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E1_Design and program the graphical interfaces of static or dynamic web portals, interactive applications and video games, following usability and accessibility criteria
The subject "Multimedia Systems" is the first contact with digital media and multimedia environments within the curriculum of the "Degree in Audiovisual Media". In this subject, the learning of both the nomenclatures and essential concepts that live in the ecosystem of audiovisual technology begins, as well as the layout of multimedia documents through the language of brands.
The aim is to provide the student with a global vision of audiovisual techniques, and at the same time, initiate him in the creation of interfaces using the standard languages on the web. In this first contact with multimedia design, the knowledge that refers to the management of the interaction is left out, since this subject has its continuation in the subject of the second term Fundamentals of Programming (in which starts in the use of the programming language javascript to increase the interactivity of the web application).
The classroom (physical or virtual) is a safe space, free of sexist, racist, homophobic, transphobic and discriminatory attitudes, either towards students or towards teachers. We trust that together we can create a safe space where we can make mistakes and learn without having to suffer prejudice from others.
U1 Audiovisual technical concepts
1.1 Disciplines of the audiovisual industry
Description of technical disciplines (Rotoscopy, Keying, Mat Painting, mocap, etc.) as well as the possible ones workflows among them, from an example of study.
1.2 Nonlinear editing and vertical composition
1.3 Codec format and resolution
1.4 Color depth
This section includes learning certain related concepts, such as the difference between Bytes & bits, or some issues such as Banding.
1.5 Channels alpha
1.6 Magnitudes and capacities
Vectorial Vs. Bitmap, compression systems, capacity calculation, etc.
1.7 Color spaces
RGB, CMYK, HSB models. Color spaces Rec709, Rec2020, etc.
1.8 Interfaces
Exploration and comparison between some systems Friendly and others by trees.
1.9 Definitions
Visual definitions of some basic technical concepts, such as motion blur, Frame blending, Interpolation, Composition operations, among others.
U2 Multimedia Contents
2.1 Definitions
This section sets out some of the definitions needed to construct the knowledge that is raised later. Multimedia applications and interactives, webdocs, etc.
2.2 Internet and hypertext
Historical and technical review of the Internet. How is information stored on the network? What is hypertext? What hardware and software is required for the operation of Internet services? What do we need to create a website?
2.3 Graphical user interface
Information architecture, usability, accessibility, adaptive, etc.
2.4 The internet network
Protocols, IP's, internet services, static and dynamic pages, etc.
U3 Multimedia file structure and markup language
HTML markup language is needed to structure multimedia content. This unit will show the most common tags when modeling content on the web.
3.1 HTML5 documents
3.2 Basic labels
3.3 Images
3.4 Links
3.5 Multimedia
3.6 Tables
3.7 Lists
U4 Presentation of documents using style sheets
Style sheets are the technique used to define and create the presentation of structured documents. This unit will analyze the possibilities of CSS to configure the graphical presentations of these documents.
4.1 Colors
4.2 Typographies
4.3 Margins
4.4 selectors
The final grade is obtained from the following weighting of the partial grades:
Final Note = 0.7 Theory Note + 0.3 Practical Note
NotePractices is obtained with the arithmetic mean of the three activities of a practical nature carried out during the course.
The Theory Note is obtained by taking two exams,
Theory Note = 0.3 Partial Note + 0.7 FinalExamination Note
In the NotaParcial exam, the knowledge of contents 1 and 2 is assessed.
The FinalNote_Ex exam is a single exam where all knowledge is assessed of all the contents of the subject. It will have a duration of 3 hours, within the period of final exams established by the Head of Studies. It is necessary to take a minimum grade of 5 in this exam to be able to pass the subject.
If, finally, the student has not obtained a Final Grade greater than or equal to 5.0, the student will be able to appear in a single Examination of Recovery of NotaToría (70% of NotaFinal), within the period of examinations of recovery that establishes the Director of Studies. Students who have a final grade of "Not Presented" in the first call, will not be able to take the resit exam. It is necessary to take a minimum grade of 5 in this resit exam in order to pass the course.
Rules for carrying out the activities
All the activities of the subject are individual.
If any of the internship activities is not carried out, it will be considered non-scored.
You will get a grade of “Not Presented” in Internship Note if there is any unrated internship activity.
Completion of practical activities is mandatory. That is to say, a qualification of "Not presented" in NotaPràctiques, will not allow to apply the weighting with the NotaTeoria and, therefore, the final qualification of the asignatura will be of "Not Presented".
Identification of plagiarism is considered a serious circumstance that may result in a failing grade for an activity. In case of detection of plagiarism, the coordination of the degree will be informed so that the corresponding disciplinary measures can be taken.
Matthew MacDonald. HTML5: The missing manual, 2nd Edition. O'Reilly Media. ISBN: 978-1-44936-326-0
David Sawyer McFarland. CSS3: The missing manual, 3rd Edition. O'Reilly Media. ISBN: 978-1-4493-2594-7
Pareja Carrascal, E.- Current television technology. IORTV; Madrid 2005
Daniel D. McCracken and Rosalee J. Wolfe. User-centered web site development: a human-computer interaction approach. Prentice-Hall, 2004. ISBN 0130411612.
Patrick J. Lynch, Ms. Sarah Horton. Web Style Guide. Basic Design Principles for Creating Web Sites. 3rd 2008. ISBN 978-0-300-13737-8.
Rainwater, C. Light and Color. DAIMON editions
Peters, JJ A History of Television (EBU)
Grob, B., Herndon, Ch.- Basic TV and Video Systems. Glencoe / McGraw-Hill, 1999.