General information

Subject type: Mandatory

Coordinator: Jorge Oter Gonzalez

Trimester: First term

Credits: 6

Teaching staff: 

Daniel Torras Segura

Teaching languages

  • Catalan


Specific skills
  • E9_Apply the mechanical, electronic and digital principles of sound capture, amplification and recording for application to different platforms: shows, radio, television, audiovisual and multimedia. Postproduce the audio and add the sound effects of an audiovisual production

  • E10_Apply processes, methods and techniques to develop creativity and innovation in audiovisual production, multimedia development and video game programming

  • E18_Analyze the structures, contents and styles of television and radio programming according to the technical characteristics of their realization. Design, produce and make programs for television and radio in the technical part: production room or radio control, respectively

Transversal competences
  • T2_That students have the ability to work as members of an interdisciplinary team either as one more member, or performing management tasks in order to contribute to developing projects with pragmatism and a sense of responsibility, making commitments taking into account the available resources


The subject 104314 - Radio offers a practical and theoretical introduction to the narrative and operating principles of this traditional medium and other resources or radio channels. Throughout the course, the theory of the different most common formats of the radio medium, its language and technique is worked on, and, at the same time, the sound and technical resources with which a radio program is produced are experienced in the studio. The subject also deals with business and organizational models, as well as the adaptation of the medium to the new digital context.

The practices are mandatory and are carried out in groups of 4 or 5 people, depending on the task to be carried out. The practical sessions consist of the production, recording and post-production of signs, wedges, a survey, an interview, a chronicle and three editions of a magazine with sufficient professional quality to be broadcast by a real radio station.

The classroom (physical or virtual) is a safe space, free of sexist, racist, homophobic, transphobic and discriminatory attitudes, either towards students or towards teachers. We trust that together we can create a safe space where we can make mistakes and learn without having to suffer prejudice from others. 


The syllabus of this subject is structured in six blocks of content that refer to the general areas of knowledge covered in the course.

Content 1: Characteristics of the radio medium.

In this unit we analyze the characteristics of radio as a means of communication and what elements are inherent and indispensable.

Content 2: Professional roles and technical elements in radio broadcasting.

This blog presents the professional roles involved in the design, production and broadcasting of a radio program. Reference is also made to the basic technical equipment of a station and to the most basic techniques in carrying out a program.

Content 3: Radio sound resources.

Reference is made to the narrative elements and the characteristic sound resources of radio. This content covers aspects such as: diction, speech, music, sound effects and silence. An introduction to the radio script is also made.

Content 4: Formats and radio programs.

This blog explains the writing and production techniques for each journalistic genre and each radio format. Specifically, the interview, the report, the news and the callsigns and the advertising wedge are worked on in more depth. The format of the magazine is also studied and practiced.

Content 5: Programming and business models.

This content studies what programming models exist, what characteristics each one has, what forms of organization broadcasters can adopt and what business models exist today in the radio field. 

Content 6: The evolution and adaptation of the radio medium to the digital context.

The innovations of digital radio and the requirements to make a station are observed online. It assesses how the digital environment affects the production and writing of news and radio information in general.

Evaluation system

The evaluation of the subject is divided into the theoretical part, which counts for 60%, and the practical part with 40% of the final grade. To pass the subject you must have passed both the theoretical and the practical part, otherwise the overall average will not be taken and the corresponding part will have to be recovered. In addition, in Test 2 (35% theory), it will be necessary to obtain at least a 3 evaluation to be able to average this exercise for the final grade of the theory block. Likewise, in the evaluation period at the end of the term, on the scheduled date, the group report and the individual role report must be handed in, which will be essential for the evaluation of the course. 

In order to be able to evaluate the practices, it is necessary to have carried out all the activities and to have attended all the face-to-face sessions. Attendance at face-to-face practice sessions is mandatory and if there are more than two absences, it will not be assessed: the practical part will have to be recovered.

The evaluation of the theoretical part (60%) is carried out by means of the following activities:

                                                                  About 100% of the theory

TEST 1 30%

TEST 2 35%

Analysis presentation about a station 15%

Activities and participation in class 20%


The evaluation of the practical part (40%) is done counting the following elements and works:

                                                                  About 100% of internships          

Program 1 15%                                               

Program 2 25%   

Program 3 35%

Group Report 5%

Individual role report 10%

Attendance and participation 10%


The calculation of the final grade is:

FINAL GRADE = [((TEST1 0,30)+(TEST2 0,35)+(Presentation 0,15)+(Activities 0,20)) 0,60]+[((Program_1 0,15)+(Program_2 0,25 .3)+(Program_0,35 0,05)+( 0,1)+(Inf.Ind 0,1)+(Assist. 0,40)) XNUMX]

Plagiarism in any activity or work represents an immediate zero in the evaluation. Identification of plagiarism is considered a serious circumstance that may result in a failing grade for an activity. In case of detection of plagiarism, the coordination of the degree will be informed so that the corresponding disciplinary measures can be taken.



According to current regulations, only those students who have not reached 5 in the final grade of the subject or who have not managed to pass one of the two parts, theory or practice, will be eligible for recovery. Recovery will be only from those unapproved parts.

In order to recover the theory part, a written exam will be carried out in accordance with the methodology and objectives of the course.

In order to recover the practice, a written exam will also be carried out where practical cases will be posed and locution and radio exercises can be requested.



RODERO, Emma. Radio production. Madrid: Ediciones Cátedra, 2005 (Sign and image, 85)

TORRAS, Daniel. The radio. Media, resources and genres. Barcelona: Editorial UOC, 2018.

COMAS, Eva The radio in essence. The sounds of reality on news radio. Barcelona: Trípoldos, 2009.

MONTES, Javier. The radio on. Barcelona: Anagrama, 2024


RODERO, Emma; SOENGAS, Xosé. Radio Fiction. Madrid: Instituto Radio Televisión Española, 2010.

RODERO, Emma and SOENGAS, Xosé. Radio fiction: how to tell a story on the radio. Madrid: Official Institute of Spanish Radio Television, 2010

McLEISCH, Robert. Radio Production. Oxford: Focal Press - Routledge, 2005

BALSEBRE, Armand. History of radio in Spain. Madrid: Chair, 2001 (Sign and image, 66)

CUNÍ, Josep. The radio that triumphs. The alphabet of what we call magazine. Barcelona: Pòrtic, 1999 (Journalist Tools, 4)

MARTÍ, Josep M. From the idea to the antenna. Radio programming techniques. Barcelona: Pòrtic, 2000 (Journalist's tools, 5)

LÓPEZ, Nereida and PEÑAFIEL, Carmen. Radio technology. Basic principles, development and digital revolution. Bilbao: University of the Basque Country, 2000

LARRAÑAGA, José. Writing and locution of audiovisual information: writing news for radio and television. Bilbao: University of the Basque Country, 2006

WILLIAM, Christopher. Writing for radio. London: Bloomsbury Academic, 2015

BLANCH, Margarida and LÁZARO, Patricia. Speech class. Madrid: Chair, 2010 (Sign and image, 128)

CEBRIÁN, Mariano. Radio models, developments and innovations: from dialogue and participation to interactivity. Madrid: Fragua, 2007 (Fragua Comunicación, 46)

FRANQUET, Rosa. History of radio in Catalonia in the 2001th century: from galena radio to digital radio. Barcelona: Generalitat de Catalunya, Departament de la Presidència, Direcció General de Radiodifusió i Televisió, 19 (Texts and documents, XNUMX)

RODERO, Emma. Creation of radio programs. Madrid: Síntesis, 2011 (Audiovisual Communication, 9)

BALSEBRE, Armand. The language of radio. 4a. Ed. Madrid: Editorial Chair, 2004 (Sign and image, 35)

ORDUNA, Guillermo. The Radio Journalist: and… who is on the other side? Madrid: Official Institute of Spanish Radio and Television, 2015

MARTÍNEZ, MP; MORENO, E. (Eds.). Radio programming. Art and technique of dialogue between radio and its audience. Barcelona: Ariel, 2004.

ORTIZ, MA; LÓPEZ, N. (Eds.). Radio 3.0. A new radio for a new era. The democratization of content. Madrid: Editorial Fragua, 2011.

TENORIO, Ivan and LÓPEZ, Ricardo. The new radio Marcombo, 2021.