General information

Subject type: Optional

Coordinator: Jorge Oter Gonzalez

Trimester: Second term

Credits: 6

Teaching staff: 

Marco Antonio Rodríguez Fernández

Teaching languages

  • Catalan

Les classes de l'assignatura es faran principalment en català, tot i que la bibliografia i el material de suport podran ser en altres llengües (castellà i anglès)



Specific skills
  • E1_Design and program the graphical interfaces of static or dynamic web portals, interactive applications and video games, following usability and accessibility criteria

  • E4_Design, plan, edit, program and market interactive multimedia applications

  • E5_Design and make an audiovisual product (consisting of still or moving images), taking into account both its technical and artistic aspects, in all its components

  • E13_Apply the principles of visual and sound design for the creation of presentation elements used in sound, audiovisual, television and show products

  • E16_Idear, design, plan and make an advertising audiovisual piece from the conceptualization of its message, the elaboration of the script, the communication strategy and its diffusion

Transversal competences
  • T2_That students have the ability to work as members of an interdisciplinary team either as one more member, or performing management tasks in order to contribute to developing projects with pragmatism and a sense of responsibility, making commitments taking into account the available resources


The profile of the new professional in the audiovisual industry, both from a point of view of creation, and from the point of view of management and realization, in many cases involves the incorporation of new methodologies and technologies that support new production formats . In this subject, different techniques, technologies and trends are worked on with the main objective of offering technical and theoretical training to the student. At the same time, it aims to encourage and guide the student in the creation of different audiovisual and/or interactive products in a non-conventional format.

In the first unit of the subject will work both the theory of videomapping and the different tools of videomapping with the aim of learning to design projects that make use of the projection of moving images on non-orthogonal surfaces, taking into account it takes into account both the technical concepts of projection planning and the possibilities of interconnection of the different tools.

In the second unit of the subject, the study of different input capture and interaction elements is proposed, as well as the analysis of the possibilities in terms of human-computer interaction for the generation of immersive interactive experiences . We will also work on the analysis of different interconnection formats of these using standard protocols for interconnection with other devices specific to the audiovisual world such as MiDi, OSC or DMX.

During the last unit we will link the work done in the different units to make and design a complex interactive assembly.

The classroom (physical or virtual) is a safe space, free of sexist, racist, homophobic, transphobic and discriminatory attitudes, either towards students or towards teachers. We trust that together we can create a safe space where we can make mistakes and learn without having to suffer prejudice from others.  


1. Augmented reality in public spaces

1.1. History of videomapping

1.2. Operation of the different existing techniques for the projection on different surfaces

1.3. Design and plan an event that includes screenings

1.4. Analysis of characteristics and possibilities of different projection devices

1.5. Hardware and software options for creating videomappings

1.6. Planning and production of a projection.

2. Physical computing and protocols

2.1. Actuators and sensors for real-time interactive installations

2.2. Graphical interfaces with CSOs

2.3. DMX protocol for light control

3. Creative computing

3.1. Realization of interactive assemblies

3.2. Software development and data structuring

3.3. Platforms for making interactive

Evaluation system

The grade of each student will be calculated following the following percentages:

A1. Group work: Warping exercise: 7,5%

A2. Group work: Design of interfaces for projection control: 7,5%

A3. Group work: Three-dimensional model calibration with real projection: 7,5%

A5. Group work: Chomesthetic system design: 7,5%

A6. Group work: Reactive system design with sensors: 7,5%

A8. Individual work: Final report of the final project: 12,5%

A9. Individual exhibition: Evidence and defense of the final project: 12,5%

A10. Exam: Topic 1: 19%

A11. Exam: Topic 2: 19%

Final grade = A1 0,075 + A2 0,075 + A3 0,075 + A5 0,075 + A6 0,075 + A8 0,125 + A9 0,125 + A10 0,19 + A11 0,19 



  • An activity not delivered or delivered late and without justification (court summons or medical matter) counts as a 0.

  • Identification of plagiarism is considered a serious circumstance that may result in a failing grade for an activity. In case of detection of plagiarism, the coordination of the degree will be informed so that the corresponding disciplinary measures can be taken. 



Shiffman Daniel (2009). Learning Processing: a beginner's guide to programming images, animation, and interaction. Morgan Kaufmann.

Maniello Donato (2015). Augmented reality in public spaces. Basic techniques for video mapping (New technologies for art). the thinker


O'Sullivan Daniel, & Igoe Tom (2004). Physical computing: sensing and controlling the physical world with computers. Course Technology Press.

Shiffman Daniel (2012). The nature of code. Shiffman Daniel.

Reas Casey, & Fry Ben (2007). Processing: a programming handbook for visual designers and artists (Vol. 6812). Mit Press