What are you looking for?
E5_Design and make an audiovisual product (consisting of still or moving images), taking into account both its technical and artistic aspects, in all its components
E14_Acquire knowledge of the history, aesthetics, evolution and dynamics of cinema, television, radio, press, Internet and video games, how to recognize aesthetics through viewing and analysis
T2_That students have the ability to work as members of an interdisciplinary team either as one more member, or performing management tasks in order to contribute to developing projects with pragmatism and a sense of responsibility, making commitments taking into account the available resources
Creation documentary: script and production is a subject in which you will learn what the creative treatment of reality is, how it has evolved throughout the history of cinema and why. It is a subject that combines a deep reflection on the cinema of the real one with an intense practice of this audiovisual modality by means of the creation of short pieces of montage in camera, sonorous piece, extensive pieces of 20 minutes and filmic critics of reflection on the documentary production . It is a subject that combines theory, reflection and practice in an organic way, understanding that students have already developed a significant knowledge of the audiovisual over the previous three years of GMA studies.
The course will be taught during the first and second term.
The classroom (physical or virtual) is a safe space, free of sexist, racist, homophobic, transphobic and discriminatory attitudes, either towards students or towards teachers. We trust that together we can create a safe space where we can make mistakes and learn without having to suffer prejudice from others.
A1. Introduction to the creative documentary
1.1. A conceptual approach to creative documentary. The documentary universes
1.2. The question of realism, verisimilitude and authorial commitment
1.3. Classification and categories of documentary
1.4. Principles of documentary creation: Rabiger, Segarra
A2. The Documentary and postmodernity
2.1. Turns in the documentary
2.2. The performative documentary
2.3.The false documentary (mockumentary)
2.4 The autobiographical documentary / subjective twist: Jonas Mekas, Ross Mc.Elwee, Andrés Di Tella, Jonathan Caouette, Alan Berliner, Joaquim Jordà, Chantal Akerman
A3. Documentary and Modern Cinema: the limits of objectivity
3.1. Free Cinema: Lindsay Anderson, Tony Richardson
3.2. American direct cinema: Robert Drew, Albert and David Maysles, DA Pennebaker
3.3. The Canadian Candid Eye: Michael Brault
3.4. Verité Cinema and live quizzes. The documentary maker as a catalytic agent. Jean Rouch and Frederick Wiseman.
A4. Origins of the documentary: realism, thought, avant-garde and social use
4.1. The classic documentary. Francis and Robert Flaherty, Margaret Mead
4.2. The documentary and the avant-garde of the 20s and 30s: Dziga Vértov, Walter Ruttmann, Jean Vigo
4.3 Institutionalization of social cinema. Political and confrontational documentary. John Grierson, Joris Ivens
4.4. National Film Board, BBC and the role of the media in documentary production
A5. The documentary in war and post / conflict contexts
5.1. Transformations of the documentary in World War II
5.2. Germany, Italy and the USA: Frank Capra, Leni Riefenstahl
5.3. Image and rhetoric after the Holocaust: Lanzmann, Resnais, Perlov
5.4. Documentary cartographies, refuges, migrations and contemporary post / conflicts, rural heterotopias
A6. Postcolonial Documentary. Images of Africa and Latin America
6.1. "Towards a third Latin American cinema": Cuba, Argentina, Brazil, Bolivia, Colombia, Chile
6.2. Anthropology and documentary. The limits of ethnography Jean Rouch
6.3. Postcolonial documentary and cinema on the margins: Trinh T. Minha
6.4. Counter-archives and new documentary ethnographies
A7. New reflections through the documentary: archival material
7.1. Rediscovery of files and the role of memory
7.2. Foundfootage, techniques and scans of the digital archive
7.3. Other geographies of the autobiographical documentary: Albertina Carri, Noami Kawase, Paz Encina
7.4. Collage in documentary cinema. Maria Luisa Ortega
A8. Transitions
8.1. Documentary essay / reflective twist: essay forms and ways. Chris Marker, Agnés Varda, Ross Mc.Elwee, Alan Cavalier, Andrés Duque
8.2. Dictatorship and transition in Spain: memory and oblivion. Val de l'Omar, Martín Patino, Jaime Chávarri, Llorenç Soler, Jaime Camino
8.3. Becoming Feminism
8.4 Mutation territories: Ujica, Keiller, Wilkerson, Glavonic, Mograbi, Heise
A9. New documentary images. Expanded and immersive documentary
9.1. Immersive experiences: the interface image
9.2. Virtual Reality: immersion, empathy and interactivity
9.3. Web documentary
9.4. Animated documentary
9.5. New circulations in the documentary. festivals
B1. The idea
b1.1. Idea, history, synopsis
b1.2. Types, moles and re / search
b1.3. Documentation and sources
B2. The documentary script
b.2.1 Characteristics of the documentary script
b.2.2. Shooting script
b.2.3. Script in the assembly
B3. The characters
b.3.1. Selection and previous work
b.3.2. Visual and sound treatment
b.3.3. Ethical issues in working with the characters
B4. Structures, narrative resources and staging
b.4.1. Narrative organization of documentary material
b.4.2. Observe or provoke
b.4.3. Sequence, duration and prey
b.4.4. Global treatment and conception
b.4.5. Sound, word and music
b.4.6. Narrator, interview, dialogue
B5. Realization, look and documentary powder
b.5.1. Filming models
b.5.2. Point of view
b.5.3. Material conditioners
B6. Archive and document: visual and sound material
b.6.1. Heterogeneous traces of the real
b.6.2. Integration of materials and style
b.6.3. Dynamization, post-production, animation
B7. Documentary editing
b.7.1. Script and editing
b.7.2. Rhythm and structure
b.7.3. The assembly of the word
b.7.4. Assembly and speech
B8. Production, distribution and exhibition: the documentary, the industry, film festivals.
b.8.1. Design of the financing and marketing strategy
b.8.2. Production and exhibition circuits: documentary film festivals
b.8.3. Documentary platforms and interactive documentary
b.8.4. Trends in documentary production and distribution.
Block A and Block B will be worked on simultaneously, they will not be consecutive
a) Final Examination (25%)
b) Individual Work (25%)
b1.Camera mounting piece (10%)
b2.Film reviews (15%)
c) Collective work (50%)
c.1 Documentary of 15 to 20 min. (30%)
c.2 Sound piece (10%)
c.3 Teaser (5%)
c.4 Trailer (5%)
The student must obtain a minimum grade of 5 in the final exam in order for the other assessment activities to be taken into consideration to calculate the grade.
Identification of plagiarism is considered a serious circumstance that may result in a failing grade for an activity. In case of detection of plagiarism, the coordination of the degree will be informed so that the corresponding disciplinary measures can be taken.
Only the theoretical exam is retrievable. In the event that they have taken two partials, the average of which is suspended, the students will have to take a single exam to recover the whole subject.
FILMOGRAPHY (This filmography is compulsory, therefore it is a matter of evaluation).
Nanook the Eskimo (Francis and Robert Flaherty, 1922)
Berlin, symphony of a great city (Walter Ruttmann, 1928)
The camera man (Dziga Vertov, 1929)
Rain (Joris Ivens, 1929)
Land without bread 'Las Hurdes' (Luis Buñuel, 1933)
Night mail (Harry Watt, Basil Wright, 1936)
The triumph of the will (Leni Riefenstahl, 1936-37)
Crazy masters (Jean Rouch, 1955)
Night and fog (Alain Resnais, 1955)
Letters from Siberia (Chris Marker, 1957)
Me, a black (Jean Rouch, 1958)
Primary (Robert Drew, 1960)
Chronicle of a summer (Jean Rouch and Edgar Morin, 1961)
The war game (Peter Watkins, 1965)
52 Sundays (Llorenç Soler, 1966)
Titicut Follies (Frederick Wiseman, 1967)
salesman (Brothers Albert and David Maysles, 1968)
the hour of the horns (Octavio Getino, Pino Solanas, 1973)
The disenchantment (Jaime Chávarri, 1976)
Grabbing people (Luis Ospina and Carlos Mayolo, 1977)
Dear executioners (Basilio Martin Patino, 1977)
Our voice of earth, memory and future (Marta Rodríguez and Jorge Silva, 1982)
Reassemble (Trinh T. Min-ha, 1982)
Sans Soleil (Chris Marker, 1983)
Tokyo Ga (Wim Wenders, 1985)
The thin blue line (Errol Morris, 1988)
Be and have (Nicolas Philibert, 1992)
London (Patrick Keiller, 1994)
Old Houses (Basilio Martin Patino, 1996)
Monkeys like Becky (Joaquim Jordan, 1999)
Shadow train (Jose Luis Guerín, 1999)
The gleaners and the gleaner (Agnès Varda, 2000)
Bright Leaves (Ross McElwee, 2002)
The blondes (Albertina Carri, 2003)
tarnation (Jonathan Caouette, 2003)
Grizzly Man (Werner Herzog, 2005)
No man movie (Chantal Akerman, 2005)
Santiago (Joao Moreira-Salles, 2006)
wide awake (Alan Berliner, 2006)
Stage gamein (Eduardo Coutinho, 2007)
Waltz with Bashir (Ari Folman, 2008)
48 (Susana De Sousa Dias, 2009)
Nostalgia for light (Patricio Guzmán, 2010)
5 Broken Cameras (Emai Burnat and Guy Davidi, 2011)
Resistance in the black line (Amado Villafaña, Saúl Gil and Rafael Mojica, Silvestre Gil Zarabata, 2011)
Bring the lights (Sandra Sánchez, 2011)
Searching for Sugar Man (Malik Bendjelloul, 2012)
Machine gun or Typewriter? (Travis Wilkerson, 2015)
New cinema (Eryk Rocha, 2016)
I am not your black (Raul Peck, 2016)
Final essay for utopia (Andrés Duque, 2016)
Many children, a monkey and a castle (Gustavo Salmerón, 2017)
The metamorphosis of the birds (Catarina Vasconcelos, 2021)
Nichols, Bill (2013). Introduction to the documentary. Autonomous University of Mexico.
Sellés, Magdalena (2008). The documentary. UOC.
Rabiger, Michael (2006). Documentary directing treatise. Omega Editions.
Frisón Fernández, Carlota (2021) Four steps towards the words of silence in cinema. Journal of Sound, Silence, Image and Technology, 4, p 65-81.
Cerdán, Josetxo, Torreiro, Casimiro (2007). On the other side of fiction. Thirteen contemporary Spanish documentalists. Chair.
Renov, Michael (1993). Theorizing Documentary. Routledge.
Torreiro, Casimiro (2010). Reality and creation in non-fiction cinema. Chair.
Ledo, Margarita (2004). From cinema to the eye to Dogma 95. A walk through the love and death of the documentary filmmaker. Paidós.
Ortega, Maria Luisa (2005). Nothing is what it seems. Fake documentaries, hybridizations and mestizajes of the documentary in Spain. Editorial 8 and ½.
Rascaroli, Laura (2008) The Essay Film: Problems, Definitions, Textual Commitments. Framework: The Journal of Cinema and Media, 49 (2), 24-47.
Bruzzi, Stella. (2000). New Documentary. A critical introduction. Indiana University.
Catalan, Josep María. (2010), The necessary impurity of the documentary. Líbero, Journal of the Postgraduate Program of the Cásper Faculty, Sao Paulo, 13 (25), 45-56.
Luna, Maria. (2018). Mapping heterotopias in Colombian documentary films. In Iván Villarmea and Filippa Rosario (Eds.). New approaches to cinematic spaces. Routledge. pp. 166-178
Gómez Segarra, Manolo (2016). I want to make a documentary (2nd ed.). Rialp Editions.
Minguez, Noberto (ed.). (2019). Itineraries and forms of the audiovisual essay. Gedisa.
Sucari, Jacobo (2017) From Public Space, To The City As Organic Hypertext. Kult-Ur 4 (7), 199-214.
Barreiro, Maria Soliña (2013). Of wood and fog: Critical outline of the Spanish documentary cinema. Iconic 6, 20-25. https://www.academia.edu/10631637/_De_madera_y_niebla_Esbozo_crítico_del_cine_documental_español_Icónica_no_6_otoño_2013_Cineteca_Mexicana
Carrero, Pilar, Talens, Jenaro (2018). The documentary story (2nd ed.). Chair.
Cuevas Efrén (2012) “Autobiographical cinema in Spain: an overview”, RILCE 28 (1), 106-125.
Luna, Maria, Mora, Pablo and Samper, Daniela (Eds.) (2021). Territory and memory without borders. New strategies for thinking the real thing. Alados, Editorial PUJ, Uniminuto.
Barnow, Erik (1998). The documentary. History and style. Gedisa.
Rouch, Jean (2003). Ciné Ethnography. University of Minnesota Press.
Weinrichter, Antonio (2005). Non-fiction cinema: deviations from the real. T&B Publishers.
Stara, Daniela. (2016). For a critical reconstruction of Glauber Rocha. Revista Cinemas d'Amerique Latine. 24, 40-53. https://doi.org/10.4000/cinelatino.2504
Efrén Caves (2008). From domestic cinema to the autobiographical: way back and forth. In Martín, Gregorio (ed.), Filmmakers in front of the mirror (pp. 101-120). T&B Publishers.
Català, Josep María y Cerdán, Josetxo (2008). After the real thing. Think about the forms of the documentary, today. Archives of the Valencian Film Library, vol. 1 (57-58), 6-25.
García López, Sonia and Gómez Vaquero Laura. (2009). Stone, paper and scissors. Collage in documentary cinema. Eight and a half.
Breschand, Jean (2004). The documentary, the other side of cinema. "The little notebooks of Cahiers du Cinema". Paidós.