portrait

6.1 Framework: Type of Plan. Treatment of the Fund. 

6.2 The Look Rule.

6.3 Staging

7 Technique (will be developed in the different practices)

7.1 Shoot and Reveal in RAW

7.2 Basic tools for developing in Light room 

7.3 Photoshop

7.4 Use of external flash

7.5 Study flash


Evaluation system

The final grade will be based on the weighted average of the grades of the assessable activities mentioned, as specified below:

  • FINAL EXAMINATION (30%) 3 pts: It consists of 2 partsTEST EXAMINATION (1pt) and Thematic Development (2pts). (A minimum grade of 5 must be obtained to be able to apply the corresponding weighting and choose to pass the subject) [#].
  • WORK EXPERIENCE (20%) 2 pts: [5 PRACTICE x 4%].
  • STRATEGIC (50%) 5 pts:
  • PROJECT 1: Author revisitation: 25%. (Individual)
  • PROJECT 2: Thematic Photo: 25%. (Individual)

[#]: In the case of not reaching the minimum grade of the exam, the overall grade of the subject will remain limited to 4. This activity is the only one that can be recovered through a RECOVERY EXAM (Again, it will be necessary to achieve a grade of no less than 5 in order to be able to apply the corresponding weighting (the grades obtained throughout the course of the rest of the assessable activities, of towards calculating the corresponding final average).     

o Identification of plagiarism is considered a serious circumstance that may lead to a failing grade in the subject. In case of detection of plagiarism, the coordination of the degree will be informed so that the corresponding disciplinary measures can be taken.                           



FREEMAN, Michael (2017). The Eye of the Photographer. Composition and Design to capture better digital photographs. Blume Photography. 


Teacher's notes. Notes on Composition and Portrait. 


PRÄKEL, David (2014). Composition. Blume. 



FREEMAN, Michael (2004). Digital Photography of People. Taschen Benedikt.

HACKING, Juliet (2021). Photography, All History. Blume.

MELLADO, José María (2017). High Quality Photography. The fundamentals of photography. Anaya Multimedia.