What are you looking for?
The language of instruction is what is determined in each activity in which you participate.
E1_Design and program the graphical interfaces of static or dynamic web portals, interactive applications and video games, following usability and accessibility criteria
E2_Idear, design, plan and make 2D animation short films and video games
E4_Design, plan, edit, program and market interactive multimedia applications
E3_Edit and animate 3D characters and scenes, applying the techniques and processes that lead to the production of linear animated short films and interactive video games
E5_Design and make an audiovisual product (consisting of still or moving images), taking into account both its technical and artistic aspects, in all its components
E6_Design, plan and perform with multicamera, live and on set, according to all facets of the product (both in the artistic design and content and in the technique)
E7_Postproduce video using the basic tools of audiovisual editing programs (titling, color and exposure retouching, speeds, masks ...) and how to insert them into the editing process by adding digital effects
E8_Design the lighting needs of a space according to its characteristics and the final purpose of the product to be recorded, photography or video
E9_Apply the mechanical, electronic and digital principles of sound capture, amplification and recording for application to different platforms: shows, radio, television, audiovisual and multimedia. Postproduce the audio and add the sound effects of an audiovisual production
E10_Apply processes, methods and techniques to develop creativity and innovation in audiovisual production, multimedia development and video game programming
E11_Apply musical rules and languages for music creation and sound recording in music production and the creation of electronic music for use as soundtracks in audiovisual productions
E12_Planning business strategies related to the economic and social phenomena typical of the welfare society and the digital entertainment industry. Turn ideas into actions in a creative and innovative way
E13_Apply the principles of visual and sound design for the creation of presentation elements used in sound, audiovisual, television and show products
E14_Acquire knowledge of the history, aesthetics, evolution and dynamics of cinema, television, radio, press, Internet and video games, how to recognize aesthetics through viewing and analysis
E15_Size and manage human, technical and economic resources necessary for the development of an audiovisual or multimedia project optimizing time, costs and quality
E16_Idear, design, plan and make an advertising audiovisual piece from the conceptualization of its message, the elaboration of the script, the communication strategy and its diffusion
E17_Write journalistic pieces of different genres with their headline systems and express themselves correctly both in writing and orally
E18_Analyze the structures, contents and styles of television and radio programming according to the technical characteristics of their realization. Design, produce and make programs for television and radio in the technical part: production room or radio control, respectively
E19_Creation, administration and management of audiovisual companies in their industrial structure of production, distribution and exhibition
T1_That students know a third language, which will be preferably English, with an adequate level of oral and written form, in accordance with the needs of the graduates of each degree
T2_That students have the ability to work as members of an interdisciplinary team either as one more member, or performing management tasks in order to contribute to developing projects with pragmatism and a sense of responsibility, making commitments taking into account the available resources
The subject promotes an entrepreneurial attitude to make students more employable
The entrepreneurial attitude is summed up in bringing ideas to action (execution)
It results in undertaking new projects
-on own account (entrepreneurship)
-or within organizations (entrepreneurship)
6 Activities must be carried out in the field of entrepreneurship and/or intrapreneurship. in the audiovisual or video game sector
It is NOT taken in a specific term.
They are taken in one or two academic years depending on the calendar of activities in which you want to participate and the pace of the students.
Activities prior to subject registration may be included.
Once the 6 activities have been completed, the students go through two phases:
1.- Certify entrepreneurial competence:
Presentation of your infographic in front of the court (examination calendar third term)
You will get a certificate in addition to your university degree.
2.- Evaluation optional subject Entrepreneurial itinerary
Entrepreneurial skills
Networking: Accelerate your entrepreneurial network
Entrepreneurial challenge and prizes
PRE-INCUBATOR: Own project
Elevator Pitch: Entrepreneurial Infographic
15% SHEET 1: Entrepreneurial skills
15% SHEET 2: Mentor
15% SHEET 3: Networking: Accelerate your entrepreneurial network
15% SHEET 4: Entrepreneurial challenge and prizes
15% SHEET 5: PRE-INCUBATOR: Own project
25% SHEET 6: Elevator Pitch: Entrepreneurial infographic
Ries, E. (2014). The lean startup method. Leader Summaries.
De Bes, FT (2005). The black book of the entrepreneur. Illustrated guide that shows the main problems that entrepreneurs have when going from the idea to the development of the same.