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Subject taught only in Catalan, if any support material and also some pronunciation exercises will be in Spanish
E9_Apply the mechanical, electronic and digital principles of sound capture, amplification and recording for application to different platforms: shows, radio, television, audiovisual and multimedia. Postproduce the audio and add the sound effects of an audiovisual production
E17_Write journalistic pieces of different genres with their headline systems and express themselves correctly both in writing and orally
E18_Analyze the structures, contents and styles of television and radio programming according to the technical characteristics of their realization. Design, produce and make programs for television and radio in the technical part: production room or radio control, respectively
The main axis of the subject has the correct locution and recording in voice studio for audiovisual products of all kinds.
Great importance is given to aspects such as pronunciation, breathing, rhythm, punctuation. Sufficiency and autonomy are also considered essential to use the usual technological elements for digital recording.
Great emphasis will be placed on the ability to analyze a text and extract all the dramatic interpretive possibilities to give it credibility and understanding.
Concepts worked on in Audio and Sound, Sound Production and Audio Post-Production are consolidated through both praxis and analysis.
At the end of the course the student will be able to produce, direct, correct and speak with solvency texts for audiovisual products.
The classroom (physical or virtual) is a safe space, free of sexist, racist, homophobic, transphobic and discriminatory attitudes, either towards students or towards teachers. We trust that together we can create a safe space where we can make mistakes and learn without having to suffer prejudice from others.
1. Diction
Distinctive features in the standard diction of a language (specifically, Catalan)
Analysis of examples of the most common errors.
2. Narration of documentaries
Types of documentaries and common styles
Content analysis
Interpretive records
Expressive forms in the field of documentary and radio.
3. Advertising locution
Study of examples of different interpretive registers
Techniques and methodologies for radio, television or internet production.
4. Interpretation
Introduction to interpretation, with an emphasis on understanding and transmitting content from the first person.
5. Introduction to dubbing
Introduction to dubbing, complemented with interpretation and technique exercises in the recording studio.
The evaluation of the subject is based on the following structure:
Activity 6: Individual works and portfolio of locution activities (40% of the overall mark). It must be delivered within the indicated period. Failure to deliver within the deadline will have a rating of "Not Presented"
Activity 7: Final exam (50% of the overall mark)
Activity 8: Participation (10% of the overall grade)
A minimum grade of 5 in the final exam is required to add up the rest of the activities; in case of not reaching this mark, the subject will be suspended and it will be necessary to go to recovery exam. The resit exam also requires a minimum grade of 5 before applying the same weighting.
It will not be possible to recover the activities of the practical part nor to do additional works to improve note. The weight of the practical activities will be maintained in the calculation of the final mark of the students who make the recovery.
Class attendance of not less than 70% is required. In case of non-compliance, the student will not be able to take the exam, without the possibility of recovery.
Identification of plagiarism is considered a serious circumstance that may lead to a failing grade in the subject. In case of detection of plagiarism, the coordination of the degree will be informed so that the corresponding disciplinary measures can be taken
Mecca, Jose Antonio. (2015). The substance of the voice. Editions Aljibe
Santini, Love (2010). Manual of speech and voice dubbing. Quinto Sol Publishing
easy classroom Free speech and oratory course.
Rodero, Emma (2007). Characterization of a correct informative speech in the audiovisual media