What are you looking for?
The subject is taught entirely in English.
T1_That students know a third language, which will be preferably English, with an adequate level of oral and written form, in accordance with the needs of the graduates of each degree
Since English is the shared international language in most technological and scientific areas, the audiovisual media field uses it as an essential communication tool for all professionals and academics who wish to develop their careers in the numerous and varied audiovisual sectors. Students of the Degree in Audiovisual Media must improve their English language skills in order to be able to fully perform tasks related to the media in international contexts. Therefore, this subject is focused on developing the four linguistic communicative skills in the key areas of the media: film, television, radio, newspapers, magazines and advertising, based on authentic teaching materials. In this way, students get lots of practice in the language and prepare for situations that help them prepare for real working life.
The classroom (physical or virtual) is a safe space, free of sexist, racist, homophobic, transphobic and discriminatory attitudes, either towards students or towards teachers. We trust that together we can create a safe space where we can make mistakes and learn without having to suffer prejudice from others.
Unit 1: Film
1. Making a film glossary. Understanding and using the technical vocabulary of filming.
2. Understanding the features of a written dialogue: incomplete sentences, missing subjects, repetition, short sentences, simple linking words, use of shared knowledge to leave things unsaid.
3. Writing the logline of a movie you have seen recently. Practicing complex noun phrases and relative clauses for the description of films. Identifying film genres.
4. Pitching a movie idea successfully. Students will present their pitch in class, summarizing key points and using persuasive language.
5. Writing a film review. Understanding the language of film reviews. Using connectors. Using 's and relative clauses. Using passive voice. Asking questions about the plot: Who is involved in the scene? Where and when does it take place? What is happening? How do the protagonists feel?
Unit 2: TV
1. Understanding the pre-production process: understanding and using the language of TV production. -ing/-ed participles. Job titles. Expressing modality: possibility, ability, giving advice/recommendation, necessity/lack of necessity
2. Organizing a live program. Understanding and using the vocabulary of filming procedures and equipment. –ing/-ed participles. Using future forms (will, going to, present continuous, simple present).
3. Editing on TV project. Understanding and using the vocabulary of editing a television project.
Unit 3: Radio
1. Understanding the Language of Radio Presenters: using the appropriate verbal tenses in the presentation of a radio program. Identifying radio genres. Analyzing a radio commissioning brief.
2. Understanding the Production Process: learning and using the vocabulary of radio production. Giving instructions in the newsroom. Using phrases followed by nouns, infinitives, or gerunds
3. Practicing Interview and Podcast Skills: researching the topic and planning the interview. Practicing question forms (open questions, closed questions, negative questions, and echo questions). Arranging, preparing, and recording an interview
4. Giving Post-Production Feedback: useful phrases for giving feedback. Practicing phrasal verbs (transitive and intransitive, transitive separable or transitive inseparable).
Unit 4: Newspapers and magazines
1. Understanding and writing headlines: understanding English headlines and subheads. Turning sentences into headlines. Creating eye-catching headlines.
2. Analyzing newspaper articles: identifying slant and bias in texts. Newspaper writing techniques: cohesive devices and passive voice, complex noun compounds, shortening of relative clauses
3. Planning and writing a newspaper article: writing introductions and conclusions, using appropriate language and technical register.
4. Understanding magazine elements and structure: understanding the language and layout of magazine covers. Identifying target readers. Analyzing coverline features and writing cover lines. Designing a magazine cover.
5. Planning and writing a magazine article: writing introductions and conclusions, using appropriate language and technical register.
6. Choosing the photos to illustrate articles and writing the photo captions.
Unit 5: Advertising
1. Selling products / services to a potential customer: using the right words: ad, advert, advertise, advertisement. Identifying the different types of advertising. Reassuring and convincing a prospective client.
2. Creating a print advert: identifying advertising techniques. Writing a slogan: Language devices. Choosing a product and writing a print ad
3. Presenting a finished advertisement: language for presenting an ad to a client: Useful phrases.
Evaluation methodology
1. The subject requires active participation, with written exercises and practical work to be done as homework, as well as both written and oral exercises to be done in class. The activities that the students will carry out and their percentage in the evaluation are as follows:
- Activity 1: Writing a film review (5%) (individual)
- Activity 2: Pitching a script (5%) (individual)
- Activity 3: Listening (5%) (individual)
- Activity 4: Creating an agenda for a live program (5%) (in groups)
- Activity 5: Creation of a radio interview or podcast episode (10%) (in groups)
- Activity 6: Writing an article for a newspaper or magazine (10%) (individual)
- Activity 7: Creation and presentation of a print advertisement (5%) (individual)
2. Students will also need to create a through crowdfunding for one project of media (related to film, television, radio or print media) which must contain a dossier with information relevant to the project, a short video and the planning and schedule. It will be one group project which will mean a 15% of the final grade. Students will also have to presentar the project in class. Submissions will be evaluated individually (10%).
3. Final exam: 30%. Students will need to obtain a 5 10 on to pass the subject.
4. Recovery exam: 70%. It is necessary to obtain one 5 10 on in the recovery exam to pass the subject. The 30% remaining corresponds to the grades previously obtained in points 1 and 2.
Rules for carrying out activities:
If any of the activities, tests or exercises are not delivered within the set deadline, it will be graded as 0. Students will not be able to use notes, files or dictionaries in the exam or exams.
Plagiarism is a serious offense. The PLAGIARISM consists of copying text from unrecognized sources, either part of a sentence or an entire text, which is intended to be the student's own text. Includes cutting and pasting from Internet sources, presented unmodified in the student's own text.
The identification of plagiarism is considered a serious circumstance that can lead to the suspense in a activity. In case of detection of plagiarism, the degree coordinator will be informed so that they can be taken disciplinary measures corresponding
It is also prohibited the use of tools of IA com Chat GPT.
Ceramella, Nick, and Elizabeth Lee. (2012) Cambridge English for the Media. Cambridge [etc: Cambridge University Press. Print.
Film reviews http://www.theguardian.com/film/film+tone/reviews
Latest headlines from the US and around the world http://www.1stheadlines.com/index.htm
Flinders, Steve. (2002). Test Your Professional English: Business: General. Harlow, Essex, Eng: Pearson Education. Print.
Chandler, Daniel, and Rod Munday. (2011). A Dictionary of Media and Communication. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Print.
Websites available to host home-made audio and video content: http://www.ning.com/es/
Selection of current covers http://www.myfavouritemagazines.co.uk/
Other learning resources:
Willett, Amanda. (2013). Media Production. A Practical Guide to Radio & TV. London and New York: Routledge. Print and Companion Website.
Barnwell, Jane. (2008). The Fundamentals of Film-Making, Lausanne, Switzerland: AVA Publishing,
Chandler, Daniel, and Munday, Rod. (2011). A Dictionary of Media and Communication. Oxford:
Oxford University Press. Print.