General information

Subject type: Optional

Coordinator: Jorge Oter Gonzalez

Trimester: First term

Credits: 6

Teaching staff: 

Maria Fernanda Luna Rassa

Teaching languages

  • Catalan


Cristòfol Casanovas and Maria Luna-Rassa

La impartició de l'assignatura pot ser en català o castellà. The notes, mostly in Catalan. Les lectures en català, castellà, i alguna en anglès.

Questions asked in either of the two co-official languages ​​will be accepted and answered in the same language as they were asked, in order to facilitate the student's comprehension.


Specific skills
  • E5_Design and make an audiovisual product (consisting of still or moving images), taking into account both its technical and artistic aspects, in all its components

  • E14_Acquire knowledge of the history, aesthetics, evolution and dynamics of cinema, television, radio, press, Internet and video games, how to recognize aesthetics through viewing and analysis

Transversal competences
  • T2_That students have the ability to work as members of an interdisciplinary team either as one more member, or performing management tasks in order to contribute to developing projects with pragmatism and a sense of responsibility, making commitments taking into account the available resources


The subject proposes to reflect on the use of the documentary photographic image in the representation of the social, political, economic and cultural problems of our society. 

Practical work is articulated from the individual (the self), the immediate and general environment, and the social environment. 

The classroom (physical or virtual) is a safe space, free of sexist, racist, homophobic, transphobic and discriminatory attitudes, either towards students or towards teachers. We trust that together we can create a safe space where we can make mistakes and learn without having to suffer prejudice from others. 




The self-portrait and the portrait in painting and photography.

Documentary photography and its authors. Home. Science. Pictorialism. Wars.

- From direct photography to new objectivity.

- Birth of graphic journalism. Photo editors. Magnum Agency.

- Street photo and post photography.

Reflection and analysis

Reading of different texts by photographers, editors or philosophers, related to documentary photography. 

(Paul Strand, Cathy Newman, Minor White, Cartier Bresson, Eugene Smith, Regis Durand, Gisele Freund, Winston G. Morris, Joan Foncuberta).

- Watching documentaries that show the work of different photographers. Analysis of authors.

Photographic technique.  Practical outdoor and set photography exercises. Themes: portrait, environment, nature and macro photography. Using the study flash.

Delivery of works in typical format. User-level use of Photoshop.
Development of a documentary theme. 



Evaluation system


Continuous assessment (70%):

  • Laboratory practices - compulsory - (20%)
  • Personal readings and research (25%)
  • Final Work (25%)

Final Exam 30% 

To access this weighting it is essential to have achieved an average of 5 in both the continuous assessment and the final exam. If the student has a lower average in one of the parts, he / she does not access this weighting and fails with the grade of the suspended part.

The part of continuous assessment is not recoverable.

The exam part is recoverable in the Recovery Exam. To access the weighted calculation of the grade it is necessary to get a grade of 5 in the recovery.

The statements of the different exercises will be provided throughout the course. 

Identification of plagiarism is considered a serious circumstance that may lead to a failing grade in the subject. In case of detection of plagiarism, the coordination of the degree will be informed so that the corresponding disciplinary measures can be taken.



Freund, Gisèle (2002). Photography as a social document. Gustavo Gili.

Newman, Cathy (2001). Women behind the camera. National Geographic.

Rouillé, André (2017). Photography. Between document and contemporary art. heir 


Fontcuberta, Joan (2010). Pandora's Chamber. Gustavo Gili.

Barthes, Roland (2009). The camera lucid. Paidos Ibérica

Steiner, Otto (1981). Art and photography. Gustavo Gili.

Morris, John G. (2013). Get this photo! A personal history of photojournalism. The Factory

Szarowski, John (2007). The photographer's eye. The Factory

VVAA(2003). Photographic aesthetics. Gustavo Gili.

Bouvereuse, Clara. (2020) Women Photographers. Thames and Hudson

Friedelad, Boris (2018). Women Photographers: from Julia Margaret Cameron to Cindy Sherman. loan

Capa, Robert (2015). Slightly out of focus. The Factory

Rodriguez, Francisco (2014). What is photography? Lunwerg.

Cartier Bresson, Henri. (2003). Photograph nature. Gustavo Gili.

Wim Wenders and Joao Ribeiro Salgado (2014). The salt of the earth. Documentary. 110 minutes.

Sara Moon Divers and Roger Ikhlef (2004). Contacts: The best photographers reveal the secrets of their profession. Original idea: William Klein. 33 chapters. DVD Canal Arte, France. 

Lowe, Pau. (2020). The rules of photography. Know the maxims of every great teacher. Gustavo Gili. 

Frank, Robert. (2022). The Americans The Factory 

Moreno, Óscar, Rovira, Jordi. (2015) Joana Biarnes. One among all. No Fiction Documentary. TV3-CCMA. 69 min.

Baig, Xavier, Rovira, Jordi. (2022). Behind the instant Ana Turbau Documentary. RTVE.

Magnum Photos. Magazine.